South African Traditional Recipes 50 by GJ van Niekerk - HTML preview

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Braai Pie






Sandwich type grid with edges


2 Rolls of Puff Pastry


1 Packet of Spinach


1 or 2 Chicken Breasts (fillets) - optional


1 Packet Shredded Bacon


1 Onion


1 Red Pepper


1 Yellow Pepper


1 Packet of mushrooms


Feta Cheese


Mozzarella and/or Cheddar to taste




Defrost the dough and roll the first one out onto the grid


Tip: do not defrost for too long in the microwave, else the dough goes soggyyour best bet is to let the dough defrost slowly on its own.


Tip: use some Spray & Cook on the grid before laying out the dough.


Fry onion, bacon and peppers together, and if you're using chicken in your recipe, fry (or braai) the chicken separately


Place half of raw spinach on dough.


Tip: Make sure to dry the spinach off properly before placing it on the dough. The less water/moisture you have before you start the better.


Cut chicken into pieces and place on spinach Add onion, pepper and bacon mixture. Chop and add the mushrooms


Tip: you could opt for frying the mushrooms in with the bacon and onion as well


Add the different cheeses (grated)


Finish off with the rest of the spinach (PS. The Spinach should cover the dough nicely, it helps to prevent too many juices from seeping through and getting the dough wet.)


Place the second roll of dough on top. Seal the dough (as if you are making pies)

Tip: Egg wash the dough for that extra golden brown effect.


Place it high up on the fire and turn constantly until golden brown This is not a

steak: rather turn too much than too little :-)


That's basically it: The important stuff is the puff pastry and spinach, feel free to experiment.