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  doubled (about 30 minutes). Bake at 375 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

   Remove from casseroles immediately and cool on wire racks. Makes 2 round





 Categories: Breads

   Servings:  4


  2 1/2 c  Whole-wheat flour                   1 c  Raisins; mixed dark & light

  1 1/2 c  Wheat germ                          2 ts Baking soda

    1/3 c  Brown sugar                     1 7/8 c  Buttermilk

    1/2 ts Salt                              1/3 c  Molasses


  Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.  Grease a 9 X 5 X 3-inch pan. Combine flour,

  wheat germ, brown sugar, salt and raisins in a mixing bowl. Mix well. In a

  second mixing bowl, mix baking soda, buttermilk and molasses, using a

  wooden spoon.  This misture will start to bubble. Immediately mix it into

  the dry ingredients. Spoon the batter into the greased pan.

   Bake at once.  The bread is done when a toothpick comes out clean, about 1

  hour.  Turn out of the pan and cool on a wire rack. Makes 1 loaf.




 Categories: Breads, Rolls

   Servings: 42


    1/3 c  Soft shortening/butter mix        1/3 c  Butter, melted

    1/2 c  Sugar                           1 1/2 ts Baking powder

    1/4 ts Nutmeg                            1/2 c  Sugar

      1    Egg                               1/2 ts Salt

    1/2 c  Milk                                1 ts Cinnamon

  1 1/2 c  Sifted flour                   


  Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease bottoms of 48 small muffin cups. Mix

  shortening, 1/2 c sugar, and egg thoroughly. Sift together flour, baking

  powder, salt and nutmeg. Stir flour mixture and milk alternately into

  sugar/shortening mixture. Fill greased muffin cups 2/3 full. Bake 15

  minutes or until golden brown. Dip immediately in melted butter, then in

  mixture of cinnamon/sugar. Serve hot. Makes 3-1/2 to 4 dozen. Mrs. James




      Title: FUNNEL CAKE

 Categories: Breads

   Servings:  8


           -JAN CARGILL-VHPK03A              1/2 ts Salt

      2 c  Flour                               2    Eggs

      1 ts Baking powder                   1 1/2 c  Milk.



  Mix the ingredients together: Heat cooking oil in a deep fryer or skillet

  until very hot. Put batter into a funnel (be sure to cover the spout with

  one finger), then, holding the funnel over the hot oil ( use extreme

  caution when cooking with hot oil), release some of the batter in circular

  motions to form one funnel cake. The funnel cake will rise quickly and

  expand, so be careful about how much batter you use for the first one until

  you get the "feel" for cooking it. Cook to a light golden brown on both

  sides, then remove from the oil and place on paper towels to drain..

  Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve while still warm! Mmmm, mmm, good"

  ** This was in the "Heloise" column last May.. Hope it is what you are

  looking for: **This is word for word from her column: Enjoy Jan / Maine

  08/18 09:54 am




 Categories: Cheese/eggs, Breads

   Servings:  2


      1    Slice Whole Wheat Bread             1 tb Grated Parmesan Cheese

      1 tb Butter Or Margarine            


  Trim crust from bread.  Cut bread slice into quarters, making squares.

  Diagonally cut each square in to halves, making triangles. Arrange bread

  triangles in a shallow baking dish or pie plate. Micro-cook, uncovered, on

  100% power for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes or till the bread is dry. Remove the

  bread from the microwave oven. In a custard cup micro-cook butter or

  margarine, uncovered, on 100% power for 40 to 50 seconds or till melted.

  Drizzle over bread triangles.

   Sprinkle with grated parmesan cheese.




 Categories: Breads, Fruits

   Servings:  6


    1/2 c  Butter or margarine                 2 c  Flour

      1 c  Brown sugar                         1 ts Baking soda

      2 x  Eggs                                1 ts Salt

      1 c  Mashed bananas                    1/2 c  Chopped walnuts

      1 ts Vanilla                        


  Cream butter and sugar. Gradually add eggs, then bananas and vanilla. Fold

  in dry ingredients that have been sifted together. Add nuts. Bake in

  buttered loaf pan, at 350 degrees, for 1 1/4 hours or until loaf tests

  done. Cool in pan for 10 minutes and then turn out to cool completely.




