My Anti Christ Game or Movie by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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My Anti Christ Game or Movie

..Part Two



The primary fundamental, aspect of this game, is that the character becomes the Anti Christ in ways that dictators of the past have come into power, and kept it, or lost it, or otherwise have failed to do so. The list of that is long and comprises the correct and wrong method of playing the game.

For example, here is a general list of such things:

By bribing those in power, by assassinating enemies in your way, by collaborating with the right people, by promising the people with what they want most, by creating an enemy of the public that you will vanquish, by blaming the right people, through notoriety, by causing others to desire your authority over them, with procured wealth, certainly by framing, and certainly by climbing up the ladder.

So you see, with that alone, a whole game could be made. But I am not going to leave it at that. I am going to spend much time again thinking about good ideas for this video game in this, the second and final book of My Anti Christ Game or Movie.

Keep in mind that this book has a lot of good ideas that do not have to be used in any particular way. You can snatch ideas from these two books and use them in any way you desire. And freely. It and its contents are in public domain.

Let me take a moment to say that I have written many books which are all found online under my name Lucifer Jeremy White. And sometimes I use my fourth name Damuel which those who really know me know.

So shall we start? I will continue number by number until this book is complete. Which by rule all of my books are a hundred to a hundred fifty pages because I want them cheaply printed, easily enough read, and to have a magazine like quality.

1- Sayings are given in the game as advice, to help the gamer succeed. Here are some examples:

A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.

Every man has his price.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

Dead men tell no tales.

Bad news travels fast.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

Give the devil his due.

Let sleeping dogs lie.

Strike while the iron is hot.

There are two sides to every question.

There is no honor among thieves.

There's a black sheep in every flock.

Two heads are better than one.


They serve as advice and to provide upcoming ideas of what must be done.

2- To speak of an idea I have of a video gaming hardware having a tweak chip, that chip would contrast the game in a way that could make it differently the same. For example doing things like changing from C Major music to A minor music. Or putting in the game synonyms of certain words. Or translating the game automatically. The tweak chip within video console hardware would be used selectively by gaming programmers.

3- Organized crime in the video game would have you accomplishing certain feats of varied difficulty. Getting caught means a game over. To succeed might make you rich. But to fail could cost you. And if you connect with the wrong people you may not easily enough leave. Sin Points are in the game and come across as The Devil's Honor. And as such a reputation grows so does your freedom in moving in an out of criminal operations, or your reputation will save you.

4- When demons are present and working magic, changing conditions and situations, 10 images of them come across the screen frame by frame. The reasons why they appear indicate to the player that she or he is being helped. It could mean that things changed elsewhere. It could be a “messenger” demon, and it could also indicate that something terrible is about to happen and for the player to be on guard. But personally I believe it looks better to have ten images of any demon shown frame by frame rather than video of the same.

5- The player in the video game has voices in his head sometimes of demons instructing him. It may be that he is asleep and suddenly hears a demon telling him something needs be done. Or the sound of a demon warning him, advising him, or just saying he is on the right track.

6- People are connected to in chains, meaning to know one opens the door to know another. This is very magic or occupation based, and also done to collect items and gather a certain social circle. By magic based I mean that to bring yourself into a cult or witchcraft based group can acquire for you certain magic abilities in the game, as you are taught ever better by the ever more qualified. And to know the right people gives you the ability, a permission to go deeper within things like corporate offices or as with the police, useful allies made. And it depends a lot on who where when and why (these four W's) whom you come to know and what you do with them in the game. Your destiny can well be designed by you this way, in the game.

If you know certain people, you can get certain items or a certain stature. This can alter your income, or make other areas in the game open to you. If you free a person from prison, they are in your debt. If you collect the right things and throw a party at the right time, you may have culled a good and useful friend. And you may acquire information of utmost secrecy and then, perhaps, be a person on the run.

7- And the player may be on the run from prosecution, whether from the Law or from the Mob, a cult, or any powerful enemy. So pay your debts, move elsewhere, make amends,  or there will be a game over. Or you will be stripped of stature and will have to get it back. Or you’ll lose money, etc., bad things happen when you aren’t careful or make the wrong choices. And in hiding do things mellow out. The game tells you that you must go into hiding when the Law or a harsh criminal organization is against you. And areas of the game are closed off from you at this time. But given a time apart from it and letting things cool off you will eventually be able to return to all of the areas you were at before.

