The Soup and Sauce Book by Elizabeth Douglas - HTML preview

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Hot Sauces for Game, etc.


Cream Sauce

The gravy from two roasted birds
 1 gill cream

Stir the cream into gravy of the birds with which it is to be served. Season. Add a few drops of lemon.

Game Sauce

2 onions
 A bouquet of thyme, bay leaf and parsley
 Several pieces of game
 1 slice of ham
 1 oz. of butter
 4 table-spoons of Madeira
 ¹⁄₂ pint brown sauce

Cut the onions, ham and game into small pieces. Add to them the bouquet. Fry them gently in the butter. Add the Madeira. Simmer twenty minutes. Add the sauce and simmer ten minutes. Pass through a sieve.

German Sauce

¹⁄₂ pint rich brown stock
 1 tea-spoon glaze
 Pheasant bones
 12 mushrooms
 1 glass white wine

Break the pheasant bones. Add them to the stock. Simmer half-an-hour. Add the mushrooms. Simmer till tender. Put through a sieve. Add glaze, seasoning and glass of wine.

Madeira Sauce

¹⁄₂ onion
 ¹⁄₂ carrot
 1 bay leaf
 2 cloves
 1 slice ham
 1 gill brown stock or gravy
 ¹⁄₂ pint brown sauce
 1 glass Madeira
 Juice of half a lemon

Slice the onion and carrot. Put them, with the bay leaf, clove and the ham, cut in small pieces, in a sauce-pan. Cover with the brown stock. Boil up quickly. Simmer half-an-hour. Season. Add Madeira, brown sauce and lemon juice. Rub through a fine sieve. Colour with caramel colouring if not dark enough, and stir in the butter.

Orange Sauce

2 Seville oranges
 ¹⁄₂ lemon
 1 glass red wine
 1 gill brown gravy
 1 lump of sugar

Grate the yellow part of the skin of one orange very finely. Add it to the brown gravy. Simmer a few minutes. Add the wine, the juice of two oranges and half a lemon, a little cayenne and the sugar. Serve with game or wild duck.

Sauce Poivrade

1 oz. butter
 2 onions
 1 carrot
 2 cloves
 1 bay leaf
 1 tea-spoon flour
 1 glass red wine
 1 glass water
 1 table-spoon vinegar

Melt the butter, add the onions and carrot sliced, the cloves, bay-leaf and flour. Cook until a good brown, then add the wine, water and vinegar. Boil half-an-hour. Strain. Season with salt and whole pepper. Serve with game.

Sour Cream Sauce

2 ozs. butter
 2 yolks of eggs
 1 table-spoon flour
 1 gill sour cream
 1 gill brown stock
 A little nutmeg
 A few drops of lemon juice

Cook the butter and flour together, but do not brown. Take off the fire and add the yolks. When thoroughly mixed add the cream and stock, salt, nutmeg and lemon. Heat but do not boil. Pass through a tammy. Heat again without boiling.