Love Never Dies by Sneha Sah - HTML preview

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Majority of the love stories start with friendship. Earlier they swear to be good friends then they swear to be good lovers, but when you know what you want, your problem ends there or to say you won't have to go through problems.


Nikshay is a rich and smart guy- long hair, good height and build characterize his appearance. He likes to wear only white shirt with blue jeans & all college girls are mad after him but Nikshay is mad after Mishika. The only son of Mr. & Mrs. Malhotra gets what he desires. So is the case with Mishika, lovingly called Misha, the only daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jaiswal. Beautiful & sweet she is, so every guy fall in love with her at the first sight. They study at St. Joseph’s college, Bangalore. Mishika lives with her parents but Nikshay lives in a hostel with his friends away from his parents who live in Kolkata.


After having dinner at Mishika's residence

Nikshay said- "I have brought something for you."

Mishika said- "What is it?"

Nikshay said- "Unpack and see."

Mishika said while opening the gift- "Wow, a cellphone. It’s very nice. Thanks, but what's the occasion for the gift."

Nikshay said- "It’s a return gift for the delicious dinner which I had at your house. Also it was nice meeting your parents. Your father is a police officer, I thought he must be stern but he was different and I must praise their hospitality."

Mishika said- "It’s my pleasure that you liked coming to my house. Otherwise it’s very hard to impress you. What does your father do?"

Nikshay said- "He owns a car showroom and my mother is a housewife. You must talk to her, you will feel like you are talking to your own mother and you can be like a daughter to my parents."

Mishika said- "Can I be their daughter-in-law. Will you marry me?"

Nikshay felt as if someone has slapped him.

After a minute's silence he said- "Why you have to talk something unusual every time."

Mishika said- "Everyone gets married, why do you find it unusual?"

Nikshay said- "Yes we will have to marry someday but why now, means we are just 20. What's the hurry?

Mishika said- "I am in a hurry because my father will fix my marriage with another guy and I can't oppose him."

Nikshay said- "Give me some time to think." He said changing the topic- "Let's go to the canteen and eat something."

Mishika said- "I can't eat anything today."

Nikshay said- "Why, got any problem in your teeth."

Mishika said- "No idiot, I have kept fasting for you which the married girls keep for their husband. I can't even drink water, you will have to come at night and give me water and the first bite of the food with your hands. I can eat only after seeing your face."

Nikshay said- "You are one step ahead in everything. Take my photo; I will not be able to come, going for a late night movie. In fact, I will say you should also come with me. Nothing is going to happen with fasting, eat something or you will fall sick."

Mishika said- "You are just impossible, Nik. I am doing so much for you and you are taking it as a joke."

Nikshay said- "Okay, don't be emotional, I will come."

Mishika said- "Fine, we will meet at the park.”

At night Nikshay went to the park where Mishika was waiting for him. She first saw the moon and then towards Nikshay through a sieve with a lamp kept on it. He gave her water with his hands and put the vermilion on her forehead.

Nikshay said- "Is it over? Can I go now?”

Mishika said- “Let me eat first, I am feeling so hungry.”

Nikshay said- "Are you going to eat alone, I am feeling hungry too. I didn't had anything when I came to know that you have kept fasting for me."

Mishika said- "Really, I am so happy. I can see that you are caring a lot for me nowadays."

Nikshay said- "Come I will drop you home, you should not go alone at midnight."

Mishika sat behind Nikshay in his bike. After dropping her at her house Nikshay left for his hostel. He went on thinking on his way- "Am I really in love with Misha? I didn't care for her before and now I have been doing fasting for her. It’s too much on my part."

In the midst of all these he didn't noticed a bus coming from the front. He tried to move from the way but dashed with the bus and fell from the bike. The bus driver took him to the hospital. The doctor looked after him. He suffered minor injuries in his hand and head. After one week, Nikshay went to the doctor to take the reports. The doctor handed him the reports. Nikshay was full of sweat to see it.


The doctor said- "I am sorry, we have confirmed twice, the reports are right. But you shouldn't be disappointed, there is a treatment for that and we can ameliorate it. You should leave your studies for the time being and spend time with your family."

Nikshay thought- "It took a lot of time for me to understand Misha. But now when I have started falling for her and want to express it, I am helpless."

Few days later, when his hands recovered Nikshay joined his classes. Mishika asked- "How are you, Nik?”

Nikshay said- "I am hale, thanks.”

 Mishika said- "Are you well enough to drive your bike and give me a lift as my car has broken down.”

Nikshay said- "Last time when I gave you the lift, I met with an accident, I won't repeat the mistake. You can come with me if you pay the fare."

Mishika said- "You are so mean. I have no problem in paying for the lift but don't you think it’s strange to ask for it. Do you do this to all?"


Nikshay said- "You would have paid had you taken a taxi then why not to me. You know I don't do this to all but there's no harm in exploiting a rich girl."

Mishika said- "So you want to test my love, go ahead-it won't lessen even if you hate me."

Nikshay said- "I will see."

He then stood up to make an announcement to his classmates.

"Attention everybody tomorrow is my birthday and I am throwing a grand party at the 'Golden bell hotel'. All of you are invited at sharp 2100 hours."

Mishika said- "Are you not going to invite me?

Nikshay said- "The announcement was for the entire class and you are also my classmate."

Mishika said- "Is our relationship just of a classmate? Don't you think I deserve a special invitation?"

Nikshay said- "Partiality is not in my nature, everyone's equal for me."

Mishika said- "I will teach you to love one day and then you will know the difference."

The night of the party arrived. All the arrangements were done.

Nikshay said raising the toast- "Have fun guys. Enjoy to the fullest."

Mishika said- "Here, I have brought you a bouquet, hope you like it."

Nikshay said- "It’s nice. Keep it on the table."

Nikshay had ballroom dance with a girl and everybody present there had a partner. Mishika was standing all alone. Nikshay said to the girl- "You are looking hot. Can I keep my hand on your waist?"

The girl said- "Ya sure. You are looking handsome too."

Mishika said- "Why were you dancing with that girl, was I dead?"

Nikshay said- "Don't be so possessive. Didn't you get a partner to dance with?"

Mishika said- "I would have got hundreds of partner with a snap of my finger, but I wanted to dance with you."

Nikshay said- "You should have asked me first. Never mind, go and have the food."

Mishika said- "Having the food is not just the consideration, my own house is the best place for it, what makes a party worthwhile is the assertion of welcome which is lacking in you."

Nikshay said- "I don't find anyone else complaining about it. You have any personal grievances with me?"

Mishika said- "Yes because I don't like when you talk to other girls."

Nikshay said- "Fine, I will dine with you, now happy."

While having the dinner, Mishika said- "It’s tasty, Nik. Why are you not eating properly?"

Nikshay said- "I don't feel like eating."

Mishika said- "I think you have got a habit of eating from my hands. Take a bite."

Nikshay said- "No, thanks. I have my own hands. Don't force me, Misha. I am not hungry."

Mishika said- "You started misbehaving again, it’s your birthday, you need to be jovial today. Okay have the pastry, it’s your favorite."

Mishika insisted but Nikshay didn't like it. He slapped her and said- "Stop irritating me. I told you I will not eat means I am not going to eat it. Why do you stick to me every time?"

Mishika said- "Is something bothering you, Nik? You always hit the ceiling for no solid reason."

Nikshay said- "Yes, you are bothering me. You are the problem behind the whole house of wax."

Mishika said weeping- "I don't understand you. When I realized that you have the same feelings towards me, you changed all over again. The only person you care about is yourself, still I love you."

She left the party.

There 1st year ended, it was the last day in college before the next year starts, the college was to be closed for few dates.

Mishika said- "I won't disturb you anymore, Nik. I am going away from you, it’s better to stay far than to be near and still be far. I have always loved you and will wait for you to say that. You have time to decide, you can tell me when I am back after a month for part-2."

Nikshay said- "I am going to Kolkata, my hometown and will not be back."

Mishika said- "What did you say?"

Nikshay said- "You heard me. I will not be back. I am leaving my studies and going to stay with my parents."

Mishika said- "Why don't you say directly that you want to break up with me. I was so stupid to expect anything from you. You are so arrogant but the sweet memories spent with you are enough for me to live my life. Okay goodbye and good luck."

Nikshay reached Kolkata, where he had a childhood friend Divya. This was the time when Divya came to know all about Nikshay’s relationship with Mishika. Divya belonged to a middle class family living at a town near Kolkata where her parents lived. Her father worked in a medicine store and mother was a housewife.

At home, Nikshay called Divya for a change. Divya said- "Hey, Mr. Nikshay enjoying with your parents. Actually I don't know what it feels like meeting parents after a long time because I always stay with them"

Nikshay said- "It feels great. I have been fed up of eating the same food again and again at the hostel but here I get to eat the food made by mom. She is just superb.”

Divya said- "Why don't you talk to Misha? She would be missing you."

Nikshay said- "I broke up with her and don't talk to her anymore."

I said- "But why, didn't she try to talk to you?"


Nikshay said- "No, she did but how long could you bear getting ignored.”

Divya said- "She loves and cares so much for you still you don't love her. Are you made up of stone? Talk to Misha, I am feeling bad for her and I am surprised by her stoic patience."

Nikshay said- "Okay, listen. I have brain tumor and I am just going to live for 1-2 months. I don't know what will happen to Misha when she knows about it. So, I am doing all this so that she hates me, it is better she cries now than after my death. That's the reason why I left Bangalore and came here to spend the last days with my family."

Divya asked- "How did this happen?"

Nikshay said- "Few months back, I met with an accident. I fell off the bike and had a head injury. The blood clotted and developed a tumor.”

Divya said- “Why didn’t you tell me earlier and brain tumor is a curable disease, you can get well after treatment. You can go to the best doctors, then why to worry.”

 Nikshay said- "The thing which I keep on hiding from myself, how I can tell it to others. I know my parents will do something. I will talk to them."

Nikshay gathered up courage and told everything to his parents, who were heart-broken. His mother could not stop her tears. Nikshay got up but fainted and fell down. It happened thrice in few days’ time. He was rushed to hospital, the doctors called for an emergency operation. Chances of his survival were bleak. Two hours into the operation, the red light finally went off. Doctors moved out, while the senior-most paused to say- “I am sorry, we could not save him.”

Everybody’s heart sank.

A nurse rushed out to call the doctor, after a pause, doctor said- “No wait, Nik is breathing again. For once he stopped breathing but he defeated death. Oxygen is still being supplied to him. Blood is coming out of his head where the operation has been done. His pillow has been changed from 2-3 times and his face has turned pale yellow”

Next day, Nikshay condition improved, he gained consciousness.


Divya said- “Hey Nik, Thank you so much for not leaving us. I did not want to lose such a nice friend. I want to hug you.”

Nikshay said- “I am already surrounded by huggers. You had to wait for long; I was unconscious for 28 hours.”

Divya said- “Three cheers to Mishika, I know you are safe because of her. I am so excited to imagine that now you could propose Mishika. Did you talk to her?”

Nikshay said- “I was just about to talk to her and tell her everything. I have always hurted her but not now, I will give her all the happiness which she has desired to get with me.”

Nikshay called Mishika and said- “Hey Misha, how are you?”

Mishika said crying- “I don’t want to talk to you. You concealed such a big matter from me and made me feel like a total stranger. I came to know about your illness from a friend of yours. Was I subservient to Divya?”

Nikshay said- “There’s nothing between me and Divya. I didn’t tell you because I knew you will not be able to bear it. I didn’t want to see the pain of death in your eyes and die every day. Now I won’t let a single drop of tear fall from your eyes.”

Mishika said- “Didn’t you see the pain in my eyes when you hurted me, when you were rude to me or when you ignored me. Where was your sympathy then?”

Nikshay said- “I did this to keep you away from me, to make you hate me so that you learn to live without me and don’t miss me when I am gone.”

Mishika said- “I have learned to live without you and I am going away from you forever. My dad has fixed my marriage. He wants me to marry a policeman like him. I warned you of that but you didn’t pay any heed to it because you never loved me. I was waiting in vain for you.”

Nikshay said- “Okay, happy married life.”


Destiny does not always go according to our wishes. Life teaches us in every step. The moment you start trusting someone blindly, that person breaks you. There’s no definition of happy ending or sad ending, it all depends on our thoughts…… either you rule the life or the life rules you.

Nikshay contacted Divya past few days.

Divya said- “Sorry Nik, I couldn’t talk to you these days as I was busy.”

Nikshay said- “Mishika has married Vishal. Now that’s the truth of my life. I don’t want to hear her voice. I threw out everything that even smelled of her.”

Divya said- “She hasn’t betrayed you, Nik. You know that her father has pressurised her. She might also be going through the pangs of separation.”

Nikshay said- “That’s the reason I kept away from love but she wrapped me into it by her sweet talks and led me believe that she truly loves me. It was beyond my imagination that this would be the end result of it. One would think that I don’t love Misha because I never told her but words are not always necessary to express love, one’s eyes is enough to show it but unfortunately she was unable to read my eyes. I can’t be happy with anyone else. Would it have been better to die young- than to age and have no one to look after me?”


The guy who did not get a chance to say a few loving words to the girl he loves, still he loved her. Love never dies, it gets stronger with time. The greatest pain that comes from love is in loving someone you can never have, and having someone you don’t love.

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