 Categories: Ww, Low-cal, Breads

   Servings: 10


     10 oz Buttermilk Biscuits, Refrig.      1/2 c  Raisins; dark

           ^^(10 biscuits in "tube")           2 tb Raisins; dark

      5 ts Margarine; melted                   5 ts Powdered sugar; sifted

      5 ts Brown sugar; packed, divided        2 ts Water

      1 ts Cinnamon                       


  Preheat oven to 400 F. Spray 8x8x2 inch baking pan; set aside. Separate

  biscuits; using fingers, flatten each into 3" circle. Brush each circle

  with an equal amount of the margarine, sprinkle each with 1/4 t brown sugar

  and an equal amount of cinnamon, then top each with 1T raisins. Roll each

  circle jelly-roll fashion and arrange in two rows, seam side down, in

  sprayed pan. Bake until rolls are puffed and golden brown, 8-12 minutes.

  Transfer pan to wire rack and lets rolls cool in pan. In small bowl or cup

  combine remaining 2 1/2 t brown sugar and the powdered sugar, add water, 1

  t at a time, stirring constantly until mixture is smooth and syrupy. Remove

  rolls to serving platter, brush each with an equal amount of sugar mixture.

  Makes 10 servings of 1 roll each. Each serving provides: 1 BREAD, 1/2 FAT,

  1/2 FRUIT and 20 OPTIONAL CALORIES. Per serving: 143 calories, 5 g fat.

  Source: WW Favorite Recipes (1986). Hard to eat just one!!



      Title: TSOUREKI

 Categories: Breads, Ethnic

   Servings:  1


           -Diana Lewis-VGWN37A        


-----------------------------GREEK EASTER BREAD---------

    1/2 ts Salt                                1    Egg yolk;with 1 T water

      2    Eggs                              1/4 c  Sugar

      1 ts Vanilla                           1/4 c  Butter

      1 pk Yeast;dry active                  1/2 c  Milk

  1 1/2 ts Lemon peel;grated                   3 c  Flour;all purpose

      5    Eggs;hard boiled colored at    


  In pan add salt,sugar, butter,and milk warm to 125 in a lg bowl combine 1 c

  flour with yeast add warm milk mixture, eggs,vanilla, and lemon peel. Beat

  low speed for 5 minutes then with a spoon beat in the rest of the flour to

  make stiff dough knead for 20 minutes let rise 45 minutes punch down and

  divide into 3 equal parts roll into ropes place in greased baking sheet. Th

  braid at evenly spaced intervals press colored eggs into dough cover let ri

  30 minutes press eggs in again if necessary. Brush egg yolk mixture over

  braid do not touch eggs with yolk bake 350 for 25to35 minutes till golden

  brown cool on rack. dough can be made in BM. Greek Easter bread wraps

  around colorful hard cooked eggs. The greeks favor bright red eggs- but

  because the dye seeps into the dough, you may prefer pastel shades that

  tinge it less.




 Categories: Breads

   Servings: 12


    3/4 pt Warm water                          1 tb Sugar

      2    Envelopes dry yeast                 1    Egg white; beaten

  1 1/2 oz Sugar                                    Salt; -=OR=

   1/2 oz Salt                                     -Sesame, Poppy -=OR=

 3 1/2 c  Bread flour                              -Caraway seeds

     2 qt Boiling water                            - (optional)


  This is the bagel recipe taught at the New York Cooking School.


  PREHEAT OVEN TO 450F. Mix yeast, 1 1/2 ounces sugar and warm water. Let

  stand 2-or-3 minutes. Mix 2 cups flour and the salt and add to the yeast

  mixture. Add remaining 1 1/2 cups flour. Knead for 5 minutes, adding flour

  if dough sticks to the table. Bagel dough should be firm. Place dough in a

  clean, greased bowl. Cover and let rise until double. Bring water to a boil

  and add 1 tablespoon sugar. Divide dough into 12 pieces and shape each into

  a ball. Allow the dough to relax 3-to-4 minutes. Flatten with your palm.

