Cooking Healthy Foods: But Before You Get too Creative - Do This First! by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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An important part of keeping your body fueled is to snack. Yes, snacking is not unhealthy if you eat the proper foods. Do not attempt to eat sugary or high carbohydrate foods and expect to change your weight. What you are looking for are foods that add some interest, some energy, and some protein to your diet.

Snacking on apple slices with some peanut butter is an effective method to keeping your body burning fat. Do not over indulge in the peanut butter, but a little bit on the apple slice is fine.

Eating blueberries, strawberries, or maybe some pieces of cantaloupe also will help out with sugar cravings. These natural fruits do have sugar but the body metabolizes these in this natural state. The high fructose, highly processed sugars in many processed snack foods are like a poison to the healthy state of the body.

Having some soy chips can be an effective way to add protein to your diet without sacrificing taste. These also help to satisfy the need for a food that is crunchy while providing good quality protein to fuel your body.

Another healthy snack could be yogurt, but do not get the kind that has the fruit that you stir up from the bottom. Most of this fruit is just preserves that are loaded with sugar. Look for the varieties that have natural bacteria.

The last recommendation for a healthy snack is to eat some cubes of cheese. These can be taken along with you in a small bag and eaten throughout the day when the energy level goes down. There are many kinds of healthy cheeses that add protein and taste great for a quick pick up.

If you are able to keep the furnace fires going, you will drop some pounds and not feel deprived at all while maintaining a healthy weight. Snacking is an important part of this program and just a little preparation in advance will keep you from reaching for those French fries or fatty burger. Your body will reward you by dropping those unnecessary pounds and you will feel more energetic and be able to ward off sickness much better. Keeping healthy is worth the effort.

Restaurant Dining for the Health Conscious Eater

Here's food for thought! Did you know the average restaurant meal has over 1,000 calories? That's enough to blow any healthy eating plan. Fortunately, by following a few simple guidelines, you can dine out without having to sacrifice good taste and nutrition.

1. Avoid ordering an appetizer. It's a little known fact that some appetizers have more calories and fat than the main course. Plus, many appetizers are fried and served with heavy sauces which will add to your intake of