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Desperation Coffee Cake Serves:2 CarbsPerServing:40g carbs total

2 Dr. Atkins almond brownie Advantage bars
1/4 cup unsalted butter -- softened 2/3 cup artificial sweetener 1 tablespoon artificial sweetener 2 eggs
1 cup atkins bake mix4 scoops Dr. Atkins Cappuchino Shake mix
1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup canola oil 1 cup coffee -- cold
2 ounces macadamia nuts -- chopped

How to Prepare:
Crumble Advantage bars completely with knifes or pastry cutter and press into bottom of buttered 9x9 pan. Cream butter and 2/3 cup Splenda. Add eggs and try to incorporate - this will look a little funny but don't sweat it. Add coffee and oil and stir
briefly. Now it really looks gross, but keep going! In a separate bowl, sift together the bake and

shake mixes with salt and baking powder.
Add to liquid mix, stir by hand just till it comes together, and spread over Advantage bar crust.
Sprinkle chopped nuts and additional Splenda over the top. Bake at 375 about 30-35 minutes until a toothpick, blah, blah. (350 in a glass pan)

NOTES : Counts for


Advantage Bars and Shake Mix not included – adjust accordingly