Insider's Recipes Master Edition by Recipe Masters - HTML preview

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Howard Johnson's Boston Brown Bread


 1 cup Unsifted whole wheat flour
 1 cup Unsifted rye flour
 1 cup Yellow corn meal
 1 1/2 teaspoons Baking soda
 1 1/2 teaspoons Salt
 3/4 cup Molasses
 2 cups Buttermilk

Grease and flour a 2 qt. mold. Combine flours, corn meal, soda, and salt. Stir in molasses and buttermilk. Turn into mold and cover tightly. Place on trivet in deep kettle. Add enough boiling water to kettle to come half way up sides of mold; cover. Steam 3 1/2 hr., or until done. Remove from mold to cake rack. Serve hot with baked beans.

Makes 1 loaf