450 Vegetable by Recipe Masters - HTML preview

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 About 30 tomatoes, scalded and cut up

3 green peppers, chopped

3 onions, chopped

6 stalks celery, chopped

2 tbsp. celery salt

4 tbsp. sugar

1 tsp. salt


 (Adjust amount of green peppers, onions and celery to your tastes.)  Mix together and pack in sterilized jars.  Wipe jar tops, remove air bubbles and seal!  Process 45 minutes in boiling water bath. 






 6 tbsp. olive oil

2 lbs. ripe tomatoes, peeled and


3 tbsp. drained capers

2 tbsp. chopped anchovies

1 tbsp. chopped garlic

3/4 lb. med. shrimp, peeled

1/2 lb. sea scallops, halved

2 tbsp. chopped, pitted Kalamato


1 lb. fettuccine

Light red wine like a bezujolias or



 Heat 4 tablespoon oil in heavy large skillet over high heat.  Add tomatoes, capers, anchovies and garlic and cook until tomatoes release their juices and mixture thickens, about 10 minutes.  Add shrimp and scallops and saute until cooked through about 2 to 3 minutes.  Meanwhile, cook pasta in large pot, until al dente drain and transfer pasta to bowl.  Toss with 2 tablespoons oil.  Add pasta to seafood mixture and toss to heat through.  Serve.  






  3/4 lb. bulk sausage (Jimmy Dean's)

1 (16 oz.) loaf frozen bread

1 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen chopped spinach

8 oz. shredded Mozzarella cheese


 Thaw dough and spinach overnight in refrigerator.  Drain spinach well.  Cook and drain sausage; set aside.  Roll dough into 15x8 rectangle.  Sprinkle cheese over dough.  Top with sausage and spinach.  Seal long sides together, then seal ends.  Place loaf on greased baking sheet.  Brush with egg white.  Sprinkle with seed, if desired.  Bake for 30-35 minutes at 350 degrees.  Let stand for 5 minutes. 






 4 c. thinly sliced zucchini

1 tbsp. water

1 tsp. salt

3 tbsp. grated parmesan cheese

1 sm. onion, chopped

2 tbsp. margarine

Freshly ground pepper


 Put all ingredients except cheese in skillet.  Cover and cook 1 minute.  Uncover and continue cooking and turning with wide spatula until just tender.  About 5 minutes.  Sprinkle with cheese.  Toss.  Serves 6 to 8.  Mother of Judge Wm. T. Moroney






 6 c. fresh cucumbers

1 c. sweet pepper, sliced thin

2 onions (into rings)

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. celery seed

2 c. sugar (I use 1 1/2) works fine

1 c. white vinegar


 Mix well.  Put in refrigerator, let stand overnight.  Mason, Ohio 






  10 cucumbers, cut into chunks

6 onions, sliced

1/2 c. salt

2 c. vinegar

2 c. water

1 tbsp. celery seed

1 tbsp. mustard seed

1 1/2 c. sugar

1 tsp. ginger

1 tsp. turmeric


 Combine cucumber chunks, onion slices and salt and let stand 2 hours.  Drain.  Combine remaining ingredients and bring to a boil.  Place cucumber and onion mixture in hot sterilized jars.  Pour the boiling liquid over cucumber mixture to fill each jar.  Seal.  Makes 6-8 pints. 






  Wash zucchini but do not peel.  Cut into 1-inch cubes.  In large saucepan steam, covered, in small amount of water for 2 minutes.  Pack zucchini into clean jars, adding 1/2 teaspoon salt for each pint, 1 teaspoon salt for each quart.    Fill to 1/2-inch of top with boiling water (using juices from cooking as part).  Adjust jar lids.  Process at 35 pounds pressure 25 minutes for pints, 30 minutes for quarts. 






 4 lg. cucumbers

1/2 to 1 pt. sour cream

5 tbsp. mayonnaise

1 to 1 1/2 c. water

1/4 c. vinegar

2 to 3 tbsp. sugar

1/4 c. cream

Onion slices (optional)


 Peel and slice cucumber.  Soak overnight in salt water.  Drain and rinse.  Mix water, vinegar and sugar to taste.  Add cream.  Beat in sour cream and mayonnaise.  Add cucumbers.  Best if allowed to stand in refrigerator for a day before serving. 