8- So if you go out at night in the wrong neighborhood, if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time without the right conditions, you could get robbed. If you are invited to a meeting or party and don’t go, you may have missed an opportunity to make the right connection in your pursuit of world dominance. And if you do not invest in the right corporate ideas, you may have lost a lot of money and desirable association with them. And if you do as well as to reach the right politician, letter after letter, climbing in social stature, the right way, things will not be so easy things will require more of you, to obtain your worldwide rule as Anti Christ.

9- Odds are often shown in the game and adjusted to suit the players intentions, their goals. So if a group something mob like tell you a way to get a lot of money, the game tells you that you have, let's say, a 25% chance of failure, the player works with that. If there is a high risk of getting caught then the is a low chance of greater money if not. The odds could also be for any number of other things, many different things such as investing, winning an election as a politician, etc., and odds can be adjusted by doing extra safe guarding things. Such as if done at night then odds of success in your operation increase. And with this item odds of success increase. Or just by knowing the right people then your odds are much better to go the right way. But when someone calls foul or something is “rotten in Denmark “ then the player must have caution to what he's doing!

10- Early in the game or movie a text is shown or narrated that reads:

Long ago in The Kingdom of Heaven The Devil had a friend. That friend surfaced much later, sent to Earth by God late in the Third Earth Age. As God had a Son the Devil bode his time to have his own Son. He would take from God just one being. Even one was as to God every loss. And age to age the Devil practiced in making the perfect human. He had many models. And after many trials and errors came to know how to make a perfect being. Then God sent Lucifer unto Earth, the one whom Satan was friends with in the Kingdom of Heaven. He came to Earth and Satan soon discovered this as he knew what he was looking for. A great Satanic sage knew this too, referring to him as God himself. And would be in his life shaping his future as he came into his life as his step dad. Satan made for his Son cartoons, video game devices and many great things to influence his young mind. And he geared his future toward the use of witchcraft early in his life. His appointed step father was very disciplinary, and Satan's Son would lash out against him with magic. Satan brought into Earth the sounds of hell, which is Heavy Metal music. And too brought into Earth diabolical films to further influence his Son, geared precisely to the influence he wanted for him. Satan carefully put into his life the right influences from people, too. His son didn’t know that so very much of the world was changed to appropriate and design him to be the Devil's perfect model. As much as Jesus was the Son of God, this man (Adam) was the Devil's One Great Son. And the Devil made him faithful toward him. And made him as perfectly as could be. And the Devil's son now his own incarnation, very much a representation of the Devil himself, The Son of Perdition will go his way to claim the Earth his own.

11- There is a Status Book in this game that provides very useful information such as appointments, maps to certain areas, desirable or necessary actions needed to be taken (and their odds or possible outcomes.) This book gives you a general idea of what you need to do and how it can be done. It also describes your current state in the game. It can say, for example, what others think of you. The Status Book also tell you a list of other characters in the game you should know besides the ones you already do, as optimal connections. As with stating necessary actions to be taken it lists obstacles and remedies. It will state potential enemies, obstacles, and possible bad places to be or what specific endeavors would be best. 

12- If you use up your money, you use up the power it imparts. You could be more susceptible to prosecution because you would have lesser lawyers. You are far less capable of influencing others without money. And in having a lot of money things are just easier: more easily done with good options of its use besides. The main way you get money in the game are through criminal endeavors, the job you hold, by luck, such as in gambling, owning a corporation, or incorporations, being generally important in the world, or by lower tiered things like being a salesman or running petty errands.

13- Perfection should matter a lot in the game. Those that do 90% or less in the game should be awarded much less than those whom do 90% or better. And doing 95% or better should elevate the player to great stature. There should be about nothing good that occurs when you do not do well enough. But the top five percent should incur more money, higher stature, etc., it would be like a breaking point. Like if a player was leveling up in an RPG. If s/he is more arduous then s/he would just go from level to level to level but from level 1 to 5, and then from five jumping to seven, if all the while the character was just leveling up in one area, reaching level five quickly, and so jumping to level seven or eight. The more thorough the player is the better his or her reward should be. And the player that does the best should always be given “the benefit of the doubt.” S/ he should be cut the most slack

14- “No good deed goes unpunished.” In taking Machiavelli’s The Prince, there is a good resource in making such a game as this, as well as the book The Art of War. I won’t cover how here, but in reading it yourself you will have a lot of material to add to this game. This game rewards bad behavior and punishes good behavior.

