Pawn Stars:The Game Secrets & Guide by JBL - HTML preview

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Chapter Two a) : Basics, Guides & Tips


Game Introduction Pawn Stars: The Game


Pawn Stars is a pawn shop simulation game from A&E Television Networks. Haggle with customers, buy and sell products, restore unique pieces to sell at huge profits, and build your empire. This guide will provide you with images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your empire.


Pawn Star is free to play, but you can purchase candy using real currency, unfortunately not many customers willing to pay. Candies can be used to increase customer’s happiness, unlock bonuses quicker, and purchase premium items.


At the top of your screen you will find your current level and experience, your cash balance, candy balance, maximum customers, lot limit, and parts (spare parts, elbow grease & flair).




At the bottom of the screen is your friends toolbar, inventory, remodel button (add new items or expand your shop, and the shop button.




Tips : Candies can be obtain free, by clicking on the [EARN] blue or red button on your bottom left corner. Select free downloadable apps to obtain ur free candies.


At the bottom right of the screen you can view, and add to your collections, expand your shop, access the daily bonus, view the full catalogue of items, and hire new clerks for you store.




1. When you begin the game you will need to hire a clerk to manage your pawn shop. At this moment, any free clerk will do.


Tips : Each clerk has a different level of intelligence, friendliness, and salesmanship. So as you buy & sell your pawn items, upgrade your clerk to gain more money & prestige for your items. Pattern : Free>Cash>Candies (free)


Intelligence - will gain knowledge faster, allowing you to unlock perks faster.


Friendliness - to be a better haggler. Your customers won’t lose their patience as fast and they will be easier to bargain with.


Salesmanship - will bring in bigger sales, earning you more cash and prestige.


2. Once you have hired a clerk, it’s time to get some pawn items to sell in your store.


In the beginning of the game you will be able to have a maximum of ten customers at one time.


Most customers coming into your shop will be there to sell item. The item they wish to sell will be displayed in the bubble above their head. By then


Click on a customer to open the bargaining screen.


Tips : Do business with those customers who are ‘happy’ first then later to the lesser happy customers. This is to get your pawn items first to sell and greatly save time.


3. In bargaining screen, you will be able to view the value of the item (if revealed, pay $200), how long it will take to sell it, the prestige of the item, and any bonuses that have been unlocked. You will also be able to see how the item ranks in uniqueness.




In the bottom half of the screen you can view the customers happiness, and the slider bar used for haggling.


Tips : Click $200 appraisal for expensive items only, pointless to click on those inexpensive items. Always haggle half price over their asking price, and increase to suit their happiness. If not, don’t waste time or ur candies to get worthless items, skip it.


4. Haggle, use the slider bar to adjust your offer. If the customer accepts your offer the item will be added to your inventory. If they reject your offer, their happiness will decrease and you will have to continue negotiating. By buying items you gain knowledge. Once you gain enough knowledge about an item you will unlock a bonus. You will receive facts about the item, as well as a perk. Perks can increase the speed an item sells at, the amount of cash it earns, the amount of prestige earned, and show you the value of an item.


Tips : This will solve by itself, when you save enough candies to buy a better clerk. Gene wolf or Nutcracker costs 25 candies is worth to exchange once you save your free candies either by levelling up, earn candies or daily free spins.


5. After you have successfully purchased an item from a customer you will want to place it in your shop. At this point, you should know the mechanics and buying and selling your pawn items in which I don’t need to elaborate further. You will earn prestige right after you purchase the items. As more perks reveal, more prestige earned.


Putting items on the shelves or getting into the inventory is pretty easy thing to do in which I not wasting time in this. More important in this game is gain more profits and prestige to up your level.


Tips : You can never go wrong by buying low and selling higher (although, you cant set the selling price due to random of % by the game itself. As long you making >50% profit to killer profit of 300% and above, it’s a good profits. In other chapter, I gonna to reveal the real ‘secrets’ of how these pawn stars conduct successful negotiation, just the right

‘tonic’ for you, pawn newbies.


6. As you progress in the game, you will start getting new types of customers to give you more challenging quests and better reward items. For example, customer with an exclamation point above their head it means that they are placing a special request. They are most likely looking for a certain item or items. If you accept their request it will be added to your quest menu on the right side of your screen.




