South African Traditional Recipes 50 by GJ van Niekerk - HTML preview

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Malva Pudding





1 cup flour

1 tablespoon bicarbonate of soda

1 cup sugar

1 egg

1 tablespoon apricot jam

1 tablespoon vinegar

1 tablespoon melted butter

1 cup milk.





Butter an ovenproof glass or porcelain container. Sift the flour and bi-carb into a bowl and stir in the sugar. In another bowl beat the egg very well and add the other ingredients (excluding those for the sauce) one by one, beating well. Using a wooden spoon beat the wet ingredients into the dry.


Pour batter into the baking dish, cover with greased foil, greased side down, and bake in a 1800C preheated oven for 45 minutes until well risen and for another 5 minutes if not browned enough.


If not sufficiently baked the pudding won't absorb the sauce making it stodgy inside.




When baking is almost done, heat the ingredients for the sauce making sure all the sugar and butter are melted. When the pudding is done, remove from the oven, pour over the sauce. Serve hot or at room temperature with a little cream.


For the sauce: D cup cream D cup milk

1 cup sugar

D cup hot water

D cup butter