Lar Lar Land ' Meeting Completely Lar Lar' by Si Baker - HTML preview

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Lar Lar Land©

     Meeting Completely Lar Lar



Arthur didn't want to move house, but that's what he's been up to today.

He loved his first house and his bedroom, but his mum and dad said it was going to be a new adventure with new memories.

Arthur was unpacking toys and finding a new place for them, when his mum walked into his bedroom. "Arthur it's time to have a bath, I've put the water in there for you". "I don't want to" said Arthur. “You’ve been moving dusty, grubby boxes all day, I can smell you from here and you've got school tomorrow. I think it's finally time you had a bath!”

Arthur didn’t like baths he would put them off as long as possible! The longest was a month, he used to pretend he did to get away with it. Arthur stopped playing with his toys and got ready for his bath.

Arthur sat in his big bath making patterns on the tiles with bath bubbles. He was making a Christmas tree, as he put the star on the top of it he pressed a tile into the wall by accident.

Before he knew it the wall behind the taps opened up. Arthur moved to the back of the bath in surprise he didn't know what was happening. As he looked forward the bath started moving forwards into the wall. A bright light suddenly emerged which made Arthur close his eyes, and then the bath shot downwards as quick as a water slide.

As Arthur opened his eyes he could feel and see himself falling, he was no longer in his bath and he was wearing red swimming shorts. He realised he was falling down a waterfall with water fast approaching below, but he didn’t feel scared.

Arthur fell into the water and paddled upwards trying to reach the surface, trying to get around a big pink cube of ice. As he did a big blue, white and red straw fell right by him so grabbed it. He was then pulled upwards to the surface, Arthur took a big breath and realised the taste on his lips wasn't water “That tastes like Lemonade". He took a big gulp and laughed.

"Here hold onto the straw" shouted a voice, Arthur could see a figure on the bank, and he held onto the straw and was pulled towards the bank.

When he got the bank the straw pulled him out onto his hands and feet. He noticed that the floor was made of blades of lemon zest and a lemon with hands and feet was standing right in front of him holding a big straw.

"Thank you for helping me, who are you?” Asked Arthur. “That’s okay it's my job I'm part of Lemon Aid, you can call me Lemmy" he shows his name badge "what's your name?". "My name is Arthur".

 "It's the boy" said a sound that wasn't Lemmy but he looked surprised. "Who said that?" asked Arthur quietly and then looked around, when he did he realised he was in an entire new place. He was by a lemonade lagoon surrounded by Jellyfish trees and plants and bushes he had never seen before. There was also stuff in front of his very eyes that he just wouldn’t know how to explain. He heard the noise again "It's the boy, it's the boy". He knew someone was behind a lemon zest bush under a Jellyfish tree. "It could be anyone” said Lemmy as they walked over to it “but it sounds like..."

Then just like a peculiar figure dived face first onto the lemon grass in front of them. "Oh dear yep, yep it's him, he's already here Arthur meet..." The figure stood up and put his right hand out for a handshake and smiled "Sorry I'm Completely Lar Lar at the moment I do apologise".

When Arthur shook his hand they both slowly got smaller and smaller, surprisingly small, to the size of a tooth. "What just happened?" Asked Arthur "What happened is, it's best for us to stay small-ease for now so no one knows you’re here, plus we can get around quicker!"

"Who are you? Asked Arthur, "I told you I'm Completely Lar Lar". "Yes you told me that but" looking confused Arthur looked at the man who smiled. "That's great, well we best bees getting off" and as Arthur asked "Where?" A leaf appeared. "On this magical-ness of leaf, quick, quick, hurry’s, hurry we've got to scurry before it blows away!"

They both got on to it and sat down, the leaf started rising higher and higher until they were in eye line with Lemmy.

"Nice to meet you Arthur, drive safe Completely Lar Lar I mean it!" Arthur was smiling ear to ear he had never been on a magic leaf "Nice to meet you Lemmy, thank you for helping me". Lemmy kept waving goodbye as they flew over the bushes. Completely Lar Lar looked at Arthur "Hold your hand-zees in you don't want to get hit by those Jellyfish!"

Arthur noticed that this man spoke very funny, one minute he speaks completely fine, next minute he uses his own words, or struggles to use the words everyone else does.

When they got over the bushes Arthur saw a sign saying "HAUNTED FOREST" an instant later Arthur asked "Where are we going?” "Oh don't worry the signs have been changed, they doo’s it all the time!” Arthur felt instant relief. He looked down and realised the grass wasn't grass it was made of different coloured feathers. The whole place was so colourful, he hadn't seen anything like it before.

As he looked to the sky in between the Jellyfish trees he could see objects in the sky, even a monkey "Why is there a monkey in the sky?” "That's a cloud Arthur". Arthur looked at him "No that's a monkey and he’s eating candy floss whilst reading a book". "Like I said something you see in the sky, and I told that monkey to cut down on his sugar intake, he clearly hasn’t listened". Arthur looked up and realised the clouds were made of all the things that he thought he had seen in the sky before. He then looked in front as he felt they were slowing down.

