Healthy Recipes for Your Nutritional Type by Dr. Joseph Mercola - HTML preview

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Mushroom and Broccoli Frittata

4 servings

6 eggs
2 cups broccoli (CT), or cauliflower (PT), steamed and chopped
4 medium potatoes, steamed and chopped
1 small onion, chopped
6 medium mushrooms, sliced
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 cup cheese (your choice), grated

1. Steam the potatoes and broccoli. Set aside.
2. Sauté the onions and mushrooms. Set aside.

3. Beat the eggs well and mix them together in a large bowl with the potatoes, broccoli, onions and mushrooms. Add to a skillet with a metal handle.

4. Cook over medium to low heat for about 15 minutes until the frittata is cooked but still a little moist in the middle. 5. Place grated cheese on top and put under the broiler till cheese browns lightly. Let it cool a little and serve.


Recipe Type Calories Total Fat (grams) Carbs (grams) Protein (grams)

Mixed 435 19 41 26
Carb 436 19 41 26
Protein 434 19 41 26

Mushroom and Spinach Quiche

4 servings


1½ cups spelt four
½ cup butter
3 tablespoons cold water

6 medium eggs, whisked
2 cups warm milk
½ teaspoon salt
¾ cup grated Gruyere cheese
½ pound spinach, chopped (PT), or green peppers (CT) 10 medium mushrooms, chopped (PT), or onions (CT)
1. Place the flour and butter in food processor and blend till pea sized pieces are formed. Add water slowly till dough forms thick ball. Touch as little as possible. Put in refrigerator for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350°F.

2. Roll out dough into pan. Poke small holes in the dough with a fork to prevent it from causing bubbles while cooking. Place in oven for 20 minutes, then remove and fill.

3. Combine eggs, milk, salt, pepper, and half the cheese. Add the vegetables and place the rest of the cheese on top. 4. Dot the top of the quiche with extra butter if you do not want a skin to form.

5. Place in oven for 30 minutes or until set. Remove when the outside is set and the middle still moves a little. Let stand for 10–15 minutes before serving.

Recipe Type Calories Total Fat (grams) Carbs (grams) Protein (grams)

Mixed Carb

687 42 56 24
746 42 71 25
629 42 42 23

Nori and Eggs

4–6 servings

1 tablespoon umeboshi vinegar
1 carrot, sliced into ¼” strips
1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
2 cups spinach leaves (PT), or kale (CT)
2 cups water
3 tablespoon tamari soy sauce
2 eggs
¼ cup vegetable water, reserved from spinach water
4 sheets nori
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

1. Sauté carrot strips in oil over low heat until soft. Let cool. 2. Steam spinach until soft. Strain and keep water. Cool and squeeze into a long flat shape. Slice into long strips. Top with 1 tablespoon tamari.
3. Whisk the eggs, remaining tamari and ¼ cup spinach water. Pour egg mixture over medium heat. Cook eggs as an omelet, folding over 4 times, into a long strip. Cool and slice lengthwise. 4. Toast a nori sheet over a low flame or toast in toaster, both sides, until greenish color. Place nori on sushi mat or flat surface. About ½” from bottom, place carrot strips, spinach, and omelet across it.
5. Roll the nori and vegetables on the sushi mat (or flat surface), keeping it firm, even, and smooth. Using finger, wet the edges with lemon juice to seal the nori.
6. Serve in cut pieces or eat as a wrap.

Recipe Type Calories Total Fat (grams) Carbs (grams) Protein (grams)

Mixed Carb

63 4 3 4
67 4 7 4
58 4 2 4

Soft Boiled Eggs with Dulse and Nutritional Yeast

4 servings

8 medium eggs
2 teaspoons nutritional yeast*
2 teaspoons dulse flakes*
2 teaspoons raw butter, melted
Salt and pepper

1. Place eggs in a pan of cold water. Place on high heat. Bring to boil, and cook for 4–6 minutes, depending on how hard or soft you want the eggs to be.

2. Remove shells. Place 2 eggs in each of 4 bowls, slice in half and put half a teaspoon of melted butter on each serving. 3. Sprinkle with yeast and dulse. Serve.


Note: Serve with steamed veggies or salad.
*Can be found at local health food store or online.


Recipe Type Calories Total Fat (grams) Carbs (grams) Protein (grams) Mixed 158 11 2 12

Zucchini Egg Omelet with Mushrooms

1 serving

2 organic free range eggs
1 tablespoon water
[ teaspoon sea salt
Freshly ground pepper
1 tablespoon ghee, or butter
[ cup crumbled goat cheese
Zucchini and Mushroom:
½ cup sliced zucchini
½ cup sliced button mushrooms
1 cup spinach (PT), or ½ diced onions and bell peppers (CT)
1 tablespoon ghee, or butter

1. In a skillet melt ghee. Add sliced zucchini, mushrooms, and spinach (or onions and peppers). Cook until tender but not brown. Set aside.
2. In a bowl combine eggs, water, salt, and a grind of pepper. Using 2. In a bowl combine eggs, water, salt, and a grind of pepper. Using inch skillet with flared sides, heat ghee. Lift and tilt the pan to coat the sides.
3. Add egg mixture to skillet; cook over medium heat. As eggs set, run a spatula around the edge of the skillet, lifting eggs and letting uncooked portion flow underneath. When eggs are set but still shiny, spoon filling of zucchini and mushrooms across center of omelet. Sprinkle crumbled goat cheese atop filling. Fold omelet in half. Transfer onto a warm plate.

Recipe Type Calories Total Fat (grams) Carbs (grams) Protein (grams)

Mixed Carb

464 39 13 20
479 39 17 20
449 39 9 20