Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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Chapter 42: Learn The Rules

"You have to learn the rules and play

by those rules better than anyone

playing...that's how you win." -Albert

Einstein, (late 1800's-mid 1900's)

In order to get the victory in life, you

have to learn the rules, or precepts,

and play by those rules far better

than anyone else out there. That's

how you succeed. If you decide to

become a nutritionist, for example,

you have to know dietary code like

the back of your hand. If you want to

become an automotive engineer, then

you have to know science and math

like the back of your hand. You get

the picture. Codes, or laws are there

for a reason - it's to provide

guidelines for doing your job. So,

learn the rules of life, and then live

by those rules better than everyone

else and you'll succeed. It starts with

reading the Bible. Get one and read

it. Learn the rules!

In chess, learn the rules there, too.

You have to learn the basic moves,

openings, strategies, etc, if you are

going to achieve any measure of

success in the game. You shouldn't

just go into a game willy-nilly and

just make random moves! A master

will clobber that strategy in 10

minutes! So get a training manual in

chess and read it, use it, practice it,

and play it - trust me, it really works.

So, learn the rules bud!

Remember, learn the rules as best

you can and play by the the best you

can and you won't have much to

worry about - your sleep will be

sweet! Learn the rules, friend!

Chapter 43: Performance ->


"When somebody asks you what time

it is, tell 'em, 'It's GameTime!'"

Newsflash - you're on the air! As long

as you live, it's gametime! Why

because there is at least one being

watching you - and that's God. If you

kick out of here, then no one is

watching you but you. In sports,

some teams hype themselves up with

chants, etc, to get ready for the big

game. In life, you should always be

aware that you're on air...even if you

are not on television. Somebody,

somewhere is watching what you do,

say, think, act, and treat people. That

is true all the time, on time! So be

vary wary of that fact because people

will note what you do, probably,

especially the more successful you

become. So think, speak, act, and do

right, and there won't be any trouble

4 u! It's gametime!

In chess, it's gametime before,

during, and after the game all the

time - at least while you're on this

side on the earth. You see, you don't

wanna put yourself in position for a

letdown by not preparing for

gametime. Execution is a key concept

in the game, because you can have

the best laid-out plan in the world,

but if you don't execute right, you're

probably going to put yourself in a

greater position for the L or D than

the W. So plan, strategize, organize,

prepare, and execute at the highest

level and there shouldn't be many

problems in terms of the game! You

will usually get the W if you do those

things! So remember- you're on!

Remember, you're always on air, so

execute your gameplan right you'll be