  With your thumb, press deep into the center of the bagel and tear open with

  your fingers. Pull the hole open. Place bagels on a sheet and cover for

  about 10 minutes. Put 2-or-3 bagels at a time into simmering water for

  about 45 seconds, turning once. Drain and place on greased baking sheets.

  Brush with beaten egg white and sprinkle with salt, sesame, poppy or

  caraway seeds. Bake for 35 minutes, turning over when bagels are light

  brown. Bagels are done when they are brown and shiny. Cool on a rack. PETER





 Categories: Breads, Fruits

   Servings:  5


           1 1/2 c. flour                           2 eggs, well beaten

           1/2 tsp salt                             1/2 c. oil

           1/2 tsp soda                             10 oz frozen strawberries

           1/2 tbsp cinnamon                        1/2 c chopped nuts

           1 c sugar                      


  Combine flour, salt, soda, cinnamon and sugar. Make a well in center of dry

  ingredients.  Add eggs and oil stirring only until dry ingredients are

  moistened. Stir in strawberries and pecans. Spoon batter into lightly

  greased 9 x 5 x 3 inch loaf pan.  Bake 350 degree oven for 1 hour.




 Categories: Breads

   Servings:  1


---------------------------LISA CRAWLEY  TSPN00B------

     1 c  Brown Sugar; dk or light          1/8 c  Milk

   1/2 c  Margarine                           2 c  Flour

     2    Eggs; unbeaten                      1 ts Baking Soda

     1 c  Ripe Bananas; mashed              1/2 ts Baking Powder

    1/8 c  Maple Syrup                       1/8 ts Salt


  Cream sugar with butter.  Add and mix the next 3 ingred. Sift and add the

  dry ingred. and mix thoroughly. Put mixture in 6x10 greased loaf pan. Bake

  40-45 min. in 350 oven.  Sift some confectioners' sugar on bread when




      Title: JELLO ROLLS

 Categories: Breads

   Servings: 48


           Mary Bowles DNSR31A                 1 ts Sugar

      2 c  Boiling Water                       6 c  Flour (about)

      2 tb Butter                              1 ts Salt

    1/4 c  Sugar                             1/4 c  Lukewarm Water

      2 pk Dry Yeast                    



     1 pk Red Jello--dry                    1/4 c  Butter, melted

     1 c  Pecans                            3/4 c  Sugar



     1 c  Powdered Sugar                  1 1/2 ts Milk


  Mix boiling water, butter, 1/4 cup sugar, salt.  Cool to lukewarm. Put

  yeast in lukewarm water.  Add 1 tsp. sugar. Mix with cooled butter mixture.

  Mix half of flour, 1 cup at a time, in electric mixer. Blend well. By hand,

  stir in enough remaining flour to make dough. Knead into a smooth ball.

  Cover and let rise until double in bulk. (May refrigerate overnight at this

  point if you want these for breakfast).  Roll dough 1/8 inch thick. Cover

  with melted butter.  Mix jello and sugar and sprinkle over. Sprinkle nuts

  on top. Roll up as for jelly roll. Cut into 1/2 inch slices and place on

  well buttered pan, well apart.


   Let rise until double, about 1 hour.  Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.

  Mix glaze and drizzle over hot rolls.