  Select small, firm green tomatoes.  Wash and pack in sterilized quart jars.  To each quart add one clove of garlic, one hot red or green pepper and one head dill.  For about eight quarts:  combine 2 quarts of water, 1 quart of cider vinegar, 1 cup salt.  Cook solution five minutes.  Fill jars to 1/2 inch from top.  Seal. 






  Cut 2 unpared medium zucchini lengthwise in half.  Cook, covered in 1 inch boiling salted water 12 to 15 minutes or until tender; drain.  Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with dill weed.  Makes 4 servings. 




 998535 -- RED  HOT  CUCUMBERS


 2 gal. cucumbers

2 c. delime

8 1/2 qts. water


 Peel, slice and core cucumbers.  Mix cucumbers in this.  Let stand 24 hours.  Drain rings and wash in cool water.  Pour cold water over rings and soak 3 hours.  Drain and add: 1 c. vinegar

1 tbsp. alum

1 sm. bottle of red food coloring


 Add water to cover.  Heat and simmer 2 hours.  Drain.  Put: 2 c. cider vinegar

2 c. water

1 pkg. (13 or 16 oz.) red hots

10 c. sugar

8 sticks cinnamon


 Bring to boil and pour over rings.  Put lid on pan and let set overnight.  Pour off syrup into pan and reheat to boil and pour over rings for 3 mornings. On 4th morning, heat everything and put into jars.  Like Red Apple Rings. 






 7 c. unpeeled, sliced cucumbers

1 green pepper, chopped

1 c. onion slices


 Mix together the following and pour over cucumber mixture: 2 tbsp. celery seed

2 c. sugar

1 c. cider vinegar

1 tbsp. canning salt


 Pack in jars and store in refrigerator.  Eat immediately.  Keep refrigerated. 






 20 c. fresh cut sweet corn

1/2 lb. butter

1 pt. half and half


 Put corn in large roaster.  Add the butter and the half and half.  Place in a 325 degree oven.  Cook 1 hour stirring every 15 minutes.  Remove from oven and cool down by placing roaster in the sink filled with ice water. When cool, package and freeze as soon as possible.  To serve, heat corn and add salt and a bit of sugar, if desired. 




 998538 -- CRACKLY  CORN


  1 c. sugar

1/4 c. butter

1/2 c. dark corn syrup

1/2 tsp. vanilla

1/2 tsp. salt


 Pour over 8 cups popped popcorn.  Toss gently to coat corn.  Bake at 200 degrees for 1 hour. 






 6 ripe tomatoes, peeled and sliced

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. freshly ground pepper

1/2 tsp. dried thyme or marjoram,


1/4 c. finely snipped parsley

1/4 c. snipped chives

2/3 c. salad oil

1/4 c. tarragon vinegar


 Place tomatoes in bowl; sprinkle with seasonings and herbs.  Combine oil and vinegar; pour over.  Cover; chill 3 hours, spooning dressing over a few times.  Drain off dressing and pass with tomatoes. 






  Slice green tomatoes and put in crock.  Put handful of salt over top.  Pour boiling water over; enough to cover.  Let stand 1 hour or longer.  Drain.  Pack in jars, drain.  Fill jars with boiling water.  Cold pack until water starts to bubble inside jars.  Remove from heat. 






 1/4 c. mayonnaise

1 tsp. vinegar



Garlic powder

Onion powder

3 lg. cucumbers


 Mix mayonnaise (NOT salad dressing) and vinegar.  Mix next 4 ingredients to taste.  Peel and slice cucumbers and add to mixture.  Let cucumbers marinate for at least 2 hours before serving.  






  Green tomatoes

Boiling water



 Wash as many green tomatoes as you want to can.  Slice and place in sterile wide mouth jars.  Cover with boiling water.  Add salt (1/2 teaspoon for pint jars, 1 teaspoon for quart jars).  Water bath for 30 minutes until sealed.  To Cook:  Open jar and discard liquid.  Batter green tomatoes in cornmeal or flour (your choice), place in hot oil and fry until golden brown. 






 1 c. sour cream

1 tsp. crushed celery seed

Chopped dill

Chopped cucumbers


 Chill when time to serve.  Fold in 3 cups chopped cucumbers.  Also good topping for plain greens or sliced tomatoes.  




