500 Bread Recipes by Recipe Masters - HTML preview

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 Categories: Breads, Breadmaker

   Servings:  1



     2 tb Or 2 envelopes active dry           1 c  Sugar

          Yeast                               2 c  All purpose white flour

   1/4 c  Warm water                          2 c  Milk (see note)


    DAY,1: Sprinkle yeast over warm water. Add 1 tablespoon of the sugar and

  let stand a few minutes until yeast is active and swelling. Combine

  remaining sugar,flour and milk in a 4 t0 6 quart glass,plastic or pottery

  bowl or container.(Do not use metal bowls or utensils as these may retard

  starter growth). With a wooden spoon, stir in active yeast mixture. Cover

  loosely with a towel so Herman can breathe.  Let stand in a warm draft free

  place overnight.

    DAYS,2, 3,and 4: Stir daily with a wooden spoon. Keep covered. Keep cool.

    DAY,5: Stir in 1/2 cup sugar,1 cup milk and 1 cup flour. Let stand 24


    DAYS,6, 7, 8, and 9: Stir daily with a wooden spoon.

    DAY,10: Repeat DAY 5, stirring in 1/2 cup sugar,1 cup milk and 1 cup



    THIS gives you enough starter to use freely in recipes and/or give away.

  Herman may be replenished as needed but can go no more than 5 days at room

  temperature between feedings.  After feeding, wait 24 hours before using

  the renewed starter.


    DAILY stirring helps keep yeast mold from forming.

    Most directions specify that Herman not be refrigerated since cooler

  temperatures slow the growth and "souring" of the starter. It is, however,

  a safer course for busy cooks with fast growing starters. Herman also is

  freezer-friendly and may be kept on ice between baking impulses if you get



    NOTE: If desired,substitute buttermilk for milk in starter for more

  flavor and less fat.  If more starter is needed, additions may be doubled

  when 2 or more cups of starter are used.....




 Categories: Tips, Breads, Apples, Breadmaker

   Servings:  1


           -LINDA CALDWELL  KKPD13B      


  Try substituting unsweetened applesauce for the fats called for in your

  bread recipes. This even works with chocolate cake! Many can't tell any

  difference in taste and the pectin in the applesauce keeps the bread moist

  longer. I buy the small Motts individual containers so I don't have a large

  jar going bad in the fridge. I've read that you can use up to one

  tablespoon of applesauce per cup of flour. If you do make this substitution

  hold out about 1/8 to 1/4 cup of the liquid in the recipe and add it back

  in a tsp. at a time during the kneading cycle.



      Title: Hawaiin sweet bread

 Categories: Breads, Breadmaker

   Servings:  1


      3 ts Dry yeast                         1/4 ts Lemon extract

      5 tb Sugar                             1/4 ts Vanilla extract

      3 c  Bread flour                         2    Eggs

    3/4 ts Salt                                4 tb Butter

      2 tb Dry milk                            1 c  Warm water

      2 tb Instant potato flakes          


  This is from "Great Bread Machine Recipes" by Norman A. Garrett.




 Categories: Information, Breads

   Servings:  1


           -DEBBIE CARLSON   (PHHW01A)              -KING ARTHUR FLOUR HINTS


  The following information comes from King Arthur Flour "A Short Course in

  Cooking With & Keeping the Elusive Wild Yeast".


  What is a Sourdough Starter? "A sourdough starter is a wild yeast living in

  a batter of flour and liquid. Yeasts are microscopic fungi related

  distantly to mushrooms. There are many varieties of these tiny organisms

  around us everywhere. Wild yeasts are rugged individualists which can

  withstand the most extreme of circumstances. Some will make delicious

  loaves of bread; others will create yogurt and cheese out of milk; still

  others will turn the juices of grains and fruit into beer and wine."

  "Active dry yeast, the kind we can buy in packets at our grocer's, is a

  domesticated descendant of these wild relatives, one which has been grown

  for flavor, speed of growth and predictability. But domestic yeasts are

  much more fragile and can't be grown at home without eventually reverting

  to their original wild state."


