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Party Poker‘s Algorithm
As you win more and more hands in PARP. (real money or play money) a shifting occurs.

Category hands 1-5 in that order become devalued! Category hands 6-8 and WORSE become more valuable! This shifting happens for several hours at a time and you have to become aware of what is going on!


Let‘s say you were able to play out the cards with (5 players or more) until the end every time. You would know ultimately who would win every time. Out of 20 times that you would win, say 120 hands total, here is what happens on PARP;

20 Example winning starting hands:
AA JJ AK TT A,Js J,Ts 7,7 J,T 5,5 J,8s
5,4s 2,2 Q,8s J,7S 8,5s 3,2s A,9 Q,9 8,7 3,4

You will find that although seemingly random, the starting hands you would win on will get predominately worse as you win more. It‘s not this cut and dry but a definite pattern exists.
The solution is to play more —CRAPPY“ hands and less —GREAT“ hands as you win more, You want to get involved with these less than desirable hands for as inexpensively as possible, but you DEFINITELY WANT TO GET INVOLVED WITH THEM. The reason is simple.

Example, Someone is going to have A,K to your 5,4S.

If he‘s smart, he‘s going to bet that hand to try and get drawing hands out. Your job is to make it to the flop as inexpensively as possible to see if you hit.

Most people have this attitude in poker, but I assure you it‘s the wrong one.
In PARP however, it is the right one, BUT only after you have played tight and won a good amount of money. Is this confusing?

In a nutshell: As you win big in PARP be more inclined to stay in until the flop with rags (not so desirable hands) than with AA KK JTs etc.

PARP banks on the fact that you will bet big with great starting hands. It‘s one of PARP‘s solutions to redistributing your funds evenly back to the players. Remember, PARP takes over 5% of every pot until you go to higher limit tables. It‘s in PARPS best interest to keep as many players alive with money. That‘s the bottom line of PARPS existence!

To succeed in PARP consistently, you have to drastically be able to adjust your playing style. It‘s simple to practice this in real money. Get up to $150 in real money starting with $25 buy in. Once that happens force yourself to fold every hand for 2 hours straight. Every Hand your simply in a learning process. Watch what would have happened to you. You will see that your AA KK TT would have lost miserably (your folding EVERY hand right). Then you will see that your 5,7s which you probably would‘ve folded to a $6 bet would have hit a straight flush. It is sickening. Now that you have this knowledge however, it is fulfilling to finally be able to understand what is going on!

Patience and Discipline:

These are two things I didn‘t have when I started playing poker, and they must have cost me a small fortune. After you get tired of losing, These —unnatural“ traits will start to develop. In a nutshell, keep in mind that you may only want to play, actually call a hand 1 out of 20 times on some nights. Naturally you would force yourself to play at least a few —crap“ hands like (k,2 or q,5) just to keep your opponents from thinking you play super tight.
Getting Paid Off:

To get paid off well in no limit hold‘em, you have to build enough of a pot before the flop to make it worthwhile to the other players to stay in. If you have pocket kings you check them and the whole table checks, you‘re probably not going to get paid off if they hit. As soon as you bet after the flop everyone is going to get out. However if you placed a $2-$3 bet you are going to continue to get some action after the flop most of the time. (Even though high pocket pairs lose most of the time on PARP ((when you‘re up several hundred dollars)) they still need to be played as inexpensively before the flop in case you do flop a set.

Remember, this is not a tournament, so there is no reason to go all in before the flop. Why have a craps shoot which is luck when you can capitalize on your skill of poker and your know how of PARP‘s tricks?


It gets better. By now you should be familiar with the mathematically correct BEST starting hands in Texas hold‘em. You should be familiar with the correct betting amounts that yield the largest winnings in $25 no limit hold‘em in PARP. You should be familiar with adjusting those starting hands due to PARP‘s —fairness (bullshit) policy.“ You should be familiar with what to watch out for even when it seems you have the most incredible hand.

Now let‘s talk about PARP‘s patterns.

Again, these patterns only seem to work in a Table with 8-10 players. This book is not about heads up or playing with just 3 or 4 players. This book is not about other forms of poker on PARP as I have not —tested“ those other games out either. Keep that in mind. I am sure you can win in those situations, but I strictly recommend playing in a full No Limit Hold‘em table with 8-10 players.
PARP works in patterns of 10. That‘s why you want as full of a table as possible because there are 10 players. Below I am going to show you a sequence of wins and losses. This has taken hours and I encourage you to test this out yourself with play money first. Then test it out again with real money. Then go to town. I am sure there are many other patterns that I haven‘t even recognized yet. However, these patterns are so predominant that they are very easy to recognize.

There are many variables and I need you to pay close attention.


Variable 1:


Is it possible for you to win every hand all the time in PARP? Well, if everyone folds every time except you then the answer is YES.


