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Parmesan Chips Serves:3-4 servings

CarbsPerServing:0 carbs Prep Time:0 prep time- cook time-15-30 minutes? Effort:Easy
1 cup Parmesan cheeseno other ingredients

How to Prepare:
Put 1-1/2 tablespoon mounds onto a dry frying pan on stove at medium heat (place a pretty good way apart) spread out mounds to be thin
and flat- may need to change to high heat -just see how it goes--let cheese brown around the edges (after about 2-3 minutes) then slip
fork underneath and flip- brown other side the same-should be crispy like a chip-may need to pat dry with papertowel.will make 3-4
batchesfound this in the local newspaper- also- check out the Simple Fried Artichoke recipe in "Appetizer and Snacks" goes good with
these chips