15- Sudden and unexpected expenses may incur in the game prompting the player to save her or his money. While spending money in this game goes well, there is also a cloud hanging over that money may be needed—for example, the player might find he needs to take time away while things cool down. So there is an expense of being away like on a vacation. Or there could be a sudden opportunity that arises in which she must have money to have happen. Or something neglected to bight at you at the wrong time. Money in the game should be proportioned and appropriated well.

16- Negotiation and Collaboration are set up so that the player can adjust results to an optimal effect. If the player wants something to succeed he may have to compromise. If it is proving too difficult to put together s/he has the choice of halting plans for it. Things come together as pieces. A certain amount of them must be put together, the puzzle coming together perfectly sometimes, and other times the pieces made to fit. By arranging things well and carefully the player is most sure to succeed. But if things are done poorly then nothing good will result. In collaborating the player looks far and wide for his perfect team. Or an optimal partnership in pursuing things like monopolies and economic control.

17- If the player wants to gain power by becoming a politician she must work well to do so. If s/he does well enough s/ he will become one. Depending on if it is a mayor, a governor, or even a president, produces more and less difficulty. He posts ads, sends out flyers, and influences the right way. And it is easier for a mayor to become a president than a person without experience. You can also pursue military or police stature similarly. Or can work through school to raise your stature and income. If she or he does not succeed in their efforts then they must either pursue a different method or try again.

18- But you can cut your opponents out of your way by framing, assassinating, procuring false witnesses, or other such devious methods. For example sending a prostitute to your political opponent, exposing they accepted a bribe, or producing a false account of something that never happened. Or you can bribe them to leave their post. Place ting drugs on them, or digging up some very negative information about them with some detective work, or many such ways to increase prominence and success over others. If it is a corporation you wish to over throw, then you can convince them to do things wrong and later call them out on it. Or you can dig for damming information. You can even adjust the laws that they are impractical, and fulfil tour means that way. If you have in your arsenal a good photo editor a very good one, then you can fabricate false images.

19- As is easily observed people like to watch others play just as much as they play them their selves. Some prefer watching others play over playing them. There are a lot of “game voyeurs.” The game makers of Final Fantasy realized this early and had their creation produce cinematic clips naturally as the gamers played. As a result the new Final Fantasy series is both a game and a movie. In fact it is a thousand movies in one depending on how the gamer played the game. Like wise The Antichrist game should be made to produce multiple movies.

20- The Antichrist game can have a work over flow bar. When the person playing it goes the extra mile then that bar is raised. That bar makes up for later mistakes giving the person some breathing room.

21- At one point of the game or movie you find yourself having made a good connection with the police. If that becomes so then whenever they are called they don’t arrest you. They arrest the person that called them. And when you hear their sirens they seem to be playing with you, sounding more like friends. Their sirens acknowledge you and seem to suggest you take things carefully. It could have been you had influence on them. As in fitting with their nature they want power, and you could have perhaps offered them greater power and nice new blue suits!

22- Certain things in the game tells you that you are doing things wrong, not carefully enough. There could be a car often parked outside, a death threat call, vandalism done to your property, or just a friend telling you so. In these instances you must take your footing carefully and tie up loose ends. This is a “dangerous area to tread,” as indicated in the game.

23- The higher the gamer’s stature the easier things are done to meet your purpose of becoming Antichrist. But getting that higher stature isn’t easy. If the player decides to accomplish this result without it, more work is entailed. But if s/ he goes so far as becoming President/ Grand Minister or some such thing then he will almost be assured victory. If President then certain things can be fathered Antichrist, such as making an alternative currency and implementing a hand embedded micro chip as is relative to Mark of the Beast (666) covered in the right sided hand or mind. In this game the interpretation of “receiving the mark on the right hand (not left) means those that carry the Devil by their side.

