FREE eBook of
Pure Logic Puzzles
Assorted Levels
Issue 1FA1
Twelve tantalizing logic puzzles
from the Karuji Puzzle Company
FREE eBook, Issue 1FA1
Assorted Levels
KARUJITM puzzles are pure logic puzzles. They require no mathematical skill to solve, just some deduction and logical reasoning. Each puzzle has one unique solution.
The format of the puzzles is simple and easy to learn. You place letters of the alphabet in an answer grid based on the clues provided.
Clues are given that define the order of letters for each row, in other words which column the letters belong in.
Each puzzle has just enough clues to define a single (unique) solution. Occasionally a letter or two of the solution may be given.
KARUJI puzzles come in 3 different levels, each with 3 difficulty ratings as follows:
Gold Level
Platinum Level
Diamond Level
The Gold Level is a 3x3 grid, the Platinum Level 4x4, and the Diamond Level a 5x5 grid. The basic format of KARUJI puzzles is consistent across each level.
There are four clue types for the Gold Level, with a fifth clue type added for the Platinum Level and a sixth clue type added for the Diamond Level.
Solving the puzzles can range from mildly teasing to extremely challenging. There is a level just right for you.
KARUJI is a trademark of Karuji Puzzle Company.
The format of Karuji puzzles is the copyright property of Karuji Puzzle Company.
© 2010, 2011 Karuji Puzzle Company. This eBook may be freely distributed unedited and in its entirety.
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FREE eBook, Issue 1FA1
Assorted Levels
The Karuji Puzzle Company has prepared this FREE eBook of logic puzzles for your enjoyment. It contains 12 puzzles of varying difficulty across the Gold, Platinum and Diamond levels.
To keep the size of the file reasonable, this eBook is designed to be printed and the puzzles solved using a pen or pencil. However, an interactive version of this eBook in which the puzzles can be solved onscreen is available from our website. Simply go to
www.karuji.com, follow the links to the FREE eBook, and select & download the interactive version.
For an explanation of how to solve KARUJITM puzzles, please see the instructions on Page 1.. We recommend you start with the “Junior”
Gold Level puzzles and work up to the more difficult ones.
If you enjoy solving these puzzles, please consider sharing this book with your friends. It’s free to distribute in this complete form.
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Some additional free samples can be found at our website:
www.karuji.com. You may also want to check out our selection of eBooks available for purchase & download offering you even more puzzles at whatever level you prefer. Visit us today.
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This eBook is the copyright property of Karuji Puzzle Company. It may be freely copied and distributed, but only in its complete, unedited PDF or printed form.
This eBook may NOT be sold, and no parts may be extracted, redistributed or published for any use without written permission.
KARUJI is a trademark of Karuji Puzzle Company.
The format of Karuji puzzles is the copyright property of Karuji Puzzle Company.
© 2010, 2011 Karuji Puzzle Company. This eBook may be freely distributed unedited and in its entirety.
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FREE eBook, Issue 1FA1
Assorted Levels
Puzzle Instructions ............................................................................ 1
Gold Level Puzzles ........................................................................... 6
Platinum Level Puzzles ..................................................................... 9
Diamond Level Puzzles ................................................................... 11
Answers .......................................................................................... 13
Gold Level ................................................................................... 13
Platinum Level ............................................................................. 13
Diamond Level ............................................................................. 13
pilogue .... ...................................................................................... 14
© 2010, 2011 Karuji Puzzle Company. This eBook may be freely distributed unedited and in its entirety.
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FREE eBook, Issue 1FA1
Assorted Levels
Puzzle Instructions
To solve the puzzles, you need to enter the letters shown for each row of the grid in a particular order.
For example, for a 3x3 Gold Level puzzle, the letters A, B and C
belong in the first (top) row. F, G and H belong in the second row, and L, M and N belong in the third (bottom) row. A completed puzzle will look something like this:
C = H
A, B, C
L <1 A
G = M
F, G, H
F <1 L
L, M, N N L M
The boxes to the left of the grid define which letters belong in each row. The order of the letters in each row (i.e. which column they are in) is defined by the clues. The 4 clue types for the Gold Level are:
“X = G” meaning X is in the same column as G.
“X # G” meaning X is NOT in the same column as G.
“X <1 G” meaning X is 1 column to the left of G.
“X <> G” meaning X is 1 column left OR right of G.
For the Platinum (4x4) Level a 5th clue type is: “X <2 G” meaning X is two columns to the left of G, and for the Diamond (5x5) Level a 6th clue type is: “X <3 G” meaning X is three columns to the left of G.
In the example above, the first clue is C = H. This tells us that C is in the same column as H. The next clue is L <1 A, which tells us that L
is one column to the left of A. And so on.
Each puzzle has just enough clues to define a single (unique) solution. Occasionally a letter or two of the solution may be given.
© 2010, 2011 Karuji Puzzle Company. This eBook may be freely distributed unedited and in its entirety.
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FREE eBook, Issue 1FA1
Assorted Levels
To make things even clearer, here is an explanation of how to solve a Karuji puzzle.
Example #1:
A <1 N
A, B, C
F <1 L
B # M
F, G, H G
L, M, N
The position of “G” is given. The first clue means A is one column to the left of N. This means that A cannot be in column 3 and N cannot be in column 1, and it gives us two possibilities, either A is in column 1 and N in column 2, or A is in column 2 and N is in column 3, as shown here:
A <1 N
A, B, C A A
F <1 L
B # M
F, G, H G
L, M, N N N
But we don’t know which is correct. However, the second clue tells us that F is one column to the left of L. This means F cannot be in column 3 (since L is 1 column to the right and there is no column 4).
