Kids' Fun Recipes by Recipe Masters - HTML preview

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Sewer Soda


1 qt Chocolate chocolate chip ice Cream

3/4 c Chocolate syrup

1 l Club soda



lg Spoon

4 Tall glasses


Iced tea spoons


Let ice cream sit at room temperature unti lit is easy to scoop. Spoon ice cream into glasses until it is aboiut halfway full. Pour or squeeze about 3 tablespoons chocolate syrup into each glass. Slowly fill almost to the top with club soda and stir well with a spoon. Serve with a straw and tall spoon for excavating those luscious brown lumps.

Serves 4 sewage slurpers.


Sicko serving suggestion: To make this slop especially disgusting, plop an unwrapped tootsie roll into each glass.