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Cheese Puffs Serves:I got 90 puffs from this recipe,8,10

CarbsPerServing:16 grams total recipe
Prep Time:About 10 minutes prep, <1 hr baking

1 bag pork rinds, plain 2 eggs
1 c half & half 5 oz cheese*-cut up or grated1 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp mustard powder**

How to Prepare:
Heat oven to 350.
In a food processor, grind the pork rinds. Add the eggs, onion,
garlic and mustard powders and cheese. Blend well until cheese is
broken down. Add the half & half. This will make a stiff, moist
Drop by small spoonfuls (about the size of a quarter) onto a lined and sprayed cookie sheet, approx 3/4" apart. Bake until browned around edges and lightly browned on top, approx. 18 min. (You can kick up the heat a little, just keep an eye on the first batch for a time)

*You can use any mixture of cheeses (NOT sliced sandwich cheese). Sharp cheddar would give a stronger cheese flavor.


** You may also choose to add a few dashes of cayenne powder for an extra kick!

Hint: To control portion servings of chunk cheese, I cut the entire brick into slices before serving any of it (8oz=8 slices, 16oz=16 slices)