The Pudding and Pastry Book by Elizabeth Douglas - HTML preview

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General Directions

To fry pancakes, melt a piece of fresh butter in a small frying-pan. When it is very hot pour in sufficient batter to cover the frying-pan with a thin layer. Fry over a clear fire, shaking the pan constantly. Loosen the edges of the pancake, when set, with a knife. Give a good shake and toss, bringing the pancake down on the other side. As each is done, put it on a very hot plate in the oven and continue frying the others as quickly as possible.

Pancakes—I (French Receipt)

4 eggs
 ¹⁄₂ lb. sifted flour
 1 pint milk
 1 table-spoon olive oil
 1 table-spoon brandy, rum, absinthe or kirsch

Beat the eggs. Add the milk, flour, etc., mixing well together until perfectly smooth. Set aside for three hours. When ready to fry, add to the batter one white of egg beaten to a stiff froth. Fry in butter.

Pancakes—II (American)

5 table-spoons flour
 7 eggs
 1 pint cream or milk

Sift the flour with a tea-spoon of salt. Mix it smoothly with the cream. Beat up the yolks and add them, mixing thoroughly. Beat four whites to a stiff froth and stir them lightly in. Fry in very hot butter. Serve with sugar and cinnamon or lemon.

Pancakes with Jam

¹⁄₂ lb. flour
 1 table-spoon sugar
 ¹⁄₄ lb. melted butter
 5 eggs
 1¹⁄₄ pints milk

First mix the sugar, flour and unbeaten eggs. Add the butter, milk and a little salt. Fry in butter in a small frying-pan, two table-spoons at a time. As soon as a pancake is done on one side, lay it on a dish and spread it with apricot or strawberry jam. Cover it with another, and so on. Sprinkle the top pancake with sugar and glaze with a salamander. Serve very hot.

*French Pancakes

2 eggs
 2 ozs. powdered sugar
 2 ozs. flour
 2 ozs. butter
 ¹⁄₂ pint milk

Beat the butter to a cream. Add the well-beaten eggs, and beat together. Stir in the sugar, flour, and lastly the milk, beating all the time.

Bake in six well-buttered saucers in a quick oven about twenty minutes. Fold each pancake over. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, and serve with lemon.

Rice Pancakes

¹⁄₄ lb. rice
 ¹⁄₂ pint cream or milk
 1 table-spoon powdered sugar
 4 eggs
 2 ozs. butter

Boil the rice in water until very tender. Pound it and put it through a sieve. When cold add the cream or milk, sugar, well-beaten eggs and butter, which should be warmed and creamed. Add flour, if necessary, to make a fairly stiff batter. Fry in butter.