The Pudding and Pastry Book by Elizabeth Douglas - HTML preview

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Milk Puddings

Apple Tapioca Pudding

1 teacup tapioca
 1¹⁄₂ pints warm water
 6 apples
 1 lemon
 1 tea-spoon butter
 1 cup milk
 1 cup powdered sugar

Soak the tapioca in the water. Add to it the butter, melted, a little salt, half the sugar and the milk. Peel and core six sour apples, filling them with the rest of the sugar with which the juice of half a lemon and the grated peel of a whole lemon have been mixed. Put the apples into a deep pudding-dish. Pour the tapioca and milk round them. Bake an hour.

This pudding may be made with plums, gooseberries or currants; they should be well sweetened.

Bread and Butter Pudding

 Powdered cinnamon
 3 eggs
 1 pint milk
 3 table-spoons powdered sugar

Cut a number of slices of bread, taking off the crusts and spreading them with butter. Butter a pudding-dish and fill it three parts full with the slices of bread and butter, sprinkling a little powdered cinnamon and a few sultanas between each layer. Beat the sugar and eggs together. Add the milk and flavouring. Strain. Pour slowly on the bread, letting it absorb all it can. Bake in a moderate oven for an hour.

A good variation of this pudding is made by spreading each layer of bread and butter with jam.

*Bread Pudding

1¹⁄₂ cups powdered sugar
 2 cups bread-crumbs
 1 quart milk
 5 eggs
 1 table-spoon butter

Put the bread-crumbs, which should be very fine, to soak in the milk. Mix the butter and one cup of sugar. Add the well-beaten yolks, and beat well together. Add bread-crumbs and milk and a little vanilla. Butter a pudding-dish and fill it not more than two-thirds full. Bake in a moderate oven until set. Spread quickly with jelly or jam and cover with the whites beaten to a froth and mixed with half a cup of sugar. Put back in the oven to brown quickly. Serve cold with cream.

This pudding can be made with crushed and sweetened fresh strawberries instead of jam.

Gâteau de Riz

5 table-spoons rice
 ¹⁄₂ cup powdered sugar
 1 quart milk
 6 eggs
 Lemon peel
 1 bay leaf

Boil the rice and sugar in the milk, with a thin strip of lemon peel and the bay leaf, very gently until all the milk is absorbed. When cold, add four whole eggs and two extra yolks previously well beaten, and two whites beaten to a stiff froth. Beat all well together. Butter a mould, and sprinkle very fine bread-crumbs all over it. Pour in the rice and bake for half-an-hour in a quick oven.

A small cup of strong coffee can be added while the rice is being cooked, or a handful of candied cherries after the eggs have been added.

Rice Cream

1 tea-cup rice
 1¹⁄₂ pints milk or 1 pint milk and ¹⁄₂ pint cream
 ¹⁄₂ cup powdered sugar
 ¹⁄₂ tea-spoon vanilla

Boil the rice in the milk (with a very little salt) until it is soft and thick and all the milk is absorbed. Add the sugar when partly cooked, and stir in the vanilla when the rice is done. Pour into small moulds or cups. Leave till the following day. Serve cold with custard, cream or cold fruit sauce.

*Plain Rice Pudding

¹⁄₂ cup rice
 ¹⁄₂ cup brown sugar
 1 quart milk
 A little salt

Let the rice soak for half-an-hour in the milk. Add the sugar. Bake over two hours in a moderate oven.

Rice Pudding with Apples or Raisins

3 table-spoons rice
 1 quart milk
 3 table-spoons brown sugar
 3 sour apples
 Or 1 cup raisins or sultanas

Soak the rice in the milk for an hour. Add a little salt, the sugar, the apples pared and cut into eighths, or the stoned raisins or sultanas. Butter a deep pudding-dish and fill it, covering it with a plate. Bake very slowly for four hours.

*Rice Soufflé

¹⁄₂ cup rice
 1 pint milk
 6 eggs
 6 table-spoons powdered sugar
 1 table-spoon butter
 ¹⁄₂ tea-spoon vanilla

Cook the rice for twenty minutes in a large sauce-pan of salted boiling water. Drain it and cook it in the milk in a double-boiler for ten minutes. Beat the yolks until light and creamy. Add the sugar and softened butter. Stir the eggs, etc. into the rice and cook for five minutes, but do not allow it to boil. Let it get cold. Beat well together, add the vanilla, and lightly stir in the whites beaten to a stiff froth. Bake in a buttered mould for half-an-hour. Serve with a sauce.

Tapioca Pudding—I

5 table-spoons tapioca
 1 quart milk
 1 table-spoon butter
 ¹⁄₂ cup brown sugar
 (3 eggs)

Soak the tapioca over night, or if this has not been done, let it simmer for half-an-hour in water. Drain and add the milk, sugar, melted butter and a little salt. Butter a dish and bake in a moderate oven for an hour.

Three eggs and a little vanilla can be added. They should be thoroughly well beaten and stirred into the milk.

*Tapioca Pudding—II

1 breakfast-cup tapioca
 5 eggs
 1 quart milk
 1 cup powdered sugar
 ¹⁄₂ tea-spoon vanilla

Cover the tapioca with water and soak all night. Then boil it till tender. Make a custard  of the five yolks, sugar and milk. Drain the tapioca. Put it into a large basin, adding a very little salt. Pour the custard over it and beat well together, adding the vanilla. Whip the whites to a firm froth. Stir them lightly in. Butter a pudding-dish and pour in the mixture. Set it in a pan of boiling water in a very moderate oven. Cover it with a dish. Bake until the custard becomes thick and a little set (it must not be as firm as a baked custard). Brown with a salamander or set in a hot oven for a few minutes.