Insider's Recipes Master Edition by Recipe Masters - HTML preview

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Fig Newtons


 1 lb. dried figs or 2 lbs. fresh figs
 1 cup sugar
 1/2 or 1 cup water (1 cup for dried figs; 1/2 cup for fresh)

 1/2 cup butter, room temp.

 1 cup sugar
 1 egg
 1 tbl. cream or milk
 1/2 teas. vanilla
 1/2 teas. salt
 1 teas. baking powder
 1 3/4 cup flour

Dice figs, soak in water 1 hour. Add sugar & cook on medium heat until of thin jam consistency. Beat sugar, butter, egg, milk & vanilla until well blended. Add dry ingredients. Mix well and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Place 1/2 on well floured dough cloth; knead about 6 times. Roll out to 1/4" thick. Line 13 x 9" glass dish; cover with figs. Roll remaining dough, cover figs. Cook at 350' 30 minutes.

Let cool and cut into squares.