 998544 -- DILL  CUCUMBERS


 1 grape leaf

1 sprig of dill

1 clove garlic

1 tsp. salt



 In bottom of each jar place grape leaf dill, garlic and salt.  Fill jar with slices or strips of firm cucumbers.  Fill jar with boiling water.  Screw on lids tight.  When cold, put in refrigerator.  May use in 3-4 days. 






 4 c. cukes

1 green pepper

1/2 c. sliced onions

1 tbsp. salt


 Mix and refrigerate overnight; drain.   1/2 tsp. each mustard & celery seed

1 c. sugar

1/2 c. vinegar


 Pour over cold cukes and store in covered jar in refrigerator.  Ready in three to five days. 




 998546 -- CUCUMBERS


 6 c. sliced cucumbers

1 c. sliced onions

2 c. sugar

1 c. vinegar

1 tbsp. salt


 Mix together sugar, vinegar and salt.  Stir until sugar is dissolved. Pour over onions and cucumbers.  Put in a glass jar.  Keep in refrigerator.  Use as wanted. 




 998547 -- ICED  CUCUMBERS


 4 qts. cucumbers, sliced (don't peel)

6 med. onions, sliced thin

1 clove garlic

1 green pepper

1 red pepper

Crushed ice

1/2 c. salt

5 c. white sugar

3 c. vinegar

1 1/2 tsp. celery seed

2 tbsp. mustard seed

1 1/2 tsp. turmeric


 Put cucumbers, onions, garlic, green and red peppers together.  Add crushed ice and 1/2 cup salt, let stand 3 hours, stir up good.  After 3 hours, drain good.  Put sugar, vinegar, mustard seed, turmeric, celery seed on to boil, add top ingredients and boil until cucumber slices are transparent.  Seal up in sterilized jars and lids. 






 7 c. sliced cucumbers (may be peeled

   or not peeled)

1 c. chopped green pepper

1 c. sliced onions

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. celery seed

2 c. sugar

1 c. brown or white vinegar


 Put all of the ingredients into a large glass jar and stir until juicy.  Ready to eat after a day or two.  May be kept in refrigerator for weeks. 






   Peel 2 large cucumbers.  Run the tines of a fork lengthwise down each cucumber so that you make little grooves all along the circumference.  Slice very thin into a large bowl.  Cover with salted water (a teaspoon or so to amount of water needed to cover).  Let stand for several hours in refrigerator.

Drain and add 1 very thinly sliced large onion.  Cover with the following marinade: 1 1/2 c. water

3/4 c. white vinegar


3/4 c. sugar

1/2 tsp. salt


 Combine 4 marinade ingredients and pour over vegetables.  Let stand in refrigerator for a few hours (or a few days).  At serving time, drain.  Put in glass serving dish and sprinkle with fresh parsley.  When covered with marinade this keeps well for 2 weeks covered in refrigerator. 






  Wash and stem ripened tomatoes.  Slice horizontally, about 1/4 inch thick.  Salt on both sides and let sit for 30 minutes.  Rinse.  Lay on foil covered baking sheets.  Cover lightly with cheese cloth.  Place in sun for several hours, turning occasionally until desired dryness is achieved.  Store in jars in a cool pantry.  Or make marinated sun dried tomatoes by placing tomatoes in jars with olive oil, garlic and basil and 3 tablespoons vinegar per quart.  Intensely flavorful, dried tomatoes add snap to salads and breads.  Also can be moistened to make sandwiches. 






 1 lb. ground turkey

1 sm. onion, diced

1 sm. bell pepper, diced

1 clove garlic

1 #2 can whole tomatoes

Butter flavor Pam


 Brown ground turkey and drain.  Saute vegetables in butter flavor Pam on very low heat.  Add sauteed vegetables to turkey, then tomatoes and bring to a rapid boil.  Reduce heat and simmer until liquid begins to thicken.  Serve over toast, pasta or rice.  Low in fat.  Can be frozen. 




 998552 -- SPICY  CABBAGE


 1 lb. ground beef

1 lg. onion, chopped

1/2 bell pepper, chopped

6 tsp. garlic, chopped

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

1/2 tsp. oregano

18 oz. can Rotel tomatoes with green


1 (8 oz.) can tomato sauce

1/2 c. raw rice

1 cabbage (about 2 lb.), shredded

1 c. grated American or Cheddar cheese


 Fry together first 7 ingredients after mixing them well together.  Fry in small amount of light oil.  When completed, remove from fire and set aside.  Mix the next 3 ingredients (tomatoes, tomato sauce, and rice) together thoroughly in a bowl and set aside.  Shred cabbage, set aside; cut or grate cheese, set aside. 

