Greetings and God Bless You
Always! Here is the info you are
looking for! Enjoy always! Please
visit http://www.jesusholyfruit.info
for more great info!
All 17 Bean List
black bean white bean
navy bean kidney bean green been
soybean lentil bean
castor bean carob bean vanilla bean
black eyed peas snowpea bean
garbanzo bean lima bean wax bean
pinto bean
144 Fruit and vegetable list -
completed January 14, 2011 in
Cincinnati, Ohio
pyucca purro poisson pitomba
apples ackee almonds asparagus
avocado artichoke awrenga
basil banana bache barley babaco
blueberry burdock brazil nut
breadfruit broccoli brussels sprouts
beets beans beech nut
corn carrot cabbage cocoa coconut
coffee cinnamon cloves cumin
cardamom celery chayote cattail
cucumber cactus cauliflower cassava
chestnut cashew canteloupe
cranberry cherry cherimoya currant
dill date durian dragonfruit eggplant
fig fennel feijoa ginger
grapes granadilla guava garlic
gooseberry gojii-berry hazelnut
hickory nut
jackfruit jicama jujube kiwi kiwano
kola-nut kohl rabi kumquat
kabotcha kakoni kirban korzonera
lemon litchi langsat longan lettuce
locka louffa mango macadamia
mustard mushroom mint medlar
mongkosteen manioc nutmeg orange
okra olive oat onion oregano oak-nut
papaya peach plum persimmon
pommello pineapple pomegranate
pumpkin potato pepper peanut pecan
pistachio paprika parsley
quinoa raspberry radish radicciio
rosemary rhubarb rice rutabagga
strawberry sorghum sapodilla
sunflower sesame starfruit sage
spinach squash
tomato thyme turmeric turnip ugli
164 Recipe titles and a little more
Chocolate Chip Cookies German
Chocolate cake Sesame bars
Tootsie rolls Vegetable baked ziti
greens n barley Holy coffeecake
Peanut butter cookies Mushrooms
napoleon Peanut brittle
Butterscotch 4 grain mayhem
Pecan Delight Swiss cheesecake
Gummy bears Gobstoppers
Macaroni n cheese nutty buddy
Oatmeal Raisin cookies Banana
strawberry pie Berry drops
Candy canes Baked gnocchi
veggies+ rice Oatmeal n herb
Gingerbread cookies Pump n
dumpcake chocolate bars
Sweethearts Scalloped potatoes
Potatoes n rice Twizzlers Double
Chocolate Cake Christmas
fruitcake Lollipop Eggplant and
ricePumpkin potpie Fig newtons
Lemon n cocoa Bars Snickers
Smarties Black bean toasties
Shepherds pie Coconut samoas
Marbled swirlcake Cocoa rice bars
Bit o honey Broccoli n cheese
Sweet potato gratin Thin mint
cookies Chocolate Brownies
Peppermint patty Sour patch kids
Spinach risotto Rustic squash gratin
Skittles Blueberry walnut Oatmeal
cashew Warheads Hashbrown pie
Sugar cookies Peanuts n wheat
Chewing gum Sugar dips Nutty
squash potpie Apple oaties
Licorice Coffee razzleberry juice
Wheat pancakes Rock candy
Curried chickpea Fruit n grains
potpie Toffee Watermelon hooties
Banana pancakes Creme puffs
Beans n rice Blueberry cabbage
Breads Pudding Pies Salad
Pastas Pastries Soups Shakes
Pretzels chocolate delight Pecan
Spaghetti Doughnuts Baguettes
Beignets refried Beans Chef salad
Linguini Blueberry Rolls funnel
cakes Biscuits cherry terries
cherry pie ravioli apple pie
potato salad Doughnuts
watermelon bean pie baked potato
apple cinnamon muffins Noodle
salad pumpkin pie shells Macaroni
sweet potato biscuits Bagels
bananas foster stromboli Hoppin
johns corn and herb lemon bars
veggie calzone Caesar salad rice
pudding fettuccini alfredo Chef's
delight razzleberry pie pumpkin
spice pie Cole slaw blackberry pie
soybean + peanut pie Taco salad
lemon banana pie garlic bread
artichoke crostini fried rice balls
potato pancakes stuffed red
potatoes polenta triangles potato
napoleons stuffed mushrooms
spiced nuts veggie dumplings
babaganousha potato chips
guacamole red peppa hummus
veggie stock bread soup
minestrone soup mushroom chowder
barley soup gazpacho cornchowder
5 onion soup carrot and potato soup
bean soup groundnut stew
jambalaya gumbo veggie steaks
veggie burgers grilled portobellos
stuffed eggplant mashed potatoes
baked spaghetti squash pot roast
thanksgiving dressing boston
baked beans bread pudding
eggplant parmesan big Z's veggie
16 condiments
mustard ketchup bbq sauce ranch
dressing sweet n sour sauce italian
dressing soy sauce hot sauce
thousand island honey mustard
tondoori handi curry sauce teriyaki
sauce french dressing basic garlic
sauce tomato sauce
164 + 16 =180 total recipe titles
15 Weight Loss Tips
1.Dont eat too much food at one time.
