Hoppy Toad Tales by William A. Hennessey - HTML preview

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One day Hoppy Toad was hopping along in the grass near Tadpole Pond when he was surprised to find himself resting on the bushy tail of a squirrel.

The squirrel, who was in the act of cracking a nut, turned his head to see who was on his tail; it startled him quite a bit and caused him to drop the nut.

“Pardon me,” said Hoppy Toad.

“That’s all right,” said the squirrel. “You gave me quite a scare, though. I thought it was someone after me.”

“What is your name?” asked Hoppy Toad.

“Bimby Squirrel,” replied the squirrel. “What is yours?”

“Hoppy Toad,” said Hoppy.

“I’ve heard of you,” said Bimby Squirrel. “Billy Bull-Frog told me something about you once. I believe he showed you the way home one time when you got lost in the woods. He lives near me.”

“How is Billy Bull-Frog these days?” asked Hoppy Toad.

“He has been under the weather a bit lately; he doesn’t seem to know what the trouble is,” said Bimby Squirrel.

“That’s too bad. I’ll bet Dr. Pheasant could help him.”

“I don’t know but what he might; I’ve heard he is a good doctor.”

“None better. If I go get him will you show him the way to Billy Bull-Frog’s home?”

“I’ll do it, yes. But you must hurry. Ma and Pa Squirrel will be worried about me if I don’t get home soon.”

Hoppy Toad was off like a streak to where he thought he might find Dr. Pheasant. He found him heading toward home and stopped him.

“Oh, doctor,” said Hoppy Toad, “I’m sorry to bother you, but I’ve a friend—Billy Bull-Frog—who once did me a good turn, and he has been sick for quite a spell. Will you go to him and see if you can help him?”

“I will go right away, Hoppy Toad,” said Dr. Pheasant. “I always like to help those who are sick.”

Dr. Pheasant followed Hoppy Toad until they reached the spot where Bimby Squirrel was waiting. Bimby Squirrel was introduced by Hoppy Toad to Dr. Pheasant and they started for Billy Bull-Frog’s home. After a journey through the woods they reached the home of Billy Bull-Frog.

Bimby Squirrel left them there and hurried home; before leaving he told them of a short cut back home. They found Billy Bull-Frog flat on his back.

“What is the trouble?” asked Hoppy Toad.

“I don’t know what the matter is, Hoppy Toad,” said Billy Bull-Frog. “What are you doing way over here anyway?”

“Bimby Squirrel told me you were sick; so I’ve brought Dr. Pheasant along to see if he can’t help you.”

“That is very thoughtful of you,” said Billy Bull-Frog.

Dr. Pheasant got to work on Billy Bull-Frog and soon found out what the trouble was.

“You need a rest,” said he, “you have been working too hard lately.”

“Is that all there is wrong with me, doctor?”

“That is all. You rest up for a month and you will feel better.”

“Thank you, doctor, and you, too, Hoppy Toad, for your kindness in getting the doctor.”

“That is all right,” said Hoppy Toad, “we are pleased to be able to help you.”

They bade Billy Bull-Frog good-bye and departed for home.

Moral: If someone does you a good turn, repay it if you can.
