The Pudding and Pastry Book by Elizabeth Douglas - HTML preview

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Open Tarts and Tartlets

Almond Tartlets—I

¹⁄₄ lb. sweet almonds
 5 ozs. powdered sugar
 10 drops vanilla
 6 whites of eggs
 A few drops of lemon juice

Blanch and pound the almonds with the lemon juice. Add the sugar. Whip the whites to a stiff froth. Stir in the almonds, sugar and vanilla. Bake in a moderate oven in patty pans lined with puff pastry.

Almond Tartlets—II

5 ozs. potato flour
 8 yolks
 3 whites
 2¹⁄₂ ozs. butter
 2 lemons
 2¹⁄₂ ozs. sweet almonds
 ¹⁄₄ oz. bitter almonds

Blanch and pound the almonds. Melt the butter. Grate the rind of the lemons. Beat the yolks. Mix all thoroughly together except the whites. Beat them to a froth, and stir them in last.

Line two round tins with short crust. Spread it with apricot jam, and pour the almond mixture over it. Bake in a slow oven.

Chocolate Cream Tartlets

1 pint milk
 1¹⁄₂ ozs. grated chocolate
 1¹⁄₂ ozs. flour
 ¹⁄₄ lb. powdered sugar
 1 oz. butter
 4 eggs

Boil the chocolate and milk together. Stir in the flour, mixed smooth in a little cold milk. Stir until it thickens. Strain. Pour over the well beaten yolks. Add the sugar and butter. Stir over the fire until just below boiling point.

Line small tins with a short crust. Fill with the cream and bake. Make a meringue of two whites and two table-spoons of powdered sugar. Put in the oven to brown slightly.

Cream Tartlets

1 pint cream
 ¹⁄₂ pint milk
 2 ozs. powdered sugar
 Peel of one lemon
 8 yolks

Put the cream and milk into a sauce-pan. When they boil, add the sugar, the very finely-pared lemon peel and a little salt. Stir for a few moments. Pour the cream over the well beaten yolks. Set back on the fire. When thick, strain into a basin. Set aside in a cool place till wanted. Line some small tins with puff paste. Fill with uncooked rice. Bake. Take out the rice and fill with custard. Sprinkle with lemon sugar.

Cream and Fruit Tartlets

For cream:—
 1 tea-cup cream or milk
 2 whites of eggs
 1 table-spoon powdered sugar
 ¹⁄₂ tea-spoon cornflour

Line a dish with short crust. Fill it closely with raspberries, strawberries, cherries or other fruit and sufficient sugar. Cover with crust, but do not press it down round the edges. When baked, lift off the upper crust and fill with cream.

CREAM.—Scald the milk or cream. Add the whites beaten to a stiff froth, the sugar and the cornflour mixed smooth with a little cold milk. Boil three minutes, stirring continually. Set aside until quite cold.

Fruit Tartlets

Stew the fruit until tender, taking care to keep it whole, in plenty of water and sugar. Take out the fruit gently with a skimmer when done. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the syrup. Boil it until reduced to a thick syrup. Line several small tins with a short crust (No. IV. or V.). Fill with uncooked rice and bake. Take out the rice. Arrange the fruit in them and pour the syrup over.

Lemon Cheesecakes

¹⁄₄ lb. butter
 1 lb. loaf sugar
 6 eggs
 3 lemons

Melt the sugar in the lemon juice. Add the butter, eggs (taking out the whites of two) and the grated rind of two lemons. Stir until thick and of the consistency of honey. A few pounded almonds may be added.

Line small tins with puff or short pastry, fill with the mixture and bake.


2 lbs. suet
 3 lbs. raisins
 2 lbs. sultanas
 2 lbs. currants
 1 lb. mixed candied peel
 2 lbs. moist sugar
 1 dozen sour apples
 4 lemons, grated peel and juice
 2 tea-spoons mixed spice
 2 ” ground ginger
 ¹⁄₄ lb. pounded sweet almonds
 2 grated nutmegs
 ¹⁄₂ pint brandy
 ¹⁄₂ pint sherry

Mix the sugar, spices and very finely-chopped suet. Chop the fruit, and peel as fine as possible. Mix all well together, adding the brandy and wine last. It is best made several weeks before using.

Orange Tartlets

7 oranges
 ¹⁄₂ pint syrup
 1 lemon
 Puff or short paste

Peel six oranges. Scrape off all the white skin with a sharp knife. Divide into sections, removing all the rest of the white and seeds. Drop them very carefully into boiling syrup  and let them simmer three minutes. Take the pieces out gently, and set them on a sieve to drain over a basin.

To the syrup add the juice of an orange and lemon and the juice that drains from the cooked oranges. Reduce it by boiling till very thick.

Line some patty pans with short or puff paste. Fill them with uncooked rice and bake quickly. Remove the rice, arrange the oranges on the pastry and pour the syrup over them just before serving.

Strawberry Tartlets

1 lb. loaf sugar
 1 gill water
 1 wine-glass brandy or sherry

Make a syrup of the sugar and water. Add the brandy or sherry. Reduce until thick. Pour this syrup over a number of fine strawberries.

Line some small tins with short crust (No. 125). Fill them with uncooked rice and bake in a quick oven.

Turn out the rice and fill with the strawberries and syrup. Serve hot.