Mix together all fried ingredients (first 7) and tomatoes and rice mixture real well.  In buttered 9x13x2 inch pan, layer 1/2 meat mixture, 1/2 cabbage and 1/2 cheese.  Repeat layer, ending with cheese.  Cover pan well with aluminum foil.

Bake covered for 1 1/2 to 2 hours in oven at 350 degrees.  Makes 8 to 10 servings.  This will look like Italian lasagna.  Enjoy. 






 8 oz. sun dried tomatoes, slivered

   with oil

1/3 c. olive oil

2 to 4 cloves garlic, pressed

1 c. fresh basil, chopped

8 oz. Brie cheese, rind removed,


1/4 c. sliced Kalamata olives


1 lb. pasta


 Mix tomatoes, oil, garlic and basil.  Mash cheese into sauce.  Add olives.  Let sit at room temperature for about 3 hours.  Cook pasta.  Toss with sauce while pasta is hot. 






 1 c. uncooked grits

4 c. water

1 tbsp. salt

1/2 c. butter

1/2 lb. sharp cheese, grated

2 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

2 or 2 shakes garlic powder


 Cook grits in salted water; when done, add remaining ingredients.  Pour into greased casserole dish.  Bake in 350 degree oven for 20 minutes.  






 1 lb. penne pasta

8 plum tomatoes

1/2 c. salt cured olives (black)

1 bunch fresh basil

3 cloves fresh garlic, peeled

1 tbsp. olive oil

1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar


 Wash and dry basil leaves.  Place them in a food processor with garlic, olive oil and vinegar.  Process until smooth, 3-4 seconds.  Cook penne in boiling water; drain.  Add basil mixture to penne.  Stir and keep warm on stove.  Slice plum tomatoes lengthwise in 1/8 inch pieces.  Pit and slice olives.  Heat tomatoes and olives together in separate skillet.  Cook over medium heat 3 minutes.  Toss tomatoes and olives in with penne mixture.  Serve with freshly ground pepper and grated cheese. 






 2 c. ziti

1 c. chopped tomatoes

1/4 c. olive oil

1 tbsp. red wine vinegar

1/4 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

1 clove crushed garlic

1/4 tsp. oregano

8 oz. Mozzarella, diced

6 sun-dried tomatoes, minced

2 tbsp. chopped basil


 Serves 4.  Cook pasta.  In large bowl, combine tomatoes, oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, garlic and oregano.  Add pasta, Mozzarella, sun-dried tomatoes and basil.  Toss to blend.  






  Margherita all'Elvira  The crispness of the fried cauliflower and garlic with the rippled noodles makes an unforgettable dish for late fall or winter.  Easy to prepare and satisfying for the heartiest appetite!  Serves 4, main course.  Serves 6, first course. 1 lg or 2 sm. heads cauliflower (about    3 lbs.)

1 tbsp. salt

1/2 c. wondra flour

1/2 c. dry bread crumbs

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. freshly milled black pepper

1/2 c. olive oil

4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

1 lb. margherita (narrow rippled


1 tbsp. olive oil

1/2 c. chicken broth, heated (see


1/2 c. freshly grated Romano cheese

2 tsp. minced Italian parsley leaves


Freshly grated Romano cheese (for



 1.  Remove florets from cauliflower, including about 1 inch of stem.  Break or cut into 1 inch pieces.  Wash thoroughly in lukewarm water, drain in colander and set aside.  2.  Bring 6 quarts of water to a boil.  Add 1 tablespoon salt and the cauliflower florets.  Boil until barely tender when tested with a fork, about 5 minutes.  With a skimmer or slotted spoon, transfer florets to a colander, rinse under cold water and drain well.  Reserve liquid for cooking pasta.  3.  In a shallow bowl, combine flour, bread crumbs, 1 teaspoon salt and pepper.  Dredge florets in flour mixture, being sure each piece is well coated. 

Arrange in a single layer on a large platter.  4.  In a 12 inch skillet, heat 1/2 cup olive oil over medium heat until haze forms.  Add garlic, turn heat to low and saute' until lightly golden, pressing the garlic flat in pan with the back of a wooden spoon.  With a slotted spoon, remove garlic and drain on paper towel; set aside.  (If you are not a garlic lover, discard.)  Place florets in pan and saute' over medium heat, turning with spatula, until golden and crisp on all sides; don't be concerned if florets break apart while frying.  5.