In front was a group of flying turtles, and some plants that looked like a banana peeling with tiny little objects coming out of them, he couldn’t quite make them out. As they got closer to the turtles he noticed their shells were different like it had planets or an ecosystem instead. "What are they?" asked Arthur, "They’re See Turtles" replied the man who looks unsurprised by any of this. "Well why do they fly?" "So they can see of courser, but they do take their timer-ringo about it”. Looking slightly frustrated being stuck behind turtles he looks down, words in the colourful feathers stated "Shorter cut coming up!”. A tunnel in the ground appeared, they flew down it instantly.

The tunnel was dark at first but as his eyes adjusted he noticed they were weaving in between Fireflies, it looked so beautiful and peaceful. Some Fireflies had their children on their backs asleep. It was like they were asleep on night lamps. One child wasn't asleep and they waved at each other as they went past.

Arthur looked where Completely was sat but he was no longer there, he could see him ahead talking to someone who looked exactly the same yet the creature seemed smaller, yet it was too dark to see properly. Then he realised no one was driving the leaf, and that the leaf was now a flannel you get in your bathroom. Arthur looked behind in worry, thinking what to do next, then as he looked forward again Completely Lar Lar was sat next to him and the flannel had turned back to a leaf. 

They went upwards out of a hole in the ground and it wasn’t dark anymore, they were back in the Forest. They went past a sign that said "Big Hole in the Ground with Salt Poured in It!" With what looked like a big lake behind it. To the side of the lake was a big pot with an enchanted magical spoon pouring salt in there. What was more baffling was that fish wearing armbands were swimming about in there, some even had snorkels and goggles and they were jumping into the salt off the Jellyfish trees! "What are those fish doing?" Asked Arthur "What do you mean they're salt fish, what else would they be doobaling?"

As Arthur was thinking about what he had just seen he heard a big "thud" that drew his attention, and then another "thud" he then realised that he had been so distracted thinking, he couldn’t believe what he saw.

All around him were magical bushes, hedges and over hanging vines above their heads made of flowers in the shape of multi coloured Parrot beaks singing, and colourful feathers occasionally popping out of their mouths. It was so overcrowded they had to keep weaving in and out. Yet it was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. "What are these called?" Asked Arthur "Parrot Beak Bizzy Lizzy's, they’re incredible are they not?" Arthur nodded with agreement he then heard another "thud" and again and again. He looked forward and to the side not too far ahead he could see parrot beaks shaking everywhere. And Lar Lar and he were going straight towards them, this did not fill him with confidence!

Everything was being pulled down in its wake, what is this creature? Nothings that big without being scary he thought. "Lar Lar, do you know what we are heading for? What is that thing making such a noise?

"That Arthur, I believe is one of the oldest creatures that lives around here, don’t worry though they won't bring us any harm, on poor-pose anyway”. Within moments they were only metres away. At first Arthur still couldn't see what it was, just tens of multi-coloured parrot beaks breaking and flying everywhere, trying to dodge them in their path.

There it was plain to see, a Caterpillar wearing a top hat, ten foot tall, twenty foot long with forty feet wearing forty different shoes. What confused Arthur the most was the little caterpillars coming out of the shoes and moving all around them? "Lar Lar what are all these little caterpillars doing? As they were at their level flying by them.

"Tying his shoe laces of courser, otherwiser he will never get anywhere, or fall-zee over all the time. You don’t want to be by a ten foot caterpillar when it fall-zees over!"

Arthur paid closer attention and that was exactly what they were doing, there must have been over two hundred caterpillars working to make sure his shoe laces were tied up, it was fascinating. "How old is this caterpillar? Asked Arthur. "Chet celebrated his five hundredth birthday only days ago, I think he's just returning from seeing some family actually.

"If he's five hundred, why isn't he a butterfly?" Lar Lar looked at him and replied "Well if he was a flutterbug he couldn't be a caterpillar could he? For some reason that made complete sense to Arthur.

They flew to the front of the caterpillar "Hello there Chet, this is Arthur" Chet's eyes grew wider and replied "The boy Arthur?" "That's correct" said Lar Lar "Wow! Nice to meet you Arthur, children say hello to Arthur!" And just like that around two hundred said "Hello Arthur" all at the same time, so of course he felt obliged to say "Hello everyone nice to meet you all"

As Arthur gave his smile within a flash the magic leaf went into super speed weaving in between the parrot beaks, the colours began to merge into each other like they were travelling through the Milky Way. Arthur suddenly understood why Completely Lar Lar loved the Bizzy Lizzy's so much, especially when they can look like this, it was incredible.


Thank you for reading, there’s still so much to tell you, and illustrations to show you. Yet you’ll have to wait for the first book to come out of the Series! Loads and love and stay Completely Lar Lar… Si Baker (Author) and Jasmine Brown (illustrator). Completely Lar Lar Publishing ©

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