Secret Chocolate Recipes by Pavel Šlajs - HTML preview

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Melt, by standing over hot water, three ounces of unsweetened chocolate; add a pound of sifted powdered sugar and mix thoroughly; work to a stiff yet pliable paste with the unbeaten whites of three eggs (or less), adding vanilla to flavor. If the paste seems too soft, add more sugar. Break off in small pieces and roll out about one-fourth of an inch thick, sprinkling the board and paste with granulated sugar instead of flour. Cut with a tiny heart-shaped cake cutter (any other small cake cutter will do), and place on pans oiled just enough to prevent sticking. Bake in a very moderate oven. When done, they will feel firm to the touch, a solid crust having formed over the top. They should be very light, and will loosen easily from the pan after being allowed to stand a moment to cool. The success of these cakes depends upon the oven, which should not be as cool as for meringue, nor quite so hot as for sponge cake. If properly made, they are very excellent and but little labor. Use the yolks for chocolate whips .— From "Good Housekeeping."



1 pint of water,

Whites of 2 eggs,

½ a teaspoonful of vanilla,

½ a cup of sugar,

2 level tablespoonfuls of cornstarch,

½ a teaspoonful of cinnamon,

3 tablespoonfuls of cocoa.

Dissolve the cornstarch in a quarter of a cup of cold water, add it to the pint of boiling water, stir until it thickens, add the sugar and the cocoa, which have been thoroughly mixed together. Remove from the fire, add the cinnamon and vanilla, and pour slowly over the stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Pour at once into a pudding mould, and put away in a cold place to harden. Serve with plain cream.— Mabel Richards Dulon.



Two cups of sugar, one-half cup of milk, one-half cup of molasses, one-half cup of butter; mix all together and boil seven minutes; add one-half cup of Baker's Chocolate and boil seven minutes longer. Then add two tablespoonfuls of figs, two tablespoonfuls of raisins, one-half a cup of English walnuts and one teaspoonful of vanilla.



Stir to a paste whites of seven eggs, three-fourths a pound of sifted sugar, one-half a pound of almonds pounded very fine, and two ounces of grated Baker's Chocolate . Have ready wafer paper cut round, on which lay pieces of the mixture rolled to fit the wafer. Press one-half a blanched almond on each macaroon and bake in a moderate oven.



Bake a simple, light sponge cake in a shallow biscuit tin or dripping pan, and when cold turn out on the moulding board and cut into small dominoes or diamonds.

They should be about an inch in depth. Split each one and spread jelly or frosting between the layers, then ice tops and sides with different tinted icings, pale green flavored with pistachio, pale pink with rose, yellow with orange, white with almond. Little domino cakes are also pretty. Ice the cakes on top and sides with white icing, then when hard put on a second layer of chocolate, using Walter Baker & Co.'s Unsweetened Chocolate and made as for layer cake, dipping the brush in the melted chocolate to make the spots.

Candied violets, bits of citron cut in fancy shapes, candied cherries and angelica may all be utilized in making pretty designs in decoration.— American Housekeeper.



Two cups of white sugar, one cup of butter, one cup of hot mashed potatoes, one cup of chopped walnuts, half a cup of sweet milk, two cups of flour, four eggs well beaten, five teaspoonfuls of melted chocolate, one tablespoonful each of cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Bake in layers and use marshmallow filling.



One cup of sugar, one-half a cup of butter, one-half a cup of sweet milk, three cups of flour, two eggs, one teaspoonful of soda dissolved in hot water. Put on the stove one cup of milk, one-half a cup of Baker's Chocolate , grated; stir until dissolved; then stir into it one cup of sugar and the yolk of one egg stirred together; when cool flavor with vanilla. While this is cooling beat up the first part of the cake and add the chocolate custard. Bake in layers. Ice on top and between the layers.