Hoppy Toad Tales by William A. Hennessey - HTML preview

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It was a clear, cool day in early spring; the trees were budding a wee bit, and the birds were on the wing from the South.

Hoppy Toad, who had been confined all winter to his underground home, was a happy fellow when once again he breathed the good fresh air.

He hopped into the pond joyfully and enjoyed a good long swim; then he chatted for a while with the frogs and young tadpoles.

“My, but I’m a happy boy,” he said to himself.

Hopping along the ground close to his home—he never had strayed away since he got lost in the woods and Billy Bull-Frog showed him the way home—he was startled to see Bunny Rabbit running toward him as fast as his legs would carry him.

As he neared Hoppy Toad, Hoppy shouted, “What is your hurry?”

Bunny Rabbit replied, “Tommy Ferret is chasing me; guess he is hungry and wants to make a meal off me. I can’t hold out much longer.”

Hoppy Toad said, “Scoot for that opening in yonder tree; he will never find you there.”

Bunny Rabbit wasted no time in doing what Hoppy Toad told him to, and was soon safely lodged in the tree. It was a good thing that he did, for a moment later, Tommy Ferret, with red eyes that seemed to pop right out of his head, came into view.

Noticing Hoppy Toad, he stopped, and asked, “Did you see anything of Bunny Rabbit? He came this way, I think.”

Bunny Rabbit, from within the tree, shook all over; he was afraid that Tommy Ferret might find him in his hiding place. But here was where Hoppy Toad saved him.

In reply to Tommy Ferret’s question, Hoppy Toad said, “I saw Bunny Rabbit run by here a few minutes ago; he was going like a streak when he passed me, and headed up yonder road.”

“Thank you,” said Tommy Ferret. “I’ll soon have him for a meal; he must be about all in by this time.”

He again took up the chase, and was soon lost from sight in his journey up the road where Hoppy Toad had told him Bunny Rabbit was scampering along.

“It’s all right, Bunny Rabbit,” said Hoppy Toad, “come on out, Tommy Ferret is on a wild goose chase after you.”

Bunny Rabbit, still shaking with fright, came out of his hiding place and ran to where Hoppy Toad was.

He said, “I don’t know how I can ever repay you for saving me. When Tommy Ferret finds that you fooled him he is apt to make it unpleasant for you.”

“I’ll watch for him closely; I always keep my wits about me.”

“Well, I guess I’ll head for home; I live in the middle of the woods. May I ask your name?”

“Hoppy Toad is my name; I guessed yours was Bunny Rabbit. Am I right?”

“You are right.”

“Does Tommy Ferret know where you live?”

“I don’t think so. Why do you ask?”

“I didn’t know but what he might drive you out of your home if he did. He is pretty foxy. Why don’t you change your home to another part of the woods? He may know where you live at that.”

“That is a good idea, Hoppy Toad. I’ll do it right away; I think Ma and Pa Rabbit want to move anyway. I guess I’ll run along.”

“Good-bye, Bunny Rabbit,” said Hoppy Toad.

“Good-bye, Hoppy Toad,” said Bunny Rabbit. “I’ll always think of you as the fellow who saved me from the clutches of Tommy Ferret.”

Moral: Lend a helping hand to those in need.