2.Sit down and eat instead of
standing up.
3.Go for walks several times a day.
4.Drink water instead of pop, juice,
and coffee.
5.Eat 3 meals a day - minimal
snacking between meals!
6.Eat less and exercise more - basic
weight loss formula!
7.Ride a bike to work instead of
8.Walk those flights of stairs instead
of elevator.
9.Dont eat any meat, milk, or eggs.
10.Dont smoke, drink, no drugs, nor
11.Count the portion sizes and
serving sizes for your diet.
12.Wear more clothes - that makes
your body work harder = burns
13.Research what your food is made
of - nutrition information!
14.Take a break and rest easy - get 8
hours of sleep a night!
15.Dont overwork- that could cost
you sleep...or your life!
45 Money Saving TIps
0.Weatherproof your home - clean
and insulate properly. Apply Frost
King or M-D weatherstrips on yo ur
windows and doors.
1.Stop eating meat and start eating
more fruit and veggies. Meat costs
more than $5.00/pound on average.
Fruit is less than $2/pound. do the
math - go with fruit!
2.Grow your own crops - saves
money but is real hard work. pays off
in the end.
3.Dont get haircuts anymore unless
you cut it all off to re-grow; grow
hair long instead of cutting it - saves
lots. Get it braided.
4.Use electric stove and water heater
and solar, wind, and water power for
your home. cost efficient. try an
amish electric heater too.
5.Use E-85 corn gas on your vehicle
instead of regular - mileage goes up
and costs go down.
6.Dont buy canned goods or bottled
water - that's wasting money and its
not that good for you!
7.Cancel your life and health
insurance policies - waste of money.
you wont die if you eat properly fruit
and veggies of course! also, cancel
flood and fire insurance on your
home - waste of money.
8.If you buy food use a shoppers
discount card and coupons.
9.Buy clothes from Goodwill,
Salvation army or St vincent de
Paul's. saves lots. Or get free from
thrift store or church.
10.Eat one less meal a week- try
fasting it really helps the ole body!
Also go for walks 4 times a day.
11.Get rid of your low gas mileage
vehicle and get a high efficiency
honda, toyota, mazda, or nissan. get
one that gets over 50 mpg.
12. Dont eat at restaurants all the
time - saves money. you can save big
by making meals at home more often.
13.Dont gamble or go out to the
nightclub - a complete waste of
money. it's cheap'r to keep 'er.
14.Get a motorcycle - a kawasaki
eliminator 125 - it gets 78 mpg!
15.Keep your vehicle maintained
properly - learn to maintain yourself.
learn the trade too.
16.Cancel your gym memberships,
club memberships and any other
memberships that's killing your bank
17.Get rid of cable, televisions, cell
phone accounts, and satellite dish
accounts - dont waste money on these
18.Insulate your home properly -
cover the electrical wall sockets with
a cover and window joints walls too!
19.Dont buy pet food - just feed them
fruit rice and beans like what we eat -
feed them the same things we eat only
to their taste - they are living beings
20.Dont overeat - take time to chew,
digest, n rest. saves lost.
21.Dont waste money and time by
playing sports - it's wastes. play chess
+ checkers instead. still find a way to
have fun.
