DAY 21
Total: 1683 Kcal
Fat: 135 g Protein: 81.5 g Carb: 20.7 g
3 Scrambled eggs with a bunch of onions
1 oz. Bacon or ham
3 oz. Mushrooms
2.5 oz. Cherry tomatoes
3 oz. Stewed spinach, to enhance magnesium
24 pieces of raw
Quick chicken salad:
5.5 oz. Cooked chicken thighs
3.5 oz. Crisp lettuce, onion
2 Hard-boiled eggs
1 cup of bone broth
6 oz pork chops, grilled
4 oz asparagus, grilled
2 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese or other hard
*** For better taste you can add a Pink Himalayan salt, Lemon juice, and Olive oil to each meal.