Insider's Recipes Master Edition by Recipe Masters - HTML preview

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Girl Scout Samoa Cookies


 6 tablespoons butter
 1/2 cup sugar
 1/2 cup light corn syrup
 1/2 of 14−oz can sweetened condensed milk
 1/2 tsp. vanilla
 4 cups toasted coconut
 1 cup semi−sweet or milk chocolate chips

In 2−quart saucepan over medium−low heat, combine butter, sugar and corn syrup. Heat to a full boil, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Boil 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Slowly pour in sweetened condensed milk, stirring constantly. Continue cooking over low heat until candy thermometer reaches 220−228 degrees. Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla. Beat until creamy. Immediately stir in toasted coconut and mix well.

Spoon mixture by teaspoonfuls into circular mounds onto buttered waxed paper. Flatten slightly and with the end of a wooden spoon poke a small round hole into the center of each cookie. Cool completely.

Melt chocolate chips and drizzle thinly in stripes over cookies and let chocolate harden at room temperature. Store in airtight container.