  "If you can imagine a world without any packets of active dry yeast, you

  can imagine how important your sourdough starter would be to you. Without

  it, you would be doomed to some pretty awful eating. It is no wonder that

  sourdough starters were treasured, fought over, and carried to all ends of

  the earth.  To the early prospectors, it was such a valued possession

  (almost more than the gold they were seeking), that they slept with it on

  frigid winter nights to keep it from freezing. (Ironically, freezing won't

  kill a sourdough starter although too much heat will.)"


  Fermentation (or the Microscopic Magic of Yeast): "As we mentioned above,

  yeast is a microscopic fungus.  As it feeds on the natural sugars in grain,

  it multiplies and gives off carbon dioxide (just as we do when we breathe).

  This invisible activity of yeast is called fermentation. When you make

  bread with wheat, by kneading the long elastic strands of wheat protein

  (called gluten) into an elastic mesh, you create traps for these carbon

  dioxide bubbles causing the dough to expand as if it contained a million

  tiny balloons."




 Categories: Information, Breads

   Servings:  1


           -DEBBIE CARLSON   (PHHW01A)              -KING ARTHUR FLOUR HINTS

  (Continued) How to Feed & Care for Your Sourdough Starter:


  "Keeping a sourdough starter is somewhat like having a pet because it needs

  to be fed and cared for.  But its requirements are simple and not time

  consuming. Baking with sourdough is also a simple process. All it takes is

  a little planning and timing. The results are so satisfying, you'll grow to

  treasure your invisible pet the way our ancestors did."


  "When you receive your starter, refrigerate it if you don't intend to feed

  it immediately (at any rate, starter should be fed as soon as possible

  after you receive it). To feed it for the first time, snip off a corner of

  the plastic bag and squeeze the starter into a glass or ceramic bowl (not

  metal).  Stir in 3 cups of lukewarm water (what feels comfortable on your

  wrist) and 3 cups of unbleached all-purpose flour. Mix until it's well

  blended and the consistency of pancake batter. Let the replenished starter

  sit at room temperature for at least 12 hours to give the yeast a chance to

  multiply and become active before you put it in the refrigerator.

  Ordinarily you would feed your starter when you remove some to bake with

  it.  A good rule of thumb is to replenish it every two weeks or so,

  preferably because you made a wonderful loaf of sourdough bread, a stack of

  pancakes or a delicious sourdough cake." (This previous paragraph is for

  those people who have ordered King Arthur's Sourdough Starter from their



  "During the time the starter is stored in the refrigerator, it becomes

  relatively dormant which is why it can survive so long with so little

  attention. You'll find that a clear, amber colored liquid will accumulate

  on the surface of the starter. This liquid contains 12% to 14% alcohol."


  "When yeast is in contact with air, it produces carbon dioxide; when it's

  not, it produces alcohol.  When you blend the alcohol back into the

  starter, it helps produce the unique flavor you find in good sourdough

  breads.  For milder flavor, you can pour off some of the alcohol if you

  wish although this will thicken the starter requiring a bit more liquid to

  return it to its "pancake batter" consistency. (To "sweeten" a starter in

  another way, see Troubleshooting which follows.) The alcohol itself

  dissipates during the baking process."



  ~---06/30 08:58 pm        LORELI Loafing and Laughing in OcL




  "MEGA 500+" FOR JUDY




 Categories: Information, Breads

   Servings:  1


           -DEBBIE CARLSON   (PHHW01A)              -KING ARTHUR FLOUR HINTS

  (CONTINUED) Storing Your Starter:


  "Once your sourdough pet is cold and relatively dormant, it can survive

  quite a long time between "feedings." It is certainly not as demanding as

  children, or more traditional pets, but it isn't happy just sitting for

  months on end like a packet of commercially dried yeast either." "Freezing:

  You may be able to ignore your starter for a month or even much longer, but

  if you know you're going to be away for a time, you can store it (unlike

  children or pets) in the freezer. You may want to transfer it to a plastic

  container first as it will expand as it freezes. When you are ready to use

  it again, give it a day to revive, feed it a good meal, give it another day

  to build up an armada of fresh, new wild siblings and it will be ready to

  go to work."


