How to Cook Indian Food: Over 150 Recipes for Curry & More by Dave Winstanley - HTML preview

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Potato Lasan Kari - Potato Garlic Curry (Tamil Nadu)

Serves: 4

12 oz small potatoes
5 oz whole garlic cloves peeled
8-10 small onions, preferably red onions peeled
8 large fresh mild chillies with seeds removed
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1.5 cups coconut milk
salt to taste


2 teaspoons tamarind pulp or 1/2 teaspoon instant tamarind
'/4 cup hot water

Heat oil in a heavy saucepan and fry the garlic, onions and chillies over gentle heat, not letting them brown too much. Remove from pan. Add fenugreek seeds to the oil in pan and stir over low heat just until they are golden. Add the chilli powder and turmeric and potato, fry for a few seconds, then add the coconut milk, salt and stir while bringing slowly to simmering point. Return the garlic, onions and chillies and allow to simmer, uncovered, until garlic cloves and potato are soft, about 30 minutes depending on size. Meanwhile dissolve tamarind in hot water, strain into curry for last 10 minutes of cooking. Serve with hot white rice.