Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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Chapter 12: Honesty Is Best Policy

"If you don't start having some

morals and values, you might as well

be toasted with butter on both sides!"

In business, as it is in life, honesty or

lack thereof could make or break

you. If you tell somebody "we'll ship

it to you in 2 days," but decide not to

ship the product at all, you're in

what's called "hot water." That's

dishonest practice. You see people

have a certain expectation of what

they want, how they want it, and

when they want it. You, as a

producer, should provide anything

someone needs when they want it,

how they want it, and where they

want it. Honesty is key in life if you

want to make it.

What's honesty? It is simply telling

the truth. Some will appreciate your

work more if you tell the truth rather

than lie about it. Like, let's say you

have 2 kids for example

(hypothetical.) Would you tell the

IRS that you have zero (0)

dependents? I mean that's lying and

that's what got Enron in trouble.

Jesus always told the truth no matter

what - he did the right thing all the

time. Will you?

Just remember, the truth will make

you free as opposed to lying, which

will probably get you in more trouble

than telling the truth. Don't lie. Tell

the truth and your conscience will be

A okay! Don't forget, if you tell a lie,

and no one catches you, God still

knows it and will act on it. So, tell the
