The I.Q. Test by Billy J. Burton - HTML preview

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Fortunately, as I sit here at my desk in 2041, writing these memoirs after a lifetime as a child therapist, while admiring our stunning blue Earth from my space hotel window, I ponder about Joshua and how life would have been easier for him had he been born in this century. Nowadays, most people can identify giftedness. Besides, Intelligence Quotient tests are no longer in use, being too limited to truly assess an intellect like Joshua’s and occasionally ‘failed’ by sensitive individuals. These days, my fellow psychologists merely evaluate a person’s psychological functioning and assign him or her a Standard Deviation ranking by conducting a simple interview. Actually, I am told they are typically able to sense the patient’s intelligence the minute he or she enters their office with the high training they receive.

Still, I’m pleased, the world is now open to let the smartest individuals rule the show. People like Joshua are no longer compelled to apply for menial jobs because nobody trusts their aptitudes enough to give them managerial positions. Similarly, their views are no longer rejected because of a lack of understanding.

Frank, finally stayed with the crowd he believed to be smarter than everybody else, he became a columnist at a local newspaper but never deeply realized in what way his brother was brighter than him. Being finally appreciated for who he was, Joshua Swanson became a respected world leader, a person whose aura inspired many. By gently guiding humanity towards self-knowledge, he helped the world grow into what it is today, a peaceful, healthy and evolved planet where everyone finds his or her place regardless of I.Q..