Meanwhile, return water in which cauliflower was cooked to a boil.  Add pasta and cook until al dente; the cauliflower and pasta must be done at the same time so that the florets will still be crispy when tossed with the pasta.  Drain pasta in a large colander, transfer to a bowl containing 1 tablespoon olive oil and toss quickly.  6.  Mix half of the cauliflower and any of the browned fragments stuck to the bottom of the pan with the pasta.  Add sauteed garlic, heated chicken broth and Romano cheese; toss well again.  Spoon remaining cauliflower on top and garnish with minced parsley.  Serve immediately with additional grated Romano cheese.  Note:  If you do not have chicken broth, remove 1/2 cup of the pasta water before draining and substitute for broth. 






 4 med. cucumbers, thinly sliced

3/4 c. vinegar

1 c. sour cream (dairy)

1 tsp. chopped dill or dill seed

1 1/2 tsp. salt

3/4 c. water

1 tsp. sugar

dash of pepper


 Place cucumbers in medium bowl.  Sprinkle with salt, add vinegar and water to cover cucumbers.  Let stand 30 minutes.  Drain.  In a small bowl combine sour cream, dill, sugar and pepper.  Stir into cucumbers.  Serve immediately or refrigerate. 




 998559 -- ACORN  SQUASH


 2 acorn squash

1 c. brown sugar

1 lb. sausage


 Heat oven to 350 degrees.  Cut squash in half; scoop out seeds.  Place on a muffin pan (cut side up).  Place 1/4 cup brown sugar in each half of squash and then place a patty of sausage on top of the brown sugar.  Cook for 30-45 minutes, or until tender. Scoop out the shells and mix with melted brown sugar, serve with sausage. 




 998560 -- SQUASH



Canned corn

Small can green chiles

1/4 lb. Velveeta cheese

Salt and pepper


 Cut squash into slices and boil until tender.  Chop chiles and add corn, chiles, and cheese to squash.  Stir on medium heat until cheese melts.  Add salt and pepper. 






 1 head broccoli

1 head cauliflower

1 med. red onion, diced

1 c. grated cheese

1/2 lb. bacon, fried




3/4 c. salad dressing

3 tbsp. wine vinegar

1/4 c. or 3 pkgs. artificial sweetener


 Cut broccoli and cauliflower into small pieces and combine with onion and cheese.  Refrigerate.  Mix dressing and refrigerate.  Cut bacon when ready to serve.  Add crisp bacon and dressing to chilled mixture.  Sedan






 2 med. cucumbers

1/2 c. sweet cream

1/3 c. vinegar

2 tbsp. sugar

1 med. onion, thinly sliced


 Peel and slice cucumbers and onions.  Soak in salt water for 1/2 hour.  Drain and squeeze out excess water.  Mix other ingredients.  Pour over cucumbers. 






 2 sliced cucumbers

1 c. evaporated milk

1/4 c. vinegar

Salt and pepper, to taste

3 tbsp. sugar


 Peel cucumbers leaving some green.  Mix remaining ingredients and pour over cucumber slices.  Better if refrigerated and hour or more.  Serves 2 or 3. 






 6 lg. cucumbers

2 tbsp. salt

4 tbsp. sugar

4 tbsp. vinegar

Ground pepper to taste

1 c. sour cream


 Slice cucumbers very thinly.  Add salt.  Cover and set in refrigerator for at least 1 hour (or up to 24 hours).  Then take cheese cloth or cloth napkin and squeeze handfuls of cucumber in it, so you are draining off accumulated salty water.  When cucumbers are well drained, then add sugar, vinegar and ground pepper.  Mix well.  Then add sour cream by spoonfuls.  Mix lightly otherwise it gets too foamy. 






 2 cucumbers, sliced

1 lg. onion, sliced & separated in


1 pt. sour cream

4 tbsp. vinegar

2 tbsp. lemon juice

3/4 c. sugar


 Beat eggs, vinegar, lemon juice, and sour cream until smooth.  Pour over cucumbers and stir until mixed.  Chill and serve.  Serves 4 to 6. 






 2 lg. cucumbers

1/2 c. sour cream

2 tsp. sugar

1 tsp. finely chopped chives

1 tsp. chopped dill, if desired

1 tsp. salt

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