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Yummy Walnut-Cheese Crackers Serves:8,8,5,9 CarbsPerServing:25g total

6 ounces walnuts -- approx 1 3/4 cup, chopped 1 cup grated cheddar cheese 1/2 cup parmesan cheese2 eggs salt/pepper to taste

How to Prepare:
Beat the eggs in a large mixing bowl. Add all other ingredients, stirring until well coated. Spread evenly on a baking stone or cookie pan. I spread mine thin, so they'll be more crisp like a cracker. But, you could spread it thicker if you wanted more of a bread type texture. Bake for 10-12 minutes at 375 until very bubbly. Let cool, then cut. Makes about 18 2X4 crackers, at 1.5 carbs each. Keep refrigerated. Pop one or two in the toaster oven to "crisp up", then enjoy with your favorite topping.

These "crackers" are very low carb and taste great with toppings


like tuna or egg salad, or just by themselves! I eat them almost