  "Drying:  An alternative storage method is to dry your starter by spreading

  it out on a piece of heavy plastic wrap or waxed paper. Once it's dry,

  crumble it up and put it in an airtight container. Store it some place

  cool, or, to be safe, in the freezer. To reactivate the dried starter,

  grind it into small particles with a hand cranked grinder, a blender or a

  food processor.  Pour 1 to 1 1/2 cups of warm water (what feels comfortable

  on your wrist) into a glass or ceramic bowl. Stir in and dissolve a

  tablespoon of sugar or honey. This isn't necessary but it gives the yeast

  an easy "first course."  Blend in an equal amount of flour and dried

  starter.  Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and watch for small telltale

  bubbles which should begin to appear on the surface within a few hours.

  Once you see them you'll know it's alive and well. Let it continue to feed

  and grow for a further 12 hours before you cover and refrigerate it." How

  to Remove Some Starter for Baking:


  "With a spoon or wire whisk, blend the liquid back into the starter and

  then measure out the quantity required by your recipe. Replace the amount

  taken with equal amounts of flour and water. Since many recipes are based

  on using 1 cup of starter, you would return to your starter pot, 1 cup of

  flour and 1 cup of water. (This actually makes 1 1/3 cups more starter but

  you can adjust the amount whenever you want.) As you did when you first fed

  your starter, let it sit at room temperature for at least 12 hours to give

  the yeast a chance to "feed" and multiply before you chill it again."




 Categories: Information, Breads

   Servings:  1


           -DEBBIE CARLSON   (PHHW01A)              -KING ARTHUR FLOUR HINTS



  Feeding Without Baking:  "If you have been busy or away, you can always

  feed your starter without baking anything. Stir the mixture together, take

  out and discard 1 cup of starter and replenish as above, stirring in 1 cup

  water and 1 cup flour. (Or instead of discarding the starter you removed,

  ask a neighbor if he or she would be interested in adopting a starter of

  his/her very own.)  Let the resuscitated mixture sit at room temperature

  for 12 hours or so before you return it to the refrigerator."


  Treating a "Sluggish" Starter:  "If you feel that your starter is just not

  "up to snuff," dissolve a teaspoon of yeast in the cup of water you mix

  into the starter when you feed it. (If you live in an area where water is

  chlorinated, let some sit out overnight to allow the chlorine to dissipate

  to preclude any interference with the development of the sourdough



  Sweetening a Starter:  "If your starter becomes too sour, take out 1 cup,

  dispose of the remainder, and add 2 cups of each of flour and water to

  refreshen it."


  Increasing Your Starter:  "If you want to grow a large amount of starter to

  give some to a friend or to do a lot of baking, simply increase the amount

  you feed it."


  Resuscitating a Neglected Starter:  "If your sourdough starter has sat in

  the refrigerator months beyond the point of health, give it a fighting

  chance for survival before you throw it out. A little warmth and a good

  meal of strong, high energy carbohydrates may be all it needs to get it off

  and running again."


  "The layer of liquid on the surface will probably be very dark, making it

  look as if the starter must surely have expired. Quell your fear, wrestle

  the top off the jar and give it a sniff. If it smells the way it should,

  though exceptionally sour, it may just be sitting there in a dormant state

  waiting to be fed. The only way to know is to give it a meal."