Variable 2:


Is it possible to lose every hand in PARP? YES, just fold every time.


Variable 3

Second or third best hands can and do win in poker. It happens all the time when someone bets enough money to get the other player out. Wouldn‘t it be nice to know that you have the best hand most of the

time? Let‘s start with a brief win loss chart:


W = Win L + Loss


For illustration purposes we are going to call ties Wins.

Remember PARP works in near rounds of 10 on a near full or full table. Here‘s an example of real play:
Hand 1 9d 9c Loss 2

3d 6c L 3


3h 9c L 4


8s 3c L 5


7s Jh L Big Blind 6

4c Kc L Small Blind 7 Kh 7d L Dealer 8 3d js Win with a pair of 3‘s 9 9s Qs L 10 2h Kc W straight (possible win see below for explanation) 11 Ah 8c L 12 Ad Jc L 13 Kc 6s L BB 14 3h 10c L SB 15 7c Jh L Dlr 16 Qh 5d L 17 QD 4h ??? NO FLOP I FOLDED 18 8d 4d L 19 3h 2h L 20 8d Ad ? folded to an all in PROBABLE WIN no flop 21 Kd Jh (these hands lose 90% of the time unless on cycle) 22 9d Jh L 23 8d Kd WIN tied with a straight 24 10h 8s L BB 25 9h 2d L SB 26 Ah 3s L Dlr 27 Kh 2d L 28 5c 9c L 29 5s Qc L 30 2h 8d L 31 Qh As Loss played to flop (I would‘ve played out if 10th

hand, I had a straight draw that DIDN‘T hit by the way.) It was the 8th hand from the last win. Will be explained later

32 10c 4s L 33 10s 8c WINNER with a pair of 8‘s (it‘s clock work) 34 Js 3d L 35 Jd 2c L 36 Qd 7h W 2 pair $52 pot 37 Qs 10h L 38 Ah 8h W A‘s 39 2h 10c L 40 3d 8d L 41 7s 4c Win Straight $47 pot Explanation below follow this chart

carefully 42 AA Loss Didn‘t even call a $6 bet 43 3c 4s L 44 Js 10s L 45 7h 10h L 46 8s 6s L 47 8s 2s L 48 As 4c L 49 9d 10h L 50 8h 4h L 51 10d 10h L No set flopped, I folded would‘ve lost anyways 52 9h 6s Winner Large preflop bet I folded Would‘ve had straight 53 8s Jc L 54 Ah Jh Winner but I folded a $40 preflop bet (stay sane) 55 7h kc L

Party Poker pays off in cycles of 10. Precisely? NO!
Here are the patterns (the main cycle is 9-12 hands)

W or W L L L L L L L L L W or W L L L L L L L L W

Those are the main cycles of hands each player will win regardless if anyone folds.
Here is the GRAVY winning sub cycles.


These subcycles come together most of the time. Something like this:

W L W L L W L L W or
Then after 5 consecutive losing hands the cycle of roughly 10 starts over so it‘s like this:

W L L L L L L L L L L W or any of the other 10 cycle possibilities.

Here is a string example: W L L L L L L L L W L W L L W L L L W L L L L L L L L L L W W L L W L L W L L L L L L L L L W L L W L W L W L L L L L L L L L L W ETC. ETC.

It is also possible to see a losing streak of 20 or so losses, especially when you are really up a lot of winnings. So watch out.

Some of you might be screaming bloody murder and saying but I have seen someone win 5 hands in a row, or I have seen some sucker lose 20 hands in a row. This could happen, BUT HOW OFTEN?

Remember, it‘s possible to win every hand or lose every hand depending on who folds and who stays in. That‘s called LUCK.
But for YOU and I, let‘s rely on skill and patterns that repeat OVER and OVER and OVER again!

It‘s imperative that you practice this for hours. You will begin to get a feel for these patterns like second nature. I started writing them down for a long time to force myself to pay attention. I strongly recommend you do the same thing.

Even when I am in a 9-12 main cycle (meaning I haven‘t won a hand in 9-12 times I will not always call an all in. It‘s not worth it to call an all in before the flop unless you only have a few dollars of table money left. VERY IMPORTANT:

Don‘t screw yourself by going all in and losing and then having to wait a hand before you can buy in again. I don‘t know if that‘s a flaw in PARP, but you need to see every starting hand you have to track your cycles.

If you haven‘t won and it‘s the 12th hand, then you are going to win it a very large percentage of the time. It‘s not guaranteed though so use discretion. These cycles hold true 75% of the time when I play in a full or near full table, so do yourself a favor and perfect being able to spot them.

I still play some hands when they are out of cycle, because someone who may have had the best hand quite possibly folded it before the flop. But now, when you get a pocket pair like K‘s and you are on the 7th hand of the main cycle, I bet you will think twice about betting it large!

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