Kids' Fun Recipes by Recipe Masters - HTML preview

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Penicillin Pizza


6 English muffins

1 Jar pizza sauce

2 c Shredded mozzarella cheese

3 tb Grated Parmesan cheese

Yellow, green and red food




Cookie sheet



Plastic sandwich bag


Split muffins and place on an ungreased cookie sheet, making sure they don't touch.  Spoon a thin layer of sauce on top then cover the sauce with a layer of shredded cheese. Set aside. Pour the Parmesan into a small bowl and add five drops each yellow, red and green food coloring until it's an even shade of mold green. (Use plastic bag to prevent your fingers from staining.) Set aside. With an adult's help, broil the pizzas until the cheese has melted and begun to brown. Remove from oven and let cool about 1 minute. Carefully sprinkle mold on top of hot pizzas. Allow pies to cool slightly before you slip on a lab coat and serve. Serves 6 peaked patients.