      Title: HONEY "RISIN" BREAD

 Categories: Breads

   Servings: 12


           Mary Bowles DNSR31A               1/4 c  Sugar

      1 pk Yeast                           1 3/4 c  Flour

      3 tb Warm Water                          1 ts Baking Powder

      1 ts Sugar                             1/2 ts Ginger

  1 1/3 c  Honey                             1/2 ts Cinnamon

    1/4 c  Butter; softened                  1/2 ts Nutmeg

      3    Eggs; beaten                      1/4 ts Salt


     Mix yeast, water and 1 teaspoon sugar.  Let set 15 minutes or until

  foamy.  Heat 1 cup honey to boil. Pour in bowl and cool 3 minutes. Add

  butter and beat smooth. Beat eggs and sugar until lemony colored and add

  honey butter and yeast.  Stir in 3/4 cup flour. Sift together 1 cup flour,

  baking powder, spices and salt. Add to honey mixture and mix well. Turn

  into well-buttered and floured loaf pan and bake at 350 degrees for 50

  minutes.  Cool in pan for 10 minutes. Turn onto rack and brush with 1/3 cup





 Categories: Breads, Quickbreads

   Servings:  8


           Mary Bowles DNSR31A                 1 ts Garlic Powder

      1 lg Pkg Day-old Hot Dog Buns            1 ts Paprika

      1 c  Butter; melted                    1/2 ts Cayenne Pepper or to taste

      2 tb Italian Seasonings             


     Slice hot dog buns into fourths lengthwise.  Dip bread in melted butter

  and arrange on a large baking sheet. Mix spices and sprinkle over bread

  sticks. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until crunchy, but not brown.

  Serve hot or cold.  Let cool well before covering. Stores well in air-tight

  containers. This was invented by a friend to use up left-over buns from a

  weiner roast, but it is too delicious to wait for left-overs. It is great

  with stew, spaghetti, or by themselves for snacks!




 Categories: Breads, Rolls

   Servings: 12


           -JEANNETTE DABBS   (RFNR19B)

        8 oz Sour cream

      4 c  Pioneer biscuit mix                 6 oz 7-up


  Cut sour cream in biscuit mix, add 7-up. Roll on floured surface. Cut or

  shape with hands . Bake 6 -8 mins @ 400`.


  Delicious!!!! Hope this will become a favorite of yours.


  Formatted by Elaine Radis BGMB90B; JANUARY, '93




 Categories: Breads, Doughnuts

   Servings:  1


------------------------THE ART OF HUNGARIAN COOKING------------------------–



    1/2 lb Sweet butter                        4    Egg yolks

      4    Whole eggs                          5 tb Sour cream

      5 tb Sugar                               2 c  Flour

      1    Yeast cake dissolved in             1    Egg

    1/2 c  Warm milk                    


---------------------------------CREAM MIX------------

   1/2 pt Milk                                2 tb Sugar

     4    Egg yolks                     


     Beat butter until creamy, beat in 4 whole eggs, beat in 4 egg yolks, add

  sugar and sour cream, add flour and the yeast mixutre. Beat until smooth,

  set aside to rest and rise until doubled in size. Place on board that has

  been dusted with flour. Roll out to 3/4 inch thickness, cut with doughnut

  cutter. Put in greased pan, lat raise 40 minutes. Brust top with beaten

  egg. Bake in 350 F oven for 1/2 hour.


     For cream mix; cook milk, egg yolks and sura over low heat, in double

  boiler until mixture is smooth. Stirring all the while, cool and pour over

  doughnuts and serve.


     From " The Art of Hungarina Cooking"- put out by St. Emery's School

  Building Fund, Fairfield. Ct.-1955




 Categories: Breads, Doughnuts

   Servings:  1


------------------------THE ART OF HUNGARIAN COOKING---

     3 c  Flour                             1/4 c  Milk

   1/2 ts Salt                              1/8 lb Sweet butter, melted

     1 tb Sugar                               2    Yeast cakes ( dissolved in

     5    Egg yolks                                -1/4 cup warm milk)


     Sift the flour and salt into bowl, add yeast mixutre, add egg yolks and

  melted butter slowly ot flour mixutre. Beat with wooden spoon until smooth

  and dough falls off the spoon, this dough should be rather soft. Put dough

  on lightly floured board. Roll to 1/2 inch thickness. Cut with round cookie

  cutter, that has been dipped in flour. Put in warm place to rise until

  doubled in size. Fry in deep fat until light brown. Sprinkle with powdered


     from "The Art of Hungarian Cooking"- put out by St. Emery's School

  Building Fund- Fairfield Ct- 1955



      Title: BASIL & SAGE BREAD

 Categories: Breads, Wine

   Servings:  1


------------------------------PATTI - VDRJ67A---------

     1    Yeast; dry; envelope              1/4 ts Sage; crumbled dried

     1 c  Water; warm (105-115~)            1/2 c  Dry white wine

 5 1/2 c  All purpose flour               1 3/4 ts Salt

   1/4 c  Olive oil                         1/4 ts Pepper; freshly ground

     4 ts Basil; crumbled dried             1/2 c  Water; warm (105-115~)