24- A bit late in the game may it be declared that the moral are the unjust, the moral “right” minded are they that very willingly judge and punish. That likewise the rich are similarly a stigma because having everything handed them they have no cause to ever break any law. As Hitler accused the Hebrews and others witches, or others identified in society as being its poison, The Antichrist accuses the wealthy and the moral minded. Then, as these right- sided people are made to toughen up and incarcerated, hell breaks out in the game that results at least in a freer world and the bad guy praises and exalts The Antichrist- as he had made a formidable ally. Not to mention by implementing his Freedom for the Strong, Captivity for the Weak campaign, his freedom too has increased.

25- There are God given signs from success to success of the Antichrist's actions and endeavors. When things are arranged the right way there is a significant occurrence on Earth as something very much out of the ordinary. It is like God is angry and showing his presence. Things culminate at this and at the end of, say, seven or eight of them then it is that the Antichrist becoming becomes the Antichrist in power, seated to great authority. These signs let the character know s/he has done just right and may move on to the next set of agendas in grabbing ultimate power.

26- There is a mountain in the game or movie that you ascend upon early in the game. The Devil tells you things that should become, what should be done, and is a place for advice when returned to. By climbing this mountain you may meet the Devil and receive advice or help. It is a place if communion and establishment. It is a place where the Devil assures you that the world itself will be yours.

27- The harder you worked during the game the better, hard work will pay off as you will face a war for the implementation of your place as World Leader, The Antichrist. This war will either pass or fail. If you had become a war general before that time then the war will be more easily won. What’s ore if you had become both president and war general then victory is almost assured. To top that off if it was done in a major world power like America of today, then all the more added unto likelihood of becoming Antichrist in power. But if you only had gained power in a less power equipped territory, then your chances of victory are lessened, even minimal. The occurrences at this stage of the game The Culmination Toward Armageddon, take on much as a strategy game where the player must use all his wits to succeed.

28- Among other ways to increase power and wealth is through weapon procurement. Weapons such as high powered rifles can be obtained and sold. But be cautious about who you sell them too or by continuing to do so for very long! If things seem fishy then be careful as you may be facing an undercover investigation. By knowing the right people and using money in a good way the person playing can procure wealth. If you have a powerful team behind you then you can cheat those buying the weapons. But it may cost you later. “Buyer beware.”

29- You can create a more anti Christ religion after making certain affiliations and, perhaps, buying off religious leaders to promote what you’re dealing. You can approach an evangelist after a sermon, or in her or his office, and convince them to support your side, with money, privileges, or promises. Gathering the right people for your cause you can put together a new though potentially prominent Church depending on effort. There are many types of paths the gamer can go down in this game, many different routes in coming into Antichrist power. This is one where you master and gain total control over religion.

30- Along with other ways you can obtain power to meet your objective in becoming Antichrist is to build a powerful corporation and gather top scientists. This corporation can secretly build things for you quite beneficial in game's use. One could be a “mind reading” device, so that no secret is held from you, nor a person's desires or expectations. Another is subliminal music. These act as a pied piper. And another could simply be a thing that makes you very much money.

31- Your neighbors are available to you if not much more people are. At the lower tiers in the game you at least have them, but not much more. The game presents a follow the wind kind of sense sometimes that hints about where certain things could lead.

32- Sometimes your friends can save you. They can attest for you, invite you in when you are broken, destitute, help you, get you on your feet, and fund your ideas. That is how it is early in the game—resources are precious, sometimes. If you are starting out at the bottom or starting over when once at the top you’ll need all the help you can get.

33- If you are caught in a blizzard or have wandered out in the desert you could die. The way the character dies in the game is more realistic. You aren’t imply going to be killed by people in the streets or by some imagined menace. But maybe it is if you take your own life you arise elsewhere, making certain things easier. If the weather or environmental conditions are bad in any area then you are restricted. But if you live in a well to do climate then there is less restrictions for you, except when if you live in a back water town, because there are less “resources of people” there.

34- You can employ scientifically advanced items to feign magic power. So in owning a powerful and adept corporation by having scientists create such things for you and keeping them secrets, can act like you have powers only a god would, and put the people in awe.

35- Things are very mixed in the game. The game is fitted to combine different things into one. If you are a leader of a corporation you can branch out into a TV station by procuring one. If you are a gold miner you can create great idols, if you are wealthy you can publish certain books. If you are after control of The Church, these things all go together well.

36- If you are wealthy and influential in certain ways you can become a major leader in foreign, far away countries. This requires secrecy and a lot of resources being pumped in there but can prove invaluable if done quickly enough. As toward the last remaining time before you become Antichrist you will have help that is indispensable.

