Secret Chocolate Recipes by Pavel Šlajs - HTML preview

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WALTER BAKER & Co.'s Cocoa and Chocolate





In 1-5 lb., 1-4 lb., 1-2 lb., 1 lb. and 5 lb. Tins

This admirable preparation is made from selected cocoa, from which the excess of oil has been removed. It is absolutely pure , and it is soluble . It has more than three times the strength of cocoa mixed with starch, arrowroot or sugar, and is, therefore, far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup . It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested , and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health.

No alkalies or other chemicals or dyes are used in its preparation.

Trade-Mark on every package




In 1-4 and 1-2 lb. cakes, 1 lb. packages, blue wrapper, yellow label

It is the pure product of carefully selected cocoa beans, to which nothing has been added and from which nothing has been taken away. Unequalled for smoothness, delicacy and natural flavor. Celebrated for more than a century as a nutritious, delicious and flesh-forming beverage. The high reputation and constantly increasing sales of this article have led to imitations on a very extensive scale. To distinguish their product from these imitations Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., have enclosed their cakes and pound packages in a new envelope or case of stiff paper, different from any other package. The color of the case is the same shade of deep blue heretofore used on the Baker packages, and no change has been made in the color (yellow) and design of the label. On the outside of the case, the name of the manufacturer is prominently printed in white letters. On the back of every package a colored lithograph of the trade-mark, "La Belle Chocolatière" sometimes called the Chocolate Girl, is printed. Vigorous proceedings will be taken against anyone imitating the package.

Trade-mark on every package



In 1-2 lb. and 1-6 lb. cakes and 5c and 10c packages,

is guaranteed to consist solely of choice cocoa and sugar, flavored with pure vanilla beans. Particular care is taken in its preparation, and a trial will convince one that it is really a delicious article for eating or drinking. It is the best sweet chocolate in the market. Used at receptions and evening parties in place of tea or coffee. The small cakes form the most convenient, palatable and healthful article of food that can be carried by bicyclists, tourists and students.

Trade-mark on every package




In 1-8 and 1-4 lb. packages

A delicious article. Good to eat and good to drink. It is one of the finest and most popular sweet chocolates on the market, and has a constantly increasing sale in all parts of the country. If you do not find it at your grocer's, we will send a quarter-pound cake by mail, prepaid, on receipt of 10 cents in stamps or money.

Trade-mark on every package



In 1-4 lb. packages

A fine vanilla chocolate for eating or drinking. Put up in very artistic wrappers.

Trade-mark on every package



In 1-6 lb. packages

A fine eating chocolate, enclosed in an attractive wrapper with an embossed representation of an automobile in colors.

Trade-mark on every package




In 1-4 lb. and 1-8 lb. packages

is one of the most popular sweet chocolates sold anywhere. It is palatable, nutritious and healthful and is a great favorite with children.

Beware of imitations. The genuine is stamped: "S. German, Dorchester, Mass."

Trade-mark (La Belle Chocolatière) on every package



In 1-2 lb. cakes; 12 lb. boxes

A high grade chocolate specially prepared for home-made candies , and for sportsmen's use. If you do not find it at your grocer's write to us and we will put you in the way of getting it.

In "The Way of the Woods—A Manual for Sportsmen" Edward Breck, the author, says:

"Chocolate is now regarded as a very high-class food on account of its nutritive qualities. * A half cake will keep a man's strength up for a day without any other food. I never strike off from camp by myself without a piece of chocolate in my pocket. Do not, however, have anything to do with the mawkishly sweet chocolates of the candy shops or the imported milk chocolate, which are not suited for the purpose. We have something better here in America in Walter Baker & Co.'s "Dot" brand, which is slightly sweetened.”



In 1-2 lb. and 1 lb. packages, and in 6 lb. and 10 lb. bags

This is the freshly roasted bean cracked into small pieces. It contains no admixture, and presents the full flavor of the cocoa-bean in all its natural fragrance and purity. When properly prepared, it is one of the most economical drinks. Dr. Lankester says cocoa contains as much flesh-forming matter as beef.

Trade-mark on every package



This is a preparation for the special use of druggists and others in making hot or cold soda. It forms the basis for a delicious, refreshing, nourishing and strengthening drink.

It is perfectly soluble. It is absolutely pure. It is easily made. It possesses the full strength and natural flavor of the cocoa-bean. No chemicals are used in its preparation.

The directions for making one gallon of syrup are as follows:

8 ounces of soluble cocoa,

8 ½ pounds of white sugar,

2 ½ quarts of water.

Thoroughly dissolve the cocoa in hot water, then add the sugar, and heat until the mixture boils. Strain while hot. After it has become cool, sugar may be added if desired.

The Trade is supplied with 1, 4 or 10 lb. decorated canisters.

Trade-mark on every package



Liquid Chocolates —plain, sweet, light, medium and dark.

Soluble Cocoa —for hot or cold soda.

Absolutely Pure—free from coloring matter, chemical solvents, or adulterants of any kind, and therefore in full conformity to the requirements of all National and State Pure Food Laws.



These are small pieces of chocolate, made from the finest beans, and done up in fancy foil. The packages are tied with colored ribbons, and are very attractive in form and delicious in substance. They are much used for desserts and collations, and at picnics and entertainments for young people. They are strongly recommended by physicians as a healthy and nutritious confection for children.

Trade-mark on every package



In 1-2 lb. and 1-5 lb. cakes, and in metal boxes for toilet uses

One-half the weight of the cocoa-bean consists of a fat called "cocoa-butter," from its resemblance to ordinary butter. It is considered of great value as a nutritious, strengthening tonic, being preferred to cod-liver oil and other nauseous fats so often used in pulmonary complaints. As a soothing application to chapped hands and lips, and all irritated surfaces, cocoa-butter has no equal, making the skin remarkably soft and smooth. Many who have used it say they would not for any consideration be without it. It is almost a necessary article for every household.

Trade-mark on every package



In 1 lb. and 1-2 lb. packages

Cocoa-shells are the thin outer covering of the beans. They have a flavor similar to but milder than cocoa. Their very low price places them within the reach of all; and as furnishing a pleasant and healthy drink, they are considered superior to tea and coffee.

Packed only in 1 lb. and 1/2 lb. papers, with our label and name on them.

Trade-mark on every package



In boxes, 6 lbs. each; 1-2 lb. bottles

A compound formerly known as Racabout des Arabes ; a most nutritious preparation; indispensable as an article of diet for children, convalescents, ladies, and delicate or aged persons. It is composed of the best nutritive and restoring substances, suitable for the most delicate system. It is now a favorite breakfast beverage for ladies and young persons , to whom it gives freshness and embonpoint . It has solved the problem of medicine by imparting something which is easily digestible and at the same time free from the exciting qualities of coffee 70 Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and tea, thus making it especially desirable for nervous persons or those afflicted with weak stomachs.

It has a very agreeable flavor, is easily prepared, and has received the commendation of eminent physicians as being the best article known for convalescents and all persons desiring a light, digestible, nourishing and strengthening food .