Another customer will come into the shop with a gear icon above their head. This means they want to sell an item that needs to be repaired.




Choose wisely as you have 2 options when you are presented with an item that needs to be fixed. You can choose to repair/upgrade, it so that you can sell it for a large profit, you can break it down for parts, or you can pass on purchasing it at all.


Initially, you may need to break some items down for parts. You will need parts to repair future items. There are three different parts you will need: spare parts, elbow grease, and flair by breaking down into parts varies by the items.


Tips : Look out for inexpensive items like vending machine, claw machine, hog oiler, cash register, dental seat, gas pumps, robots, etc. (items with gear icon) which can break down into parts (spare parts, elbow grease & flair) and extra money! Imagine, you buy a old gas pumps of $120, you will get back proportionate of parts and few hundred cash! Extra parts and even more money! Best part, you don’t have to spend it thru your valuable candies. You just need these to upgrade once your cash is high enough and upgrading items, is costly and time

consuming, but well worth it.


7. Once you getting streams of money flowing into your coffers, its time to expand your small & horrible store. There are several expansions you can choose from.


You can purchase a back room to hold extra items and free up inventory space but you cant sell any of these items.


You can purchase the lot so that you can sell vehicles. ($100,000 per lot) Or you can expand the shop itself, allowing for more shelf and table space thru purchases in the stores. To expand you will either need to save up your cash or use candy to make the purchase.


Tips : Don’t worry of huge sums of expanding. As long you repeat buy low, sell high, even though your customers may not happy with your offer ‘lowballer’ price. By the third day, you will accumulating almost $1,000,000 (worth USD 100.00) in time for expand back stores or carpark lots or purchase ‘extra perks’ and more prestige store inventories/furniture/shelves for your stores.


8. After you have obtain level 10, you are able to venture out ‘hit on the road’ at the centre screen. Instead they come to you, you go to them, searching for more ‘junk’ hidden everywhere, however certain building are free based on the ‘hit on the road’ level. Some building are off limits, but entrance fees of few candies. Don’t bother too much of it, if you don’t have the candies, go to those which are free for every 8 hours each time. Every successful purchases will level up your ‘wheels’ to unlock different places and items.


Tips : Totally different mechanism adopted here, whereby there are few items on display, but one ‘seller’ which happiness will drop everytime you haggle at a lower price. Make sure you have seen all the items, pick those you wanted before you start to haggle.


Another common stuffs, every time you login, Your reward will increase for each consecutive day you log in but by then is peanuts for you by then except for the 7th  day is a ‘sweet’ candy. *smiles*


Tips : Most importantly, you will be rewarded of one free trivia question of the Pawnstars question every 8 hours bonus and you need to answer them correctly to get a free wheel spin! Other chapter will tell you on how to get trivia question answered correctly and get a free spin which may give you cool rewards. (I will explain it in other chapters).




9. Some of the items you acquire are part catalog of collections. Before you place them in your shop, check the collections page. If an item belongs to a collection, you can choose to put it in your collection instead of in your shop. Once you complete a collection you can turn it in to earn a valuable collection item that will earn significantly more cash.


Tips : Remember these items are purchase from customer, may involve money which cant be sold until the complete collection is complete. Trick is whenever another copy purchase, put the expensive ones for sale & while cheaper ones into your collection, which may take some time to complete.




10. In facebook social culture, be sure to visit your friend’s shops each day and help them out. (ahem if you have any). You can click on the customers waiting in their shops to increase their happiness.


In return, your friends can also assist you by helping clean items, and increasing the happiness of your customers. That will also increase your perks & prestige furthermore.


11. Experts can be assessed through tasks, cash earned or candies. Not entirely useful, because you got the appraisal $200 button, knowledge upgrades when you purchase it many times.


Tips : Important, to hire experts once you have money. (Initial 3 empty spaces.) They can identify whether is fake, genuine or exceptional in value or prestige. Early on, a toy expert will be rewarded once you have completed a task given. However, their experience will increase over time based on items they appraise. Each appraisal will have a time recharge. Be sure to engage them if you are particularly in certain items you purchased the most.


12. Decorations to your stores. As your wealth increase tremendously, buy some ‘benefits’ items, that improve your store ‘passively’ rather than buying just for decorations sake but that’s your choice by then you have ‘tonnes’ of cash by then.