37- Just by having scientifically advanced equipment you can go to a small corner of the world and convince them you are a messenger of god (one with seemingly god like powers, such as an emitted anywhere hologram with great lights and a tone deep voice.) That would have the people in a behind the times area of the world create for you a religion and a people.

38- Or you could go into a church and display great power to them inside. Not with scientific items, but power invested to you from the Devil.

39- You could play the part of Jesus for some, Buddha for others, Mohammad for others, demons for Satanists, and Hubbard (for them.) You could do one of these or a combination of these, as desired. The formula is simple: getting power from the Devil, even if it is knowledge to have made incredibly advanced technological items, you convince the world that you are The King of Kings, The God of all Men.

40- Throughout the game certain deities/ demonic beings help you throughout the game depending on how you play. Shiva is always there to provide sustenance, Agnes to make things go by better, even making things more fun, Leviathan teaches how to do things more deeply, intricately, tying up loose ends, Pan helps you be more influential and is a source of entertainment, a god called Neti saves you from disaster, even regularly, and arranges things better for you, correcting mistakes, Lilith is there to form the right relationships for you and guides you to the right people, Mammon saves you from poverty if it occurs and is a source of reward. And Azrael, he empowers you with great magic and abilities. These are those in the game helping you often each in their own way. But after the great Antichrist war if you win then you must choose three of these to crown. The ones you crown will remain by your side and help you as they always have, even more!

41- And before they are crowned and thereafter reside with you in Hell they may be visited and asked for extra help.

42- And if you wander around well enough you may find temples of these deities. As well a Shrine of Muerte in Mexico. Called The Skinny Lady or Lady of Death, this unapproved “Saint” can provide you with many blessings. She has been used by the Mexican criminal underground to ensure freedom from prosecution in their pursuits by forming a shrine dedicated to her.

43- The player may have to dispose of unwanted people, those in the way, or people otherwise counterproductive, to reach the goal he pursues. People are summed up and generally known by the gamer. A general synopsis and qualities and faults are portrayed of him/ her. The player should know what they are getting into by employing her or him. A scale of injustice weighs the bad against the good.

44- Odds are prevalent in the game and so is scales that weigh things out as the character makes choices. There needs to be a sense of what actions and choices would result in. As an RPG has status items, this game has them too, but differently. There could be education of different kinds: scholarly, street wise, experience in employment of education. Likewise a status bar that shows amount of power the player has and a recommendation on how that power is most effectively used, as “in employment of business,” or “in employment of religion,” or “in employment of politics,” or, “In employment of crime.” The players sustainability is also presented on her or his status chart as likelihood to succeed within an allotted amount of time. While as these things aren’t very bloated or a mess of information, as long as they aren’t being the rule, they would be a good element in this game.

45- The text says, and is narrated, “Pray to the God of Wealth Mammon that you will be imparted with wealth early in life. Strive when young to obtain great wealth and have the fates favor you. For there is nothing better than wealth in ones life. Wealth will be your mother, father, friend and brother during your stay here.

One who is poor can only imagine what the lives of rich people hold. They bathe in swimming holes and eat the best food that is prepared for them. They are given rides any where. They have live music for them played in their home. They have their own movie theater. They have things fine and rare. They eat from silver spoons. Their clothes are the best available and well tailored. And their homes and clothes are always kept spotlessly clean.

Do not let youth pass away before you have done everything you can to obtain wealth and pray to Mammon every day that it is made so. 

46- There is a scene where the Devil has a major politician quell the People by instating harsh, unreasonable, and unacceptable laws. Where the player is lacking The Devil may come in to help matters. And this can be very automated if the player is just not doing well in the game. He could have a wealthy and prominent upper class woman marry him, for help, or have him strike it rich with luck. If the person playing is out of luck and needs money to continue, a spirit could tell her/ him to get a lottery ticket because he’ll win. It could be “visit the races,” “go here, or there,” guiding the character helpfully, correcting his footing, and carrying her/ him along in the game.

47- You can flip from Earth, Heaven, and Hell. In hell you can do things very liberally. And the money you gain there or the people you hurt echo back to the Earth realm. Like a curse if you hurt someone in hell so they are on Eart