Insider's Recipes Master Edition by Recipe Masters - HTML preview

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Cream Cheese


 1 gallon whole milk
 1 quart cultured buttermilk
 1/2 teaspoon salt

Pour milk and buttermilk into a large pan and suspend the thermometer in the milk. cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally until the termperature reads 170 degrees.

Keep the mixture on the heat and the temp of the milk between 170 and 175 degrees. After 30 minutes, the mixture should start to separate into curds (the lumps) and whey (the liquid).

Line a strainer with several lavers of moistened cheesecloth and set it inside a large bowl to lift the curds from the milk mixture and lay them in the cheesecloth. Pour the remainder of the whey through the cheesecloth and save the whey for other recipes.

Let curds drain at room temp for 2−4 hours. Remove the cheese from the cheescloth and place in blender with the salt. Blend until creamy.

Store the cheese in small containers with tight fitting lids and refrgerate. Cheese can also be frozen thawed and then beaten again in blender until creamy.