Cooking Healthy Foods: But Before You Get too Creative - Do This First! by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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Getting back to the pressure cooker - it's going to change the way you view your cooking for sure. You can cook a meal for a large family with ease; make yummy stews, chicken, meat, lentils, rice and beans in this magic cooker. It should not take you more than half an hour to put together dinner for the family when you use the cooker. If you have a large one, you can cook two or even three items together. For example, you can boil your brown rice, beans and meat at the same time.

The pressure cooker works by sealing in the air and liquids. Intense heat created inside the cooker helps to cook food quickly. When you put the whistle on, the steam is trapped inside and the food cooks very healthily by steaming.

For those of you interested in a greener standard of living, your pressure cooker is a green appliance and will save a considerable amount of fuel being burned. You can prepare anything from rice to vegetables, steam puddings and cook a full meat and beans recipe in the pressure cooker.

Oats is a very healthy breakfast option, but no one really wants to spend the start of each day stirring a pot of oats on the stove now do they! You can get your family's breakfast oats ready in mere minutes with the pressure cooker. That's how useful it is. Vegetables keep their nutrients, meat is well cooked and retains its flavor and cooking is not so tedious, all thanks to the mighty pressure cooker.

Healthy Cooking with Functional Food Choices

Healthy cooking is not just about changing the way we cook; it is primarily about the kind of foods we eat. In order to choose the right foods, we need to gain a clear understanding of what constitutes healthy foods in terms of good and bad foods. We may not be aware that good fats have fast become one of the foremost conventional foods.

Obesity is always linked to fat and the amount of unhealthy fat in the foods we eat. Saturated fats found in meats and dairy products, and transfats found in cakes and certain rich foods are the main culprits for raising cholesterol and playing havoc with our arteries. On the other hand, unsaturated fats or healthy fats are found in fish and plants and are essential for maintaining good health. These fats are proven to help lower cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation and provide other health benefits.

Studies conducted at Maastricht University, Netherlands has shown that cutting out excess carbohydrates and consuming more polyunsaturated fats helps to decrease low density levels of cholesterol. Other studies show that a diet that consists of unsaturated fats lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart