Fun Craft Projects by Tabula Rasa - HTML preview

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3. Terra Cotta Birdbath



 What you'll need to complete the Terra Cotta Birdbath:


To get started:

1. Decide first where you want to place the birdbath. I find that it works best when placed in an area with soil-such as a flower bed, so you can firmly place the base of the birdbath.

2. Dig an area large enough to place the terra cotta pot, upside down, in the hole with the bottom of the pot facing up. This will serve as the "base" of the birdbath. Secure the base of the birdbath by placing soil around the pot and pressing firmly. It works best to place the pot the birdbath by placing soil around the pot and pressing firmly. It works best to place the pot 2 inches) to ensure it will stay put.

3. Place the second terra cotta pot on top of your base. You shouldn't have to worry about how to secure this pot; the weight of the saucer and the water in the saucer is enough to hold the pot on the base.

4. Once you have placed the pot on top of the secured base, place the saucer into the top of the second pot. Fill with water, and your Terra Cotta Birdbath is complete. Yes, it's as simple as that! Now you can sit back, relax, and wait for the birds to arrive!

Additional tips for this craft:

  •  Be creative! Decorate your terra cotta pots with acrylic crating paint before you begin the birdbath project.