  "Blend it back together and pour it into a glass or ceramic bowl. (Take

  this opportunity to give its jar a good wash.) As the starter will probably

  be quite thin, mix in 2 cups of flour and 1 cup of water to nourish and

  thicken it. Leave the bowl out on the counter where it will be warm and

  visible." (Continued)


  ~---06/30 09:00 pm        LORELI Loafing and Laughing in OcL




  "MEGA 500+" FOR JUDY




 Categories: Information, Breads

   Servings:  1


           -DEBBIE CARLSON   (PHHW01A)              -KING ARTHUR FLOUR HINTS



"In a couple of hours you may see tiny bubbles appear on the

  surface.  If so, cheer your brew on by keeping it warm and covered

  overnight.  In the morning, celebrate by making sourdough pancakes (which

  you'll find ...in our "King Arthur


  Flour 200th Anniversary Cookbook").  They are delicious and quick. Give the

  remaining starter another feeding, let it sit for 12 more hours to ensure

  its reawakened vigor before you tuck it back in the frig. Then quietly

  heave a sigh of relief and congratulate yourself on your rescue." How to

  Decide if You Need to Start Over (groan):


  "If your sourdough begins to mold or develop a peculiar color or odor

  instead of a "clean, sour aroma," give a sigh, throw it out and, if you're

  patient, start again. Along with the vital yeasts, you may have

  inadvertently nurtured a strain of bacteria that will not be wonderful in

  food.  This happens very infrequently so don't let this possibility

  dissuade you from a sourdough adventure."


  Starter Variations:


  "Here are some variations on the basic flour/liquid/yeast combination that

  will produce sourdough starters with different personalities.


  *Substitute 1 cup of stone ground whole wheat flour for 1

   of the unbleached all-purpose flour.


  *For tap water, substitute water from cooking potatoes.

   It contains nutrients which any kind of yeast loves and

   along with making the yeast happy, it creates great

   flavor in bread.


  *Substitute buttermilk for tap water.




 Categories: Information, Breads

   Servings:  1


           -DEBBIE CARLSON   (PHHW01A)              -KING ARTHUR FLOUR HINTS

  "One of the most frequently asked questions of us here at King Arthur Flour

  is, 'What is gluten?'  Gluten is an element of the wheat berry that

  contains two special proteins, gluten in and gliadin. When you are making

  bread, and you add liquid to the flour, you get these two proteins in

  business.  They start to interact and form a web which traps the carbon

  dioxide that the yeast is giving off. This web is developed during the

  kneading process.  Wheat is the only grain which contains gluten."


  "To use gluten, we have found that adding a tablespoon for each cup of

  flour called for in the recipe will increase the rise in the bread from 25%

  to 30%.  The proper way to measure the gluten is to put 1 tablespoon of the

  gluten in your measuring cup and then spoon the flour into the cup on top

  of the gluten. Level off the flour with the back of a knife."




 Categories: Information, Breads

   Servings:  1


           -DEBBIE CARLSON   (PHHW01A)              -KING ARTHUR FLOUR HINTS

  1.  Yeast Proofing:  To "proof" yeast, first dissolve the

    sugar (about 1 Tbsp. for each 2 cups liquid) or other

    sweetener in warm water (about 95 degrees) and then add

    your yeast.  Wait several minutes for it to dissolve

    and begin to "work", or develop tiny bubbles.  If it

    doesn't show signs of life, discard it and try another

    batch.  Because yeast doesn't like salt, add it after

    the yeast is "proofed".


  2.  A Better Measure:  Because flour settles and compacts

    in storage, fluff it up before you measure.  Then,

    gently sprinkle it into your measuring cup and scrape

    the excess off with the back of a knife.  This will

    insure a 4 oz. cup of flour rather than the 5 oz. you

    would have if you scooped it out with your cup.


  3. Rest When You "Knead"

  It!:  After 3 or 4 minutes of

    kneading dough, let it rest for a few minutes.  The

    rest relaxes the dough and makes the remaining kneading



  4.  Liquid Assets:  Instead of the water your recipe calls

    for, try juices, bouillon, or water you've cooked

    vegetables in.  Instead of milk, try buttermilk,

    yogurt, or sour cream.  It can add a whole new flavor

    and improve nutrition.


  5.  Sweeteners:  Even though you don't need it when making

    bread, a little sugar can bring out flavor, just as

    salt can.  For added moisture, try honey, maple syrup,

    or regular or dark unsulphured molasses.


