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2. Cut the cauli ower into small bite sized pieces (roughly 1" cubes),

throwing away most of the stem pieces. Wash and drain in a collander.

3. While the potatoes are cooking, heat the oil in a wide skillet until it

is very hot. Add the mustard seeds and wait until they start popping.

Add bay leaves, cardamom and cloves.

4. Mix around for a while and then add onions. Wait until the onion starts

to turn before adding the rest of the spices (except for turmeric).

5. Put the cauli ower in the skillet and fry in the oil and spices for 2

minutes. While the cauli ower is frying, cut up the potatoes into bite

sized pieces and add to the skillet. Add turmeric and stir.

6. Continue stirring the vegetables under medium heat for another couple

of minutes. Add cup of water and reduce heat to low. Cover skillet



and let cook for 5 minutes.

7. Check tenderness of vegetables. If they are still too hard, add another

cup of water and cover again for 5 minutes.



8. Salt to taste and serve.

6.2 Chole \Bill and Jim" (Chick Peas)

This recipe is named after Bill Chiles and Jim Muller both of whom liked

my concoctions well enough that I started cooking this a lot. This is a real

simple way of making chick peas. It barely takes 15 minutes and the result

is quite delicious. Ask Jim and Bill.



1 can

Chick peas (also called garbanzo beans) (Progresso is a

good brand.)

1 large

Onion chopped nely

2 medium sized

Potatoes (optional)

1 teaspoon

Mustard seeds

2 or 3 pods


1 teaspoon


1 teaspoon

Cumin seeds

1 tablespoon

Garam Masala

