The Soup and Sauce Book by Elizabeth Douglas - HTML preview

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Clear Soups



3 pints strong consommé
 1 carrot
 1 turnip
 1 leek
 1 onion
 1 stick of celery
 1 small tea-cupful freshly cooked peas
 ” ” ” ” asparagus points
 ” ” ” ” French beans

Cut the carrot, turnip, leek, onion and celery into small dice-shaped pieces, using the red outer part of the carrot only. Fry them in butter until a light brown. Add them to the consommé, and after it has come to the boil, simmer gently until the vegetables are perfectly tender. Skim from time to time. Season. Add the cooked peas, beans and asparagus points. The beans should be cut into diamond-shaped pieces.

Consommé with poached eggs

6 eggs
 1 quart consommé

Break the eggs carefully into boiling water, taking care that they do not run into each other. Cook until firmly set, but not hard. Take them out, put them on a dish, and trim neatly. Put them in a soup tureen and gently pour over them the hot consommé. Finely chopped and cooked vegetables may be added to the consommé.

Croûte au pot

1 quart clear brown stock
 ¹⁄₄ of a white cabbage
 1 carrot
 ¹⁄₂ a turnip
 A little celery
 2 thin slices of bread

Cut the celery, carrot and turnip into small equal pieces. Cut up the heart of the cabbage, and cook separately in salted water. Put the vegetables in a sauce-pan. Pour the stock over them. Simmer until tender. Add the cabbage. Season. Simmer for a few minutes. Toast the bread. Cut it into several pieces. Put them in a soup tureen. Pour the vegetables and stock over them. Serve. Grated parmesan can be served with this soup.

Croûte au pot gratinée

1 quart clear brown stock
 1 tea-cup of mixed cooked vegetables cut in small pieces
 4 small dinner rolls

Take out the crumb from the inside of three or four rolls. Put the crusts in an earthenware sauce-pan, and cover with a little clear brown stock. Let them simmer over a gentle fire until they have absorbed all the stock. Then put them in the oven until they are crisp, being very careful that they do not burn. Place them in a soup tureen with the cooked vegetables. Pour the well-seasoned boiling stock over them.

Game Soup

1 calf’s foot
 1 or 2 birds (game), or the carcases and bones of several
 1 slice lean ham
 2 carrots
 1 onion
 1 piece of celery
 1 sprig parsley
 1 bay leaf
 2 cloves
 1 blade of mace
 2 quarts of water
 1 glass of sherry

Clean and cut up the calf’s foot. Put in a stew-pan with one or two whole birds (game), or the carcases and bones of several, a small piece of lean ham, the vegetables, herbs, etc. Cover with 2 quarts of water. Bring to the boil. Skim. Simmer for three hours. Season. Strain. When cold clarify with white of egg. Before serving add a glass of sherry, and two dozen small quenelles of game.

Imperial Soup

1 quart clear consommé

For Custard

1 gill consommé
 4 yolks of eggs

Beat the yolks in a basin. Add a little salt and nutmeg. Stir in the consommé. Strain through a fine hair sieve into a shallow plain mould. Put it into a pan of boiling water, and steam until it sets. Turn out carefully on to a wet napkin. Cut into fancy or square shapes. Half of the mixture can, if wished, be coloured green with spinach colouring. Place the custards carefully in a tureen, and pour the hot consommé over them.


2 large carrots
 1 turnip
 1 piece of celery
 1 small onion
 ¹⁄₄ white cabbage
 1 lettuce
 A little sorrel
 1 quart consommé
 2 ozs. butter

Cut all the vegetables into thin shreds of equal length (about one inch). Use the red outer part of the carrots only, and the hearts of the lettuce and cabbage. Wash the sorrel and cabbage separately, and set aside. Put two ounces of butter and a salt-spoon of powdered sugar in a sauce-pan, add to it all the vegetables except the cabbage and sorrel. Let them turn a fine yellow, but be careful not to burn. Add the consommé. Bring to the boil. Drain. Season. Set back to simmer until the vegetables are tender. Then add the cabbage and sorrel, a leaf of tarragon and chervil. Simmer another ten minutes and serve.

Macaroni Soup

1 quart stock
 ¹⁄₂ pint macaroni

Cook the macaroni in boiling salted water half-an-hour. Drain. Pour cold water through the macaroni to prevent its sticking together. Put the sticks on a board and cut it, either very finely to make rings, or in half-inch pieces. Bring stock to the boil. Add the macaroni. Season.

Spring Soup

2 carrots
 1 turnip
 ¹⁄₂ a head of celery
 10 small onions
 1 tea-cup of cauliflower cut into little branches
 Heart of a small white cabbage-lettuce
 A small handful of sorrel
 A leaf of chervil and of tarragon
 ¹⁄₄ pint peas
 ¹⁄₄ pint asparagus points
 ¹⁄₄ pint croûtons
 1 quart consommé

Cut the carrots and turnip into small rounds or olive-shaped pieces. Add them, with the chopped up celery, whole onions and cauliflower, to a quart of consommé or chicken stock. Bring it to the boil. Simmer for half-an-hour. Stamp the sorrel and lettuce into small round pieces. Add them, with a leaf of chervil and of tarragon and a tea-spoon of sugar, to the soup. When all the vegetables are tender add a quarter of a pint of young peas and the same quantity of asparagus heads both freshly cooked. Serve with croûtons.


¹⁄₄ lb. vermicelli
 1 quart consommé

Break up the vermicelli in small pieces. Put it in cold water. Bring it to the boil, and boil it for four minutes. Drain it. Pour cold water through it. Put it in a sauce-pan with the consommé, which should be very clear, strong and well seasoned. Let it boil up. Skim. Simmer until the vermicelli is tender.

Serve with grated parmesan in a separate dish.

Other Clear Soups

Clear soups can also be served with Italian paste, forcemeat balls, quenelles, rice, etc.