My Anti Christ Game or Movie by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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About Myself


I’ve had one hell of a life. While I was homeless a year, a full year and a bit more. I’ve been in jail about two years of my life, once for a full year. And, while undergoing a schizophrenic episode, I was committed to a psych hospital for a full year, too. In all my life I’ve probably been in a mental ward for three years. The fact is that schizophrenic people hearing “voices” are hearing demons. I’ve heard my counterparts screaming to be left alone, while demons tormented them.

Being homeless for a year in San Francisco is something that most will never have to know. But it is on these experiences that while lost in madness real literal madness, that I thought of such a rich amount of things that were later put in my writings. Schizophrenic people “hallucinate” seeing visions. I have seen the Devil more than once and it was not a mere hallucination. Does my mind produce LSD so considerate as not to rage our of control and just like “a little LSD here and there to see the Devil.” I’ve never taken drugs in my entire life.

There were times in my life when I was friends with a biker gang, especially their “president,” there top of the hill man. And a time living with my girlfriend when I was just 16—actually, she lived with me, as both of our parents let it be. My social experience is rich because of that, being homeless, in jail, committed, but also because how’ve often I’ve moved around, sometimes living with my ex girlfriend (a different person) having room mates, being a Marine (for two months, falling short) and being in group homes whether they be facilities or just a collection of people the land lord brought together. So I do indeed have a rich social history, a broad one!

And now in my life I am living in San Francisco in a three million dollar home. Granted it is a group home (with abundant food!) But I can see the Golden gate bridge from my window nonetheless and from my yard the Pacific ocean.

It has always been my best interest making books. But that was never so as much as when I got a small phone with a Microsoft word app typing away, saving them on memory cards, and posting them as eBooks. Thanks for reading.


Also by the author:


The Christian Satanic Bible

The Satanic Book

Satanic Living

Becoming a Christian Satanist

A Map for a Christian Satanist

Christian Satanism

Christian Satanic Doctrine

Christian Satanic Books One – five

Anti Voidalism: Book of Bethai (An Occult Book.)

Lucifer's Book of Inventions & Ideas 1-6

The Gray Book of Satanic Christianity

Book of The Five Planets 1-5


-Lucifer Jeremy White (Damuel) Online.