Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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Chapter 45: Practice Good


"Win. Lose. Draw. Still good

sportsmanship is the law."

Being a good sport about things is

critical and paramount if you are

going to have some success in life.

You see a good sport, or

optimistically positive person will

usually be on top of things. Whether

things are going good or bad, a good

sport will usually be positive

regardless of the situation. So, be

positive, focused, determined, and

friendly and you won't have too

many problems with people - usually!

The best most successful people in the

world are great sportsmen, shaking

hands whether victory or defeat, win

or loss - a good sportsman always

wins, even if they actually lost the

game. So be a good sport please - it's

good for you and for all!

In chess, being a good sportsman is

important because if not, you put

yourself in grave danger of serious

repercussions. Repercussions like a

physical fight, blows, nasty words, or

worse, adding motivation to your

opponent - which could result in

continuous defeats. Like taunting or

trash talking for instance. That can

add fuel to the fire andd that could

give your opponent motivation for: 1.

amping up their chess attacks; 2.

physically attacking you; 3. killing

you literally; or 4. stepping up their

game. You don't want any of those 4

things so treat your opponent right

and you won't have many problems.

On the other hand, good

sportsmanship can convert an

opponent into a friend. If you give

them compliments, tips, etc, they are

likely to not put an all out blitz on

you, which is advantageous 4 you. So

treat all your chess buddies, and

people, right and you'll be fine.

That's about guaranteed!

Remember, treat people well and you

won't have many problems. In life

and in chess, treating people right

will usually prevent yourself from

getting injured so please, please,

please practice good sportsmanship!