Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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Chapter 47: Win:Loss:Draw Record

"I'm goin' for the history books folks,

goin' for the big one, chief!"

Win. Lose. Draw. That's how your

record goes in games. For instance, if

you win 40 games, lose 5 games, and

draw 10 games, your record is

40-5-10.That's how it works. There is

not much else to it except that you

don't want to let your opponent that

you've won a lot of games if you have

won a lot, because that could add fuel

to the fire, and cause them to play

harder, and possibly put themselves

in a greater position to possibly

defeat you. So keep your record

under wraps unless someone really

wants to know. So, again its, W-L-D

in that order. In chess, you get a

rating and a win/loss/draw record.

You start at 1200 rating and move

higher or lower depending on the

quality of your opponent, and the

outcome of the game. So that's it in a

briefcase about the win-loss-draw

record. Remember it and don't brag,


Remember, it's Win-Loss-Draw, in

that order. Ratings in chess start at

1200 with International

Grandmasters playing at 2700

ratings or around there. So

remember, W-L-D and you try to get

rated higher by winning all your

games. That's all 4 now!

Chapter 48: Giving/Tithing

"Every man is a friend to him who

gives gifts." -Proverbs

"Pay your dues, pay your bills, and

pay your tithes and God will reward


It's commonly good policy in life to

give back some of what you've been

given because a gift is a good thing. If

you happen to lose a game of chess,

give your opponent something,

because as you may recall - "to the

victor goes the spoils."

So, it's due diligence to just be a good

sport. In reverse, don't expect

anything from your opponent if you

win the game because more than

likely, they won't be too happy that

they lost the don't expect a

brand new car from them. If you win,

say "good game, i think you have

great potential to do great things in

life." And give them compliments,

note the good more they made and

build upon that conversation. But

whatever you do, don't ask for any

prize from them because you won the

game - it's not good courtesy because

we are not gamblers, right? So do

your due dilligence - give when at all

possible, shake hands and

compliment after the game, and

don't, don't don't brag or taunt your

opponent - that's not good!

Remember, give when necessary,

receive when possible, but don't ask

for gifts from your opponent if you

win. If you lose or draw, give your

opponent a gift and a handshake, fix

the problems and do better next time

you play! Give some gifts!