  6.  Oil for Longevity:  If you don't mind a few extra

    calories (12 to 15) per slice (a slice of bread without

    fat has only 60 to 65 calories!), add a couple of

    tablespoons of butter or vegetable oil to your dough,

    and your bread will stay fresher for a longer period. 7. Storing King

  Arthur Flour:  If you use your flour

    fairly quickly, store it in a cool, dry cupboard and

    stick a couple of bay leaves in the bag to discourage

    any visitors.  If you use your flour more slowly,

    especially your whole wheat, put it in a lock-type

    plastic bag and store it in your freezer. 06/30 09:22 pm LORELI Loafing

  and Laughing in Ocala,L




  "MEGA 500+" FOR JUDY




 Categories: Breadmaker, Breads

   Servings:  1


  1 1/2 ts Yeast - 1                       1 1/2 ts Cinnamon  1

  1 1/2 ts Gluten - 1                          1 ts Salt - 1 1/2

  1 1/2 c  Oat flour  1                        3 tb Honey - 2

  1 1/2 c  Whole wheat flour - 1               1 c  Water - 5 1/2 oz


  1437 cal - 1030 - Amounts are for 1 1/2 pound loaves - amounts to the right

  are for 1 pound loaves. Variations: Add 1/3 c grated or chopped carrots,

  millet and/or sunflower seeds. 18/6/93




 Categories: Breads, Sourdough, Starter

   Servings:  1


           Kyllikki Fuller                


  Make a starter of 1 bottle stale beer with equal parts of flour. Let set as

  usuall until you have a sourdough starter (about 3 days) then mix 1 cup

  starter with 2 cup warm water, 4 T sugar and 2-1/2 cups flour. Beat till

  smooth. Set in gas oven (turn off) and let sit 28 hours. Beat in 3 eggs, 1

  T salt, 1 Cup sour cream, 1/3 cup bacon grease and enough flour to make a

  soft dough. (about 7-8 cups) knead till smooth. Let rise till doubled punch

  down and let rise again. Form into 2 loves. Let rise. Bake 375 about 30

  minutes. IT has taken anywhere from 3 hours to 12 hours to rise so hang in

  there. This was the sourest sourdough I'd ever eaten but it was to die for.

  from Kylli




 Categories: Breads, Sourdough, Starter

   Servings:  1


           -NFXS18B                          1/2 tb Active dry yeast

           Lg baking potato peeled,cube        1 ts Sugar

      1 c  White flour                    


  Cook potato in water to cover until tender. Pour off liquid to measure 1 c,

  saving potato for other use. Let potato water cook to lukewarm. In a glass

  or ceramic bowl that has been scalded, place flour, yeast and sugar; add

  lukewarm potato water and stir in well. Cover with plastic wrap and pierce

  with fork to release gases. Place in a warm, draft-free location at an even

  85F for 2 days; stir several times daily. (do not let sourdough starter

  rise above 95F because higher temp are favorable to less desireable

  microorganisms) Refrigerate until ready to use. Replenish with one c flour

  and 3/4 c water and let stand overnight or 12 hrs in a warm location before

  refrigerating again. When replenishing, add lukewarm water with flour.

  Starter should be at room temp when using in recipes, always after having

  stood 12 hrs from addition of replenishing flour and water. At least 1 c

  should remain to refrigerate.




 Categories: Breads, Sourdough, Starter

   Servings:  1


           NFXS18B                             1 ts Active dry yeast

  1 1/2 c  Whole wheat flour               1 1/2 x  Lukewarm water


  In a glass or ceramic bowl or jar that has been scalded, combine flour and

  yeast, add water and blend well. Cover with plastic wrap and pierce with

  fork to release gases. Place in a warm, draft-free location at an even 85F

  for 18-24 hrs; stir several times daily. Refrigerate until ready to use. If

  you have several starters, keep whole wheat separate from others to

  preserve its own distinctive flavor. Whole wheat starter does not have as

  much rising action as that made with white flour; you may have to plan

  longer rising times. To replenish, always use whole wheat flour.




 Categories: Breads, Sourdough, Starter

   Servings:  1
