The Paleo Way by Bella Edwards - HTML preview

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What follows are some of the most common mistakes while on the Paleo diet that people are making every single day and the idea behind informing you of these mistakes is to help stop you from making the exact same ones yourself and undoing all of the good work that you have already put into your diet regime. There is no doubt that this particular diet can have some amazing results when it is done correctly, so read on in order to find out more about what you should not do.

First, people will often try to completely eliminate fat from their diet as they believe that it is evil and will result in them putting on weight rather than losing it. The truth of the matter is that you need some of it in your diet as it makes you feel more full and helps to absorb various nutrients and minerals in your food, so include some without going crazy and you will benefit from doing so.

Another mistake is that they try to make everything about the Paleo diet and this will then put undue pressure on their body as we all naturally crave different things as some kind of treat every now and then.

The problem is that so many people go from one extreme to the other when in actual fact you can have that little treat at different times as long as it does not become a mainstay in your diet because the main focus of this type of diet has to be on eating more natural meat and vegetables for the majority of your food with little tit-bits thrown in to keep your interest alive.

People are also guilty of thinking that they can eat as many nuts as they like because surely nuts have to be part of the Paleo diet?

In actual fact, you should look at limiting the amount of nuts you eat because they do not actually help you to lose any weight, so if you are having them as a snack, then always make sure that they are small portions rather than a big bag or you will undo the hard work you have already put in to lose some weight.

Finally, people believe that they need to eat less in order to lose weight on this diet because they believe that the idea is that in the Palaeolithic era food was scarce, which then leads to binges rather than controlled meals on a regular basis.

This is the wrong way to do things because you need to eat small meals on a regular basis and make sure that you get enough fats and protein in order to give your body the fuel it needs to actually work. Binging in your diet will only result in your metabolism going haywire and losing weight will become extremely difficult as a result so small meals on a regular basis is undoubtedly the way forward.

People, therefore, make these common mistakes while on the Paleo diet and you can see that in order to avoid making them it simply involves you taking that little bit more care and fully understanding what the diet involves before you even start it. By taking your time you will not only manage to lose weight, but will also be healthier as well and benefit from it not only now, but in the long term as well