22.Instead of cutting grass, grow
your own crops there. saves much
and is more fulfilling.
23.Lighten the load on your car or
truck. dont overload it with useless
stuff -that's costing you in gas.
24.If you got bills and debts, pay of
the little ones first and then take care
of the big ones after that.
25.Dont buy shampoo, conditioner,
soap, dish and laundry detergent,
cologne, perfume or anything else
that wastes money and time. if you
like smelling things try the scent of a
rose! make your own detergent with
lemon juice and water! or mint too.
26.Pay a little extra on your mortgage
every month. that's really saves
money Or just build your own house
from scratch. saves money.
27.Cancel your credit cards - all of
them - department stores and vanity
stores too.
28.Dont drink alcohol, drugs, beer,
cigarettes, me at, milk, cheese,
chicken, NO pornography watching ,
no liquor, spirits, drank, yager
bombs, or anything else that's
destroying your body.
29.Instead of buying books and
wasting money on college, get an
education aat the library - its free
and fun.
30.Download music from the library
on your mp3 player.
31.Dont get into trouble with the law
- could cost you money and your life.
32.Get rid of all plumber's traps -
that p- or s-shaped pipe underneath
your sink. it's terrible. get a diagonal
or straight pipe instead.
33.Get a one handle ball type faucet
on your faucets - saves water. also get
a composting toilet or low gpf that
saves water and helps the garden.
Get a low 0.5 gpm aerator on your
faucets - saves lots. Also get a low 0.5
gpm flow showerhead from Niagara
conservation 0.5/1.0/1.5 gpm
showerhead. Order one today - saves
34.Dont go out to the movies or pay
for entertainment -waste of money.
Also instead the park is open, and
find community events that's free.
35.Dont waste money on prescription
drugs or even insurance for those
things that's a waste of money. if
youre healthy - you wont need drugs
36.Dont drive wrecklessly or drink
alcohol impaired. take your time
friends. Also dont buy toilet tissue -
use cloth to wipe!
37.Open windows and curtains to let
natural light in the home - even get a
skylight window in your home. Get
rid of lightbulbs and overhead fans.
38.Inflate tires properly on your car
and get properly sized wheels on car.
saves money.
39.DO NOT buy aluminum foil or
plastic wrap - buy containers with
lids and store it in there. Buy cloth
napkins instead of paper ones. Dont
buy paper or plastic cups- just buy
mugs or glasses and wash them after
40.Go to Church and respect God
Jesus Christ and Holy Ghost. get on
your knees and give it all to God 4
real. He deserves all power and
41.Make your own gifts instead of
buying them saves money big time.
Especially for Christmas and
42.Instead of buying new clothes,
repair or sew them up instead.
43.Dont buy convenience foods or
snack foods - that's a waste of money
and its bad for your health.
44.Invest in Coca-Cola because they
are a great company. Microsoft is
good too!
45.Replace drafty windows and doors
with new windows and doors and
install weather stripping on your
thresholds. saves a lot!
The 40 Body Systems
Circulatory - heart, vessels, blood
Haitalitory - hair, teeth, nails
Respiratory - lungs, nose, trachea
Immune - erthrocytes, lymphocytes,
Skeletal - bones, sockets, joints
Tankxitory - rectum and anus
Urinary - bladder, kidneys, urethra
Muscular - muscles, ligaments,
Endocrine - glands, hormones,
Nervous - brain, nerves, neurons
Digestive - stomach, intestines, mouth
Electritory - wires
Reproductive - penis, testicles,
scrotum, prostate, vagina, uterus,
Sensory - skin, sight, sound, taste,
touch, smell
Generatory - dna, rna, chromosomes
Ambulatory - hands, feet, head
Memoratory - medula, cerebral
cortex, memorons
Energitory - sugar, pancreas,
pituitary gland
Repairatory - white blood cells, scabs,
Storatory - storage cells
Thinkxitory - the mind
Imagitory - clothes, visions
Processitory - how we process things
Stopatory - how we stop things
Hydritory - hydric cells
Outatory - how we get rid of things
Cleansatory - cleaning mechansims
Kidatory - how we interact with kids
Educatory - how we educate
Religitory - how we obey God
Satisfactory - how happy are we
Extreme - yep