The Soup and Sauce Book by Elizabeth Douglas - HTML preview

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Several slices of stale bread
 1 oz. of butter

Cut off the crust and cut the bread into small dice-shaped pieces. Fry them in the butter. Drain them on a sieve. Before serving, put them for a few minutes in a quick oven.

Custards for Clear Soup

4 yolks of eggs
 1 gill consommé or water

Beat the yolks in a basin, stir in the consommé or water. Add a little salt. Strain through a hair sieve into a shallow mould. Steam it until well set. Let it become quite cold. Put out on a wet cloth. Cut in squares or fancy shapes. Part of the custard may be coloured green with spinach colouring.

Force-meat Balls

1 cup of meat of any kind
 1 tea-spoon finely chopped parsley
 1 salt-spoon thyme
 1 tea-spoon lemon juice
 1 yolk of egg (raw)
 1 table-spoon flour
 1 ” butter

Chop the meat very fine, season it highly, and add the lemon juice, thyme and parsley. Moisten with the yolk of egg. Roll into small balls. Flour them well. Melt the butter in a shallow pan. When it is brown add the balls. Fry until brown.

Green Colouring

Pound some spinach in a mortar and put it through a hair sieve. Put the juice in a sauce-pan and boil it until it curdles. Put through a very fine sieve. Bottle.

Potato Balls

(For Potato or Clear Soups)

2 potatoes
 1 oz. butter
 1 table-spoon thick cream
 1 egg

Boil the potatoes. Rub them through a sieve. Put them in a sauce-pan with the butter and cream. Season. Stir over a good fire until of a stiff consistency. Remove from the fire and put in a basin. Add the yolk of an egg and the beaten white. Form into small balls. Drop into boiling water. Boil two or three minutes.

Quenelles of Chicken, Game, Hare or Rabbit

4 ozs. meat
 2 ozs. bread-crumbs
 2 ozs. butter
 1 whole egg and 1 extra yolk

Chop and pound the meat. Soak the bread-crumbs in a little milk or broth. Mix all thoroughly together. Season. Pass through a sieve. Form into balls. Drop into boiling water or broth and simmer for three minutes.

The best meat should always be reserved for making quenelles.

Quenelles of Marrow

4 ozs. marrow
 4 ozs. fine bread-crumbs
 1 egg
 ¹⁄₂ tea-spoonful finely-chopped parsley

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Season. Roll in the hand in small balls. Boil in a little broth for fifteen minutes.


1 cup of Carolina rice
 2 quarts boiling water
 1 table-spoon salt

Wash a cup of rice thoroughly. Drain it. Throw it into a large sauce-pan of salted boiling water and let it boil as fast as possible for twenty minutes. Do not stir. Drain. Put into cold water for ten minutes. Drain again. When required warm it by steaming, or set it in the oven, leaving the door open.

Savoury Rice

(To serve with Clear Soup)

Prepare the rice as above. Add to it one cup of rich stock which has been highly seasoned. Steam to warm. Add a table-spoon of butter just before serving.


Add a table-spoon of chopped onion which has been fried a rich yellow in a table-spoon of butter, to the cooked rice. Moisten with a cup of stock and steam for ten minutes.

Rice Balls

(For Cream of Rice or Clear Soups)

¹⁄₄ lb. Carolina rice
 1 oz. butter
 1 oz. grated Parmesan
 2 yolks of eggs
 1 whole egg

Boil the rice until quite soft. Drain it. Put it in a sauce-pan with the butter, cheese and yolks. Stir continually for five minutes. Season. Take off the fire. Turn out of the sauce-pan to cool. When cold, make into small balls. Beat the whole egg. Roll the balls first in a little flour, then in the egg. Fry in very hot lard till a rich yellow.