On to some powdered sugar drop a few drops of any colouring. Stir well and quickly so that the sugar may be evenly coloured. When dry, crush between paper if necessary. Keep in a tin in a dry place.
¹⁄₂ lb. loaf sugar
3 oranges or lemons
Pare off the yellow rind of oranges, tangerines or lemons very finely. Let it dry thoroughly. Pound it in a mortar with the sugar. Pass through a fine sieve and keep in a dry place.
Or the rind may be rubbed off on lumps of sugar, which must then be dried and very finely crushed.
White of egg
Powdered sugar
Strawberries, cherries, grapes, red or white currants
Beat the white of an egg till frothy. Dip each fruit into it and then roll it in powdered sugar. Place on white paper and dry in a very slow oven.