  (Makes 2 baguettes.) Sprinkle yeast over 1 cup water in bowl of heavy-duty

  electric mixer; stir to dissolve. Let stand 5 minutes. Thoroughly mix in 1

  1/2 cups flour. Sprinkle 1/2 cup flour over dough. Cover with towel. Let

  rise in warm draft-free area until doubled, about 1 1/2 hours. Heat oil in

  heavy small skillet over low heat. Add basil and sage and stir until

  aromatic, about 1 minute. Cool. Blend 1 cup flour, oil mixture, wine, salt

  and pepper into dough, using dough hook. Slowly add remaining 1/2 cup

  water. Stir in 2 1/2 cups flour 1/2 cup at a time. Knead dough in mixer

  until smooth and resilient, about 10 minutes, adding more all purpose flour

  if sticky. Grease large bowl. Add dough, turning to coat entire surface.

  Cover bowl. Let dough rise in warm draft-free area until doubled, about 1

  1/4 hours. Grease two baking sheets. Punch dough down. Divide in half. Form

  each piece into 14-inch-long loaf. Place on prepared sheets, seam side

  down. Let rise in warm draft-free area until almost doubled, about 1 hour.

  Preheat oven to 400~. Slash tops of loaves with sharp knife. Bake until

  breads sound hollow when tapped on bottom, about 50 minutes. Cool on wire

  racks before serving.




 Categories: Breads

   Servings:  1


------------------------------PATTI - VDRJ67A---------

     3    Yeast; fresh cakes                  6    Eggs; room temperature

    1/2 c  Water;warm (105-115~)               1 c  Sugar

      1 c  Milk                                  c  All purpose flour; sifted

    1/2 c  Butter; cut into pieces             2 tb Butter; melted

      2 ts Salt                           


  Crumble yeast cakes into large bowl. Stir in water. Let mixture stand until

  foamy, about 5 minutes. Scald milk. Add butter and salt and stir until

  butter melts. Cool to lukewarm. Using electric mixer, beat eggs until

  frothy. Add sugar and beat until creamy, about 3 minutes. Blend in milk

  mixture. Stir into yeast mixture. Stir in 7 cups flour 1 cup at a time;

  dough should be soft and pull away from sides of bowl. Turn dough out onto

  well-floured surface, sprinkle with 1 cup flour and knead until smooth and

  elastic, adding up to 1 cup more flour as necessary to prevent stickiness,

  about 10 minutes. Grease large bowl. Add dough. turning to coat entire

  surface. Cover and let rise in warm draft-free area until doubled in

  volume, about 2 hours. Punch dough down. Let rest 10 minutes. Grease two

  9-inch round cake pans. Divide dough in half. Press each half into pan.

  Cover and let rise in warm draft-free area until doubled in volume, about 1

  hour. Preheat oven to 350~. Bake until loaves are golden brown and sound

  hollow when tapped on bottom, about 30 minutes. Brush tops immediately with

  melted butter. Serve warm. Makes 2 loaves.




 Categories: Breads, Doughnuts

   Servings:  1


------------------------THE ART OF HUNGARIAN COOKING---

     6    Egg yolks                           1 tb Vinegar

     1 ts Salt                            2 1/2 c  Flour

     2 tb Sugar                             1/2 c  Sour cream

     1 ts Brandy                        


     Add all or enough of flour to egg yolks and sour cream to make a soft

  dough. Add sugar, salt, brandy and vinegar. Knead until smooth. Roll out

  very thin. Cut into diamond shapes. Make a slit in center and pull one end

  through slit. fry in deep fat until light brown. Drain on absorbent paper.

  Sprinkle generously with powdered sugar.

     From " The Art of Hungarian Cooking"- from St. Emery's School Building

  Fund- Fairfield Ct. - 1955

     Formatted for MM7 by Marge Nemeth




 Categories: Breads, Vegetables

   Servings:  2