Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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Chapter 16: Proper Conditioning

"Some squirrels have conditioned

themselves to gather acorns. Also, the

boogey-man has conditioned himself

to hide under beds. We're not

boogey-men nor squirrels, but we can

condition ourselves for success like


It's true folks. Conditioning is "a

type of training that involves dieting,

exercise, and rest," according to

Merriam-Webster. The 2nd

definition says that "conditioning is a

simple form of learning that involves

the formation, strengthening, or

weakening of an association involving

a stimulus and response." In other

words, you train yourself to put two

and two together to make four.

Conditioning is important in life

because it's an essential part of

training, which can improve your

bottom line. When I say that some

squirrels have conditioned

themselves to gather acorns, that's


So, how do you go about conditioning

yourself? It starts with reading,

gathering and acquiring knowledge,

and train yourself through exercise

and practice. Diet also is key. You

shouldn't be an Olympic boxer AND

expect to win the gold medal if you

eat 10 bags of pork rinds a day, along

with 8 chicken tenders, and 6 liters of

pop a day! It usually won't work

because you'll get tired and get beat -

probably. You can't win eating


So start including a vegetarian

regimen in your repertoire, because

that's when the real fruit kicks in in

this life. If you eat fruits and no meat,

and drink water, stay away from

alcohol, drugs, smoking, and meats,

you have the proper diet. With

physical conditioning, just go for

walks every day - 3 to 4 walks a day.

Pray and read books, including the

Bible. That's good!

With mental condition, Yogi Berra

said "90% of the game is half

mental!" Just condition yourself to

say no to anything bad for you and

yes to anything good for you. You

will know what's good for you by the

fruit. For instance, somebody emails

you and says that you've "just won

$450 million here to

claim." That's probably a scam - an

indecent proposition or offer.

However, let's say you get another

email that says, "you're eligible to

receive free ebook downloads for 120

days. Unlimited free ebook

downloads for 4 months. click here to

get it!" That's usually going to be

more credible than a out of space

prize of 450 million big ones. So

you'll know what's going on by the

fruit that manifests itself in this life.

Just remember, conditioning will get

you to the door. Action will open the

door. Strategy will keep you in the

game. And execution and

determination will help you win the

game. Sportsmanship will keep a

friend. And humility will give you

honor. Honor will give you power.

And power will give you respect.

That's the flow of power in this life.

Read and receive....Power!

Chapter 17: Knowledge => Power

"The more positive things you know,

the better off you might be."

It's true. There was an old

commercial on NBC that had an

actor saying some stuff, and then at

the end of the actor talking, there'd

be a shooting star in space with

rainbow colors and you could hear a

voice in the background saying, "The

More You Know!" There'd be a

banner on the screen saying the same

thing too. You see, knowledge is

information organized in an efficient

manner. Knowledge can help turn a

bad situation into a good situation

because knowledge can give you

power to over come some stuff. I

mean, for example, let's say you're a

chess player, a novice one, and you

didn't have a good opening strategy

so you used to lose a bunch of games.

But you pick up an ebook on opening

strategy and practice, and eventually

you win a lot...that's using knowledge

to accrue a powerful result. Gaining

knowledge is paramount, absolutely


Acquiring knowledge should be part

of everyone's training regiment.

Knowing how to do something is

better than not knowing. For

instance, let's say you've been given a

helicopter for your 50th birthday gift.

How much sense does it make to have

a helicopter but don't know how to

fly the thing? None! Likewise, how

much sense does it make to have

job, but not know how to do it

efficiently? We have to start working

towards efficiency and that begins

with accruing knowledge. A black

man named Rod at Summit

Behavioral Healthcare said on

10-11-2011 that "knowing is half the

battle." That's very true. So gather

some info and get some knowledge.

Get a training manual or instruction

guide in your field of study - it really


Knowing is half the battle, so win

that ballgame and you're already at a

draw. Actually execute the proper

knowledge and the battle might be
