Fabbynosh - My Favourite Beef Recipes by Gary Allen - HTML preview

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Steak Tartare

Serves 6



Steak Tartare is said to originate from the times of Genghis Khan. The legend being that nomadic Tatar people of the Central Asian didn’t have time to cook and thus placed meat underneath their horses' saddles, at the end of a journey the meat would be tenderised and ready to eat. The good news is there is no requirement for you to ride a horse whilst making this tasty dish, give it a try, it’s actually very nice.

• 500g (1lb) pound finely ground beef fillet (Must be really fine)
• 1 small finely chopped white onion
• 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
• Half a teaspoon of hot pepper sauce (Tabasco) optional
• 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
• 1 teaspoon brandy
• Salt to taste
• Ground white pepper to taste
• 1 egg yolk

Mix all the ingredients together until well blended, refrigerate for 30 minutes to allow the flavors to combine. Serve on toasts/crackers with some green salad as dressing. Myparticular favourite isona fresh bread rolewith a boiled egg on the side and a sprinkling of pepper (pictured).

00102.jpg00103.jpg00104.jpgNote:Freezingthemeatforafewdaysbeforeuse willensuretherearenoparasites or bacteria present, this is particularly important in less hygienic countries

