The Carpenters 3: Jesus, Joseph and Barlow by Bill Russo - HTML preview

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Joseph and Mary


One night after dinner Joseph and Mary were outside their home gazing at the sky while reclining in newly constructed lounges built using the methods developed by Barlow and Jesus.

“He’s a full grown man now Mary, eighteen years old and able to do whatever he wants.  I doubt he’ll stay at home much longer.  It’s only because of Barlow that he’s stayed as long as he has.”

“Yes Joseph.  Barlow was literally a Godsend.  His coming here three years ago brought prosperity and stability to our home.  We’ve been worried about Jesus all his life.”

“It started when he was a baby in Bethlehem.   No sooner had he been born than a group of old men showed up proclaiming that you had given birth to a Messiah.  They gave us some money and some other valuables and left as quickly as they came.”

“And we never heard from them again Mary.  I think we would have forgotten all about that if Jesus hadn’t started that crazy talk about being the son of the Heavenly Father.”

“Joseph, I’m not sure that it is crazy talk.  You know that I had never been with a man before we were married and yet I was pregnant.  I told you of the dream. An angel named Gabriel informed me that I was to have a child of God.  He also said my 94 year old Aunt Elizabeth was going to have a child – which she did.  Elizabeth and her husband had never been able to have children even when they were young.”

“I’m sure you believe the dream Mary but I still am certain it was just that: a dream.  I’m sure I’m the real father of Jesus even if you and he don’t think so.”

“You’ve been a wonderful father Joseph and I know he appreciates you.  But he’s convinced that someday he’s going to get a message from the heavens setting him on a mission to save the people of the world.”

“I tend to doubt it Mary but I do thank God every day for sending us Barlow.  He’s been our son’s best friend and kept him in focus these last few years. Before, he was always getting into trouble with the other children over his wild claims that he’s been chosen to save mankind.  Since he’s been spending most of his time with Barlow we don’t hear the accusations from neighbors anymore about Jesus being crazy.” 

“That’s been a blessing Joseph.  As you say, he is a man now, but I just don’t know what’s going to become of him.  I think that Barlow will have more of a hand in whatever our son decides to do with his life than we will.”