Since G is already in column 2, F must therefore be in column 1 and L in column 2:
A <1 N
A, B, C
F <1 L
B # M
F, G, H F G
L, M, N L
© 2010, 2011 Karuji Puzzle Company. This eBook may be freely distributed unedited and in its entirety.
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FREE eBook, Issue 1FA1
Assorted Levels
There is now only one possibility for A and N. The letter A must be in column 2 and N in column 3:
A <1 N
A, B, C A
F <1 L
B # M
F, G, H F G
L, M, N L N
This means H must be in column 3 and M in column 1 because there is only one letter and space left for each of those rows:
A <1 N
A, B, C A
F <1 L
B # M
F, G, H F G H
L, M, N M L N
All that remains is to determine where B and C go. The final clue states that B is not in the same column as M, therefore B must be in column 3 and C in column 1, giving us the following solution:
A <1 N
A, B, C C A B
F <1 L
B # M
F, G, H F G H
L, M, N M L N
This is the only arrangement of letters that will satisfy every clue, i.e.
it is a unique solution for this puzzle.
© 2010, 2011 Karuji Puzzle Company. This eBook may be freely distributed unedited and in its entirety.
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FREE eBook, Issue 1FA1
Assorted Levels
Example #2:
C <> N
A, B, C B
A = L
G <1 M F, G, H
L # F
L, M, N
The position of “B” is given. The first clue means C is in one of the columns adjacent to N. If N were in column 1 or column 3 then C
would be in column 2, or if N were in column 2 then C would be in column 3 as shown here:
C <> N
A, B, C B C C
A = L
G <1 M F, G, H
L # F
L, M, N N N N
However we don’t know which is correct. But the second clue tells us that A is in the same column as L. There are two options for this:
C <> N
A, B, C B A A
A = L
G <1 M F, G, H
L # F
L, M, N L L
If A and L were in column two, then C must be in column 3 and the clue C <> N meaning N must be in column 2. But it can’t be, as L is already occupying that square.
Hence A and L can only be in column 3, with C in column 2 and N in column 1 – as shown below:
© 2010, 2011 Karuji Puzzle Company. This eBook may be freely distributed unedited and in its entirety.
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FREE eBook, Issue 1FA1
Assorted Levels
C <> N
A, B, C B C A
A = L
G <1 M F, G, H
L # F
L, M, N N L
This means M must be in column 2 because there is only one letter and space left for the bottom row. And the third clue tells us that G is one column to the left of M, putting G in column 1:
C <> N
A, B, C B C A
A = L
G <1 M F, G, H G
L # F
L, M, N N M L
All that remains is to determine where F and H go. The final clue states that L is not in the same column as F. Since L is in column 3, then F cannot be in column 3, and so must be in column 2 with H in column 3 – giving us the following solution:
C <> N
A, B, C B C A
A = L
G <1 M F, G, H G F H
L # F
L, M, N N M L
Again, this is the only arrangement of letters that will satisfy every clue and hence is a unique solution for this puzzle.
If you require more assistance, visit our website at www.kauruji.com.
For the more challenging 4x4 and 5x5 puzzles, free downloadable worksheets are offered that some people may find helpful.
© 2010, 2011 Karuji Puzzle Company. This eBook may be freely distributed unedited and in its entirety.
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FREE eBook, Issue 1FA1
Assorted Levels
Gold Level Puzzles
Puzzle# G-01
M <1 G
H <1 C
A, B, C A
F, G, H
L, M, N
Clue code: “X = Z” meaning X is in the same column as Z.
“X # Z” meaning X is NOT in the same column as Z.
“X <1 Z” meaning X is 1 column to the left of Z.
“X <> Z” meaning X is 1 column left OR right of Z.
Puzzle# G-02
A # F
M = B
A, B, C
G <1 L
F, G, H
L, M, N N
Clue code: “X = Z” meaning X is in the same column as Z.
“X # Z” meaning X is NOT in the same column as Z.
“X <1 Z” meaning X is 1 column to the left of Z.
“X <> Z” meaning X is 1 column left OR right of Z.
© 2010, 2011 Karuji Puzzle Company. This eBook may be freely distributed unedited and in its entirety.
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FREE eBook, Issue 1FA1
Assorted Levels
Puzzle# G-03
F # A
C # N
A, B, C
L <1 H
F, G, H
L, M, N
Clue code: “X = Z” meaning X is in the same column as Z.
“X # Z” meaning X is NOT in the same column as Z.
“X <1 Z” meaning X is 1 column to the left of Z.
“X <> Z” meaning X is 1 column left OR right of Z.
Puzzle# G-04
G # L
L <1 A
A, B, C
N = B
C # H
F, G, H G
L, M, N
Clue code: “X = Z” meaning X is in the same column as Z.
“X # Z” meaning X is NOT in the same column as Z.
“X <1 Z” meaning X is 1 column to the left of Z.
“X <> Z” meaning X is 1 column left OR right of Z.
© 2010, 2011 Karuji Puzzle Company. This eBook may be freely distributed unedited and in its entirety.
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FREE eBook, Issue 1FA1
Assorted Levels
Puzzle# G-05
F # L
A = M
A, B, C
G = C
L <1 H
F, G, H
L, M, N
Clue code: “X = Z” meaning X is in the